Author Topic: Do You Use The Little Things Inside Bigger Technology?  (Read 1412 times)


Do You Use The Little Things Inside Bigger Technology?
« on: March 24, 2019, 08:13:20 pm »
A good example of doing this is to use a smart phone clock or a PC's calculator instead of a dedicated calculator or dedicated clock that you probably could find in a dollar store or any other type of store that sells them.

Do you use all those extra apps? There are probably things you could do in all pieces of technology that people just don't often use and fall by the wayside. like a calendar app? or a pager app?

You can probably save a lot of money using all those extra apps that you otherwise just ignore. I am guilty of this as well. Because all things technology in the world today do a heck of a lot more then what we use in our daily lives

And lastly how would you feel without them? or do you at least use some of them? I actually do sometimes
« Last Edit: March 24, 2019, 08:17:14 pm by oldgamerz »
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Re: Do You Use The Little Things Inside Bigger Technology?
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2019, 08:28:26 pm »
I used to be moderately good at math, then I started using calculators until they rotted my brain. So yeah, I'm often using the calculator on my PC. I also have one of those calculator watches that I use still...since high school, actually. Notepad is another program I often use.

As for smartphone/cellphone, I use it only for what it was originally invented for, as in making calls, so I don't use any of the apps it has. My mother on the other hand...

As for how I would feel without them, the same I guess. Maybe it'll be more of a blessing than anything. Society nowadays has become excessively addicted with technology, so maybe a day or two without it would prove beneficial. Boy will people loose it once we're struck by a solar flare one of these days. Chances are none of us will be alive, but still...

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Re: Do You Use The Little Things Inside Bigger Technology?
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2019, 10:55:16 pm »
It depends, I use a lot of traditional media for certain, simpler table-top RPGs just because it's a little simpler. However for big things I love my laptop to keep organized and moving quickly. Character sheets, counters, etc. can just be piled up and quickly switched between on pc. I also use my phone for alarms, calculator, counters, calendar, etc.  pretty often.

I feel I'm rather 50-50 over all. I don't use the social media on my phone too much though. Only for lining up my players. I also still buy physical books and such like that.

I think they're great, but people should be more wary of social media addiction and addictive f2p games.

Re: Do You Use The Little Things Inside Bigger Technology?
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2019, 12:45:04 pm »
On my laptop, I stick to the web browser & the media managers.

On my phone, however, I use a lot of the extras. The calculator & the clock most often, but sometimes the flashlight & the calendar too. It's a matter of convenience- I don't have to carry around all of the above in case I have need of them away from home. That's pretty much the only time though- at home I do indeed have a paper calendar, a separate flashlight, a scientific calculator, etc.

If they were missing on my phone, I'd notice and be annoyed. On the laptop I'd just be confused- I don't imagine these things are hard to program or take up much space these days, so it would be strange to drop them & inconvenience the people who do make use of them.

Re: Do You Use The Little Things Inside Bigger Technology?
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2019, 01:20:49 pm »
I use the flashlight and calculator app a lot.
The calander  app gets used almost everyday for work appointments and conference calls etc.