Author Topic: Is There A List of PS4 Japanese Imports That Feature English Text/Voice Overs  (Read 6363 times)


I've noticed recently a fair few Japanese Physical Releases which included the English version encoded onto the Disc - I recently bought Chocobo's Mystery Dungeon EVERY BUDDY! & when you pop the disc into the PS4 it recognises your region and acts as an English copy:

I heard this morning that Japan is getting the Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Remaster set on Physical & That the English translation is intact! Considering we're not getting a physical Edition overseas this is very appealing and I pre-ordered it from!

So, I was wondering if there was a comprehensive list of exclusive PS4 Physical Titles released in Japan - Which actually feature English?  If not, maybe we can build one here!
« Last Edit: April 10, 2019, 02:43:29 pm by vivigamer »

I've googled this a few times in the past, and I've done some searching for NS Japanese imports that feature english support.

The only one that pops off the top of my head is Clannad.  Both the PS4/NS versions support English.  A lot of games will have iconography or something to show that it supports English, so you could just look for that.  If you check Play-Asia, they will generally list if the game has English support as well, but you have to pay attention if the title is Japanese or Asian.


Living in Japan, it is pretty difficult to find out which games will be released here only in Japanese and which will have multiple languages.
For example, the excelent Kunio-kun: The World Classics Collection has all the menus in English (even though all the in-game text was kept in Japanese for the games in the compilation that weren't released in the West).
At the same time, games such as Shenmue I & II and Shantae: Half-Genie Hero were released in Japanese only and even some Western AAAs (especially the ones from the beggining of this generation) such as Wolfenstein: The New Order and Tomb Raider - Definitive Edition were released here ONLY in Japanese with no option to change their languages.

Buying games around here is always a blind guess...
« Last Edit: April 09, 2019, 10:08:01 am by ferraroso »

Yeah that's the problem I've been having - I'm not interested in getting Japanese versions of games I can get here in the UK I'm interested in Japanese Exclusives releases that actually feature English. Another Example being Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition, we got the Digital Version here on the PS Store but no Physical Release, So I imported it and all the Menu text are in English :)


The Japanese versions of Rockman X Anniversary Collection; both 1 and 2 do. They default the game choices to the Japanese language, but you can set the menu language and specific game languages to whatever you desire. I have the menu text to English, but all games in Japanese, as for the games on PS1/PS2 in their original releases I prefer the Japanese voice cast. What's more, the Japanese releases keep the licensed music for X4 and X5, as well as X7 and X8. I believe X6 is the only one unchanged in that regard for the collection in other territories, but besides that, everything is shared between both regions apart from the aforementioned music licensing. What's more, X7 and X8 also include (text only, I believe) multi-language variants that would correspond to their European releases (with the lazily put-together logo, if you believe it to be so).
« Last Edit: April 10, 2019, 03:34:54 pm by jeffmandm »