Author Topic: If You Were To Rate This Site 1-5 Stars For Satisfaction What Would It Be  (Read 4556 times)


If I were to rate this site fully with everything, the staff, the forum and the members on it and the total care of the database, my rating is 5 stars for excellent. I don't know how to create a poll on this site so I'll just leave it as a text reply. I am completely satisfied with everything this free web site has to offer. Unfortunately when I made a poll on a different forum the communities responses were 1-2 stars for the ones who did participate.

I am not a staff member but I hope the staff here won't mind this thread. If someone does mind then they can do with it what they want.  Staff are free to edit this post to what they want or lock or delete it, I won't mind

1: Star can mean you hate everything about this site and you want to leave.

2: Stars can mean you are just feeling ok or unsure about this site as of today.

3: Stars can mean you really like most of this sites features but there is certain things you want improved

4: Stars can mean you like but do not love this site or it's features, but you are still happy with everything .

5: Stars you love everything about this place, and are more likely to stay for a vary long time. If all goes well.

My rating is 5 stars because this site is really taken care of, also sometimes the staff give gifts to their members who participate in secret Santa at Christmas time.

And the staff as well as the members here don't seem picky about what is posted, the staff respect all their members, are vary patient with troublemakers. I never had a bad run in or fight with a member. The Staff and a lot of the members are usually online every single day. this is the place I call home and one of the only sites I go on period anymore.

I love both staff and all members

« Last Edit: April 10, 2019, 07:11:01 pm by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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5 stars, absolutely. I spent years- literal years- trying to find a collection site that met my needs after IGN nerfed theirs into total uselessness. My needs were not many- I wanted to be able to sort games by system, have a few fun collection stats to look at, and most importantly- be able to instantly add any unlisted games to my collection. This was (is?) the only place that gave me all those things. The fact that it's attached to a pretty chill forum is just a great bonus.


PRO Supporter

5 stars for me also im 52 and not tech savvy and can barely figure out how to use a computer. I know how ridiculous this sounds but its just not one of my strengths. My kids 24 and 25 warned me not to try to talk with anyone on line because they know how old school i am and they figured I'd make a ass out of myself lol. Mabey i have but no one here has ever made me feel unwelcome dispite my shortcomings.Thank you all for making me feel welcome.


I'd say 5 stars. There are things I wish were maybe a bit different, but I love the layout, the forums, and the ease of use. I've never tried a different collection site and probably never will.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2019, 12:10:42 am by aliensstudios »
"I collect vidya games and vidya game accessories, I tell you what."

5-Stars: This site has by far been the best site in terms of community I've ever belonged to. I used to be a regular on Gamespot's forums and also used their collection catalog, more on that in a minute, but the community consisted of a few decent users, a ton of fanboys, a lot of trolls, and a mix of douche bags and people that just liked flaming things they deemed casual or not good. It really limited me to only certain boards on there since treading outside them meant dealing with the scum of the internet. As for the catalog, it was pretty bad. From what I remember you couldn't add stuff like you can here and it was far less organized. One feature I will give that site credit for that isn't done here is it game you a estimated collection value based off the items in your collection. Ever since I discovered VG collects catalog though I've never looked back. This site is amazing and I'm very grateful for it :)
« Last Edit: April 11, 2019, 02:22:31 pm by bikingjahuty »


4.5 stars.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2019, 12:06:25 am by puddingm »


PRO Supporter

I love this site a great deal, however I wish they would be more frequent with updated features.  It works perfectly fine how it is, but I do feel like there's still room for improvement. As long as the security is tight and it's not open to hacking, that's the most important thing. I used to use RFgeneration, and once a upon a time it was hacked, bringing down everyone's collection and their database. Unfortunately their backups weren't kept up to date, and I lost so many collection entries, I'm still trying to figure out the mess to this day.

If I could make one request for this site, it's to bring back the PLAIN old text app they had a few years back. It was so silky smooth, I could scroll through my entire collection like butta. One can only dream  ::)


Probably 4, I don't have as much experience as anyone else but the community is solid.


I love this site a great deal, however I wish they would be more frequent with updated features.  It works perfectly fine how it is, but I do feel like there's still room for improvement.

4.5 from me, due to this.


PRO Supporter

To be fair, I'd rate it 4 stars. Simply because I think that nothing is perfect, it's almost impossible for something to be perfect. It's like in those contests where they rate people let's say for example a beauty contest the most rated girl will never reach 10/10 instead they would rate her like a 9,7. Except if it's Han Ga Eun. Totally 10/10  ;D

If this website was truly perfect, it would have every release of every game ever but that's not the case, especially with things like canadian or korean versions. But hey, that's why I'm here lol

But I still love this website though, the admins are quite helpful and they know what they're doing. When I say "the admins", I'm really just talking about tripredacus as he's the only admin that I know of, but I'm sure the others are super nice as well.

What a nice community we are!  :)
Freeze iou imperialist pig! Zat is ze propertay of ze Gouvernement Français. Hand eet over!

I've never tried other game collecting databases and don't really have any reason to, VGC has everything I need.

The forum is cool and relaxed and I will likely be using it a lot more for info on new releases now that the LRG forum shuts down, so looking forward to that. I'm not into Twitter, Dischord, Facebook and whatnot, so having an old-fashioned forum alongside the collection database is just perfect.

5 stars from me :)


I'm glad to see so many high ratings!  I was afraid that this would be a decisive topic.  There are a few things that I wish were better, but nothing critical.  As a community driven site that I'm currently using for free, I don't really feel it's my place to pass judgment. 

In short, thanks to all of the community members that participate in the forums.  And a bigger thank you to the staff that keeps all of this tied together. 


Definitely a 4.5 for me, I love the database here and didn't need to look for another site for archiving my collection after finding VGCollect.

After the Gamespot website revamp they butchered their database so I left and found this place. The staff do a fantastic job going through all the submissions for editing items in timely manner so big props to them as well! Much appreciated  ;D  I am here almost on a daily basis, either checking out some items in my collection or adding items into my wishlist, checking out the forums, etc.

As others have mentioned I also wish the updates to the site features were a bit more. I remember reading the "To Do List" thread about a customizable tab for users to create their own list, whether for duplicates, reserved or pending to sell, or for a now playing list, whatever you wish to add into that list is up to the user. I thought that would be quite a cool addition for keeping track of certain items.
  l    l 


I'd say 4.5 stars. There is always room to improve, but for the most part this is a great site.


I remember reading the "To Do List" thread about a customizable tab for users to create their own list, whether for duplicates, reserved or pending to sell, or for a now playing list, whatever you wish to add into that list is up to the user. I thought that would be quite a cool addition for keeping track of certain items.

This is my #1 most waited for feature.  Even if it was just 2-3 additional tabs that we could name, or the ability to rename the existing tabs.  I don't use the 'Sell list' and barely use the 'Wishlist'. 

Even if they weren't user definable, it would be great if they added site wide a 'Console' or 'System' tab and a 'Digital' tab.  Others might like to have a 'Hardware' tab, something to keep the collection from being a singular dump bin.