It's spring in the northern hemisphere 2019 as of the date of this post, what are some of your other types of hobbies besides video games, that you like to do on your spare time.
(this topic refers to any hobble other than collecting)
I wish I had the money to go golfing again but I don't know how. So for me I currently don't have any other hobbies other then using media like music and video games.
I do like to walk on warm days in spring though, but usually I am walking to spend money on a meal or something else either CD or Video Game related.
I could go bowling but I don't find bowling inside a bowling alley by myself vary entertaining. I would often go to a park in summer a couple of years ago and even swim on hot days what do you all do when the weather get warm or extremely hot in summertime

or maybe cold winter?
Or if you have other indoor hobbies what do want to share with us?