Author Topic: Oldgamerz Is Guilty And Admits Of Being Jealous Some Other Collectors.  (Read 4837 times)


I admit it, I wish I had the ability to afford modern game systems, I am jealous of some of the collectors who have multiple copies of the same game, it makes me upset that retro video games are in limited supply. I wish most modern games were not throwaway titles. I am agery that video games are becoming digital only, and take up too much hard drive space on a modern day console.

I have a fairly large collection myself, true, but nowhere to display it.

Most of you guys girls have well paid jobs from what I read on a different thread and probably, went to collage and passed all the tests and got to keep your certifications

when a relative dies in my family I worry about the following but it may never happen

I am also could be on the brink of losing my entire collection due to being forced to move into a 2 room studio apartment because of taxes or back into a mental health home where people only gave me and $44 a month, With my education I don't think I can get a decent enough job to keep anything I own

« Last Edit: April 23, 2019, 09:40:29 pm by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
MY RADIO STAION (Licensed but not a business)
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Alright, this is a little awkward, but I'll bite.

If you want a collection you can really be proud of, you need to focus it. Instead of collecting a bit of everything, pick the thing that really makes you happy. I have a very small collection, but I only really collect NES, SNES and Game Boy. Why? Because these are the systems I had when I was a kid, and for me, it's the nostalgia that makes me happy. Yeah, I have some newer games on PC or Switch, but I consistently go back to those earlier games. I'd love to have a complete collection for SNES, but I know that'll never happen. I'm just not willing to drop the $500 for Hagane or Aerofighters. The crown jewel of my collection is a CiB Earthbound, but that's only because I still have my copy from when I was a kid. I'd never drop $800+ for it. That's bonkers. Collect what makes you happy. It doesn't matter if it's rare or not, because when it comes down to it, the only one who needs to be impressed by your collection is you. No one else cares if you have a ton of Atari games, so there's no point in collecting them to show off. Collect them because you like them.

I am also could be on the brink of losing my entire collection due to being forced to move into a 2 room studio apartment because of taxes or back into a mental health home where people only gave me and $44 a month, With my education I don't think I can get a decent enough job to keep anything I own

Well, I can't comment on the mental health home, but I wouldn't worry about the studio apartment- my entire collection is in my bedroom. Is it 'displayed'? Well, not really- but are most? The standard for collection storage is library-style shelving, and let's face it- the spine is rarely the best part of the game packaging to look at. It's also worth noting that my job is, effectively, a cashier position. I say 'customer service' becuase it sounds good- but it's entry level retail.

Try & find a good union, budget well, and don't sweat it too much. The best collections are made not with money, but time- most of my stuff wasn't retro when I bought it!

Oh I have always been astounded by peoples game rooms - but then I am someone who struggles with the concept of looking forward. I'm reaching my 30's working 2 jobs, 2 days a week and I rent in  House that has been devided into little apartments - Bathroom, Kitchen, mini halway & Lounge/Bedroom in 1 room. I can't see myself ever being able to save up for a house, it just seems to impossible so I just make do with what I can. So when I see other adults with a house, car, morgage, kids etc. I just look at my life and see I am not even close to be ready for any of that - Nor do I think I ever will really.

As for my game collection, I honest am pretty content with what I have, over the years I have been able to buy more with the stability of my jobs - I was unemployed for 2/3 years and sharing a house with someone but still managed to pick up my game deals and even sell some due to having good knowledge on going rates for games. I've never wanted 10-20 consoles hooked up to multiple TV's, I have a simple sitting area with currently 4 consoles set up there (WiiU, 360, PS3 & PS4). beside I have my game shelf... which is rammed and another duplicate shelf stacked up on it :P I put the new image and have my seating area in my Gallery, nothing overwhelming but cozy and content with it -

The worst part of my collection is my PS2 set. They're all stuffed in my wardrobe in my hallway. This is manily due to not having an effective console/display to play them on - Component on a 1080p simply doesn't cut it! So sadly they're boxed up away from my gaming area for good:

I also have a lot of storage boxed under my bed:

One for portable games, one for guide books, one for various special editions & another further back with my Dreamcast, games, controllers and accessories and various CD soundtracks. Having boxes like this makes me feel like a kid but it is the best way to cram stuff in my room.

I'm terrible with managing money, ever since I moved into my ne place a few years ago... I've bearly noted my income as I've always seem to be stable. There are times when I think I'ev bought too much this month - Especially this month, I said I was going to hold out on Devil May Cry 5 but saw the rare Steelbook Edition Mint for £43 instore yesterday... So I had to get it ontop of other games and Vinyl I've bought this month. But then other times I've got very lucky at charity stores, a few weeks back I got Jet Set Future Radio on Xbox for £1! This is a game I've seen for around £40 and wanted for years! While I'm hardly close to the standard of living that many people my age are at, I still feel content with my gaming collection overall :P
« Last Edit: April 24, 2019, 03:07:04 am by vivigamer »

That's rough. I don't have anything impressive either, but I would say one thing if push comes to shove. Try to tightly pack up the collection if possible. Maybe see if you can find someone who will hand on to it for a while until you can get it back?

Also, for extra cash, side gigs. Before I got married I had no employment, but one these days can definitely find a few odd jobs in a pinch. I dropped out of high school, but I found it sufficed to just learn random skills from YouTube and then help people who couldn't be bothered themselves.

I collect video games because it is something I obviously really, really enjoy, but it isn't something I have to do or depend on. If misfortune struck me to the point where I needed to sell off most of my collection it would obviously be very upsetting, but what matters in the end is that you have games you like to play in your possession, whether that's digital or physical. I've found that most "good" games are typically average to slightly above average in quality. A few are very good, surely above average, and then there are very, very few that are exceptionally good. So when you break down anyone's collection, hell, even my own, I own probably 75% average games, 23% pretty good games, and 2% excellent games. And I don't typically buy games that I know suck. I imagine that most other people's collections would have a similar breakdown, especially if they collect to play. Breaking all that down, 2% of my collection is about 40-games, and if that's all I could have that would be okay.

I try to keep things in perspective whether its collecting or anything in life. There will always be someone else who is better looking than you, richer than you, smarter than you, or has a bigger collection than you, but what really matters is how you feel about yourself. I'm happy with my collection, very happy with it, and I'd be happy with it even if it shrunk significantly. Surround yourself with things you enjoy and things that make you happy, and don't let what others have make you feel bad about it.


thank you for the encouraging replies, sorry make some of you or most of you upset on the boards If I came off as a troll sorry,
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
MY RADIO STAION (Licensed but not a business)
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Dude, I know you post stuff like this on here a bunch. I know stuff bothers you.
Here’s my piece of advice:
Don’t compare yourself to other people.
You just do you. Don’t look at what others have or do.  Just try to be better than you were yesterday.


Dude, I know you post stuff like this on here a bunch. I know stuff bothers you.
Here’s my piece of advice:
Don’t compare yourself to other people.
You just do you. Don’t look at what others have or do.  Just try to be better than you were yesterday.

 thank you @Turf :)
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
MY RADIO STAION (Licensed but not a business)
64k stream ACC format sound meaning

Clearer Sound Quality for Half the internet data Usage
over 28,000 song playlist and 100 automated DJ talk and history lesions "commercial free" "No subscription needed"

(requires Google Chrome or Firefox Edge does not work with this link but other links exist)


Don't compare yourself to others. I have a massive game collection, tens of thousands of dollars just in physical games, but I don't talk anyone down or bring people down for having smaller collections. Everyone starts at the beginning and I remember when I bought my first couple of retro games and put them on a shelf. I was too in a few positions where I had all my games in a storage room for months or boxed up for years because I had nowhere to put them. Be happy with what you do have because even when my collection was small I was proud of it. Just because someone's collection is bigger doesn't also mean it's better. I have a friend who has just shovelware because he's too cheap to buy anything good and is proud of it...more power to him. Someone needs to buy up all the shovelware rotting in the game stores.


Re: Oldgamerz Is Guilty And Admits Of Being Jealous Some Other Collectors.
« Reply #10 on: April 29, 2019, 02:38:20 am »
Don't compare yourself to others. I have a massive game collection, tens of thousands of dollars just in physical games, but I don't talk anyone down or bring people down for having smaller collections. Everyone starts at the beginning and I remember when I bought my first couple of retro games and put them on a shelf. I was too in a few positions where I had all my games in a storage room for months or boxed up for years because I had nowhere to put them. Be happy with what you do have because even when my collection was small I was proud of it. Just because someone's collection is bigger doesn't also mean it's better. I have a friend who has just shovelware because he's too cheap to buy anything good and is proud of it...more power to him. Someone needs to buy up all the shovelware rotting in the game stores.

I not really jealous, I am going through a great depression now. I could grow my collection but I have no where to put anything, I am mostly afraid of losing a loved one due to old age, and I'm not sure what is going to happen when this person dies, I live in an area where most video games are under $10 used but. I am just vary depressed because of life itself it really has nothing to do with anyone :-\

I't not what I have it's what probably won't be able to keep due to finances. I am sorry to bring everyone down :(
« Last Edit: April 29, 2019, 02:41:32 am by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
MY RADIO STAION (Licensed but not a business)
64k stream ACC format sound meaning

Clearer Sound Quality for Half the internet data Usage
over 28,000 song playlist and 100 automated DJ talk and history lesions "commercial free" "No subscription needed"

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I think everyone is annoyed at how expensive and hard to find old games have become. The truth is we really don't need all of this stuff, it's just stuff. I have too many games myself, more than I ever care to play. The only positive way for me to look at is that it probably won't become worth any less than what I paid for it as a whole. It would have to sink really low for that to happen. So it's kind of like having my money invested in plastic. It's taken a good chunk of my life to get all of it. In my opinion, it was kind of foolish thing to do. Some fun times were had, but that's about it.

Hate to hear about this rough patch. Some good advice has already been given. One of the best ways I've heard it put is - treat yourself like you're somebody who you are responsible for helping... and also don't compare yourself to other people, only compare yourself to who you were yesterday. That's the only fair comparison you can make.


thank you for the encouraging replies, sorry make some of you or most of you upset on the boards If I came off as a troll sorry,

My advice is that nobody from here and from anyway is better person than you just for having a large/expensive collection, I don't have that many games because can't afford to purchase all the titles/consoles that want to have, having three kids and tons of bills to pay every month is quite a hard task, don't misunderstand me, love my family and I do prefer to spend all my salary on them than using the money to purchase games, if you are asking how I purchase games then the answer is quite simple, have to sell my old games to get new ones, yeah even those that really love and use to have when I was a kid, don't sell those that my mom gave me as a gift and dont have to say why I don't do this, so if you think you can't afford to purchase take my example and you'll see that am even in a worst stituation than you.

Stop thinking that way, is kinda destructive and lame (sorry but have to say it), the idea of having games at least the one that I have is to enjoy games as much as you can because that's why they were created.

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy


thank you for the encouraging replies, sorry make some of you or most of you upset on the boards If I came off as a troll sorry,

My advice is that nobody from here and from anyway is better person than you just for having a large/expensive collection, I don't have that many games because can't afford to purchase all the titles/consoles that want to have, having three kids and tons of bills to pay every month is quite a hard task, don't misunderstand me, love my family and I do prefer to spend all my salary on them than using the money to purchase games, if you are asking how I purchase games then the answer is quite simple, have to sell my old games to get new ones, yeah even those that really love and use to have when I was a kid, don't sell those that my mom gave me as a gift and dont have to say why I don't do this, so if you think you can't afford to purchase take my example and you'll see that am even in a worst stituation than you.

Stop thinking that way, is kinda destructive and lame (sorry but have to say it), the idea of having games at least the one that I have is to enjoy games as much as you can because that's why they were created.

and I need to stop complaining.

thank you for sharing doafan , My advice is keep taking care of your family first.
God and Jesus will bless you in the future for doing the right thing and all of your sacrifices will be worth it in your future, take care :)
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
MY RADIO STAION (Licensed but not a business)
64k stream ACC format sound meaning

Clearer Sound Quality for Half the internet data Usage
over 28,000 song playlist and 100 automated DJ talk and history lesions "commercial free" "No subscription needed"

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