Have to say man quite an impressive japanese saturn collection you got there very nice stuff kinda hard to come by.
In the past I was absolutely bummed out when i had the change to for example buy Nekketsu Oyako for only 10$ to ad to a set. He had so much stuff for cheap and i bought allot from the guy at the time. Obviously when I looked back at the pictures it was to late for that pretty interesting beat em up but I figured with a title like that not that interesting. Could only read the sides but I would for sure have recognized it if I had seen that front cover.
some of my favourite super moves in 2d fighting games

Hey thanks for checking out my collection

. I mostly got my Saturn collection during the end life cycle of the Saturn and after. I remember stores in my area were making space for the newly released N64 and the PS1 was still going strong, Saturn games were basically pushed in the back and just stacked up. Plus not too many people had a Saturn to begin with, let alone a Japanese set.
Nekketsu Oyako is a pretty decent beat'em up, definitely better options out there but still interesting nontheless, I mean you get eaten by a whale, so that's pretty cool.

And awesome Kenshiro Gif. On top of that, you got a great Saturn collection too.