Author Topic: Where Can We Find The Patches For 7th Generation Games When Not Automatic  (Read 2443 times)

I changed the title because I figured it asked a stupid question

From what I gather some of the PS3 patch servers are closed down or starting to close but I could be wrong.

Does anyone know if most of the regular game releases will have their patches up on some site? or will the PS3 players be out of luck?

However the Xbox360 still has Halo:Combat Evolved patches, I remember patching my original Halo game for OG Xbox on the Xbox360 earlier this year
« Last Edit: May 03, 2019, 06:43:10 am by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
MY RADIO STAION (Licensed but not a business)
64k stream ACC format sound meaning

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over 28,000 song playlist and 100 automated DJ talk and history lesions "commercial free" "No subscription needed"

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My (very brief) look into the matter suggests it's not the patches that are going, but online play for a select few games as Sony shuts down a specific server location. I would imagine actual game patches will remain as long as PSN is active on the system- I mean, could you imagine buying a game & not being able to get the patches? There'd be issues.

Now, as for when the servers inevitably do go down... pirates, of course. I mean, we won't call it that when the time comes- but someone's hacked the patches for the hacked games out there now. It's just a matter of seeing how they figure out how to put that data back into the PS3. Only time will really tell how this is all going to work.


It will all depend on how active the ps3 community will be in the future. If people don't give a crap it will vanish. If the content is great and not replacable by newer consoles you'll probably be able to dowload patches online for use on your console.
Your Stylish Sword Master!

What makes you think patches are being removed? What game(s)? I've reinstalled a few games lately (My HD crashed last year) and all have DL'ed their patches just fine. This is the 2nd thread this has been posted in so more detail would be nice. Remember, PS3 isn't like Xbox 350- the patches stay installed until you remove the game itself, the 360 (annoyingly) cycles through patches so you are constantly redownloading them if you play a lot of games.

What makes you think patches are being removed? What game(s)? I've reinstalled a few games lately (My HD crashed last year) and all have DL'ed their patches just fine. This is the 2nd thread this has been posted in so more detail would be nice. Remember, PS3 isn't like Xbox 350- the patches stay installed until you remove the game itself, the 360 (annoyingly) cycles through patches so you are constantly redownloading them if you play a lot of games.

SONY already I think about 1 or 2 years ago closed down their PS3's music server that used to download all the song data through the internet connection when recording music CD's to the harddrive,. I am hoping that SONY keeps the servers open. But from my knowledge it cost money to run these auto patch servers I assume.

You probably would not believe me if I told you why SONY closed down the music data server. SONY's excuse was from what I read some women got cheated on or got in a fight with someone maybe it was a man, I can't remember correctly. But it was a vary sudden and stupid reason in my opinion why SONY closed down their online music data service. From what I gather a lot of people were actually using it, or at least I was using it when they shut it down.

(edit) I just googled it and yes they apparently started shutting down some game servers in January of 2019

Google says
Yesterday Sony announced the official end date for PlayStation Plus support for both PS Vita and PS3. This means that Sony will no longer offer monthly free games on the platforms. According to the PlayStation Blog, support for both the PS3 and PS Vita will come to an end on 8 March 2019. date of inquiry Mar 1, 2018

This is what came up on my end
« Last Edit: May 04, 2019, 10:01:58 am by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
MY RADIO STAION (Licensed but not a business)
64k stream ACC format sound meaning

Clearer Sound Quality for Half the internet data Usage
over 28,000 song playlist and 100 automated DJ talk and history lesions "commercial free" "No subscription needed"

(requires Google Chrome or Firefox Edge does not work with this link but other links exist)

(edit) I just googled it and yes they apparently started shutting down some game servers in January of 2019

Google says
Yesterday Sony announced the official end date for PlayStation Plus support for both PS Vita and PS3. This means that Sony will no longer offer monthly free games on the platforms. According to the PlayStation Blog, support for both the PS3 and PS Vita will come to an end on 8 March 2019. date of inquiry Mar 1, 2018

This is what came up on my end

That's quite different- PS Plus support just meant getting your free monthly game. That's not a thing on those systems anymore becuase they're aged enough that there's little need to incentivize the online community there anymore- no one new is really joining for those consoles at this point.

They did shut down a few game servers at the beginning of this year (see here), but that is also quite different- it only effects the online content of 4 specific games, not their patches or single player content.

You will note that the PlayStation store is still active on both the PS3 & Vita, and all 4 of the closed games can still be purchased there. This is the real key- game patches aren't the same as user-created content, online multiplayer, or even DLC. They're a needed component to make a game run properly. If Sony sold someone a buggy, broken game on the PS Store, then told them the patch data that made it playable had been taken offline, they'd be PISSED. They'd want a refund. It would make for very bad press. Sony has no good reason to do that- if the servers the patch data is on are costing more than they earn to keep alive, then the whole PS store wouldn't be profitable either & they'd take it all offline.

As long as the store is turning enough profit to keep alive, the patch data is safe. Only after that point, when so few people are left online that Sony pulls the plug on the whole thing should we worry. I'm not too concerned, I've seen what a tiny handful of enthusiasts can pull off in the retro scene- it may not happen quickly, but I'm sure a patch workaround will happen. I mean, c'mon- there's an emulator & multicart for the Fairchild channel F and the RCA Studio 2. I'm pretty sure the PS3 will have a bigger fanbase than those two.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2019, 10:40:45 am by hoshichiri »


The shutting down of servers is for multiplayer focused games such as Warhawk or Drive Club.

As long as PSN or XBox Live is up and running, game patches will be fine. I don’t see these services shutting down anytime soon either since all their digital purchases are using it, even for next gen and above.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2019, 11:21:52 am by mark1982 »
  l    l 

Eventually the patches will go away. As someone else pointed out this will probably be sometime after the online multiplayer support has vanished, but still those updates require servers, those servers require money to operate and maintain, and eventually they will be seen as an unnecessary business expense and done away with. Sadly the only way around this is to purchase all the games you intend on ever playing on those systems, make sure they have the most up to date patches for them, and then back them up some place else in the event that your system's HDD ever does on you, which it eventually will.

One way that devs could remedy this issue is by making their future consoles backwards compatible so the games can be played there and updated there as well. I don't see a grey market of patches emerging like they have with older PC games, since consoles are very closed off to unauthorized downloading and updates, unless of course you hack the consoles, but I see this as being so niche that accessing a private update server just doesn't seem realistic. 

Of course they will eventually go away, but I haven't seen or heard of any that have yet. oldgamerz, again....what game, or games didn't update? PS+, individual game servers, and music ID services are not relevant at this time. I'm not trying to be rude, I just want to know where this is coming from.

Of course they will eventually go away, but I haven't seen or heard of any that have yet. oldgamerz, again....what game, or games didn't update? PS+, individual game servers, and music ID services are not relevant at this time. I'm not trying to be rude, I just want to know where this is coming from.

I was referring to the future when they go away, I was curious if anybody knew anything about a site where the patches would be if we needed to download them again, and I was wondering what we would do it the games would no longer update automatically.

I would guess somehow if they ever became unavailable automatcaly we could download the patches on a PC then transfer them to the external hard drive then onto PS3 hard drive. There is a way to do this but it would require a special program to put the external hard drive into FAT32 format 1TB/terabyte  max then create folders onto the hard drive so the PS3 can read them

I used a free format utility to do this however for some of my PS3 music files the program was hard to find

It will all depend on how active the ps3 community will be in the future. If people don't give a crap it will vanish. If the content is great and not replacable by newer consoles you'll probably be able to dowload patches online for use on your console.

I hope that the PS3 community stays active and people make legit patches for us to put on our PC then onto our PlayStation 3's at the least

I manually updated the console 2 times, but it was a system update that SONY had provided on their site. I am not sure if games can actually be updated though but anything is possible
« Last Edit: May 04, 2019, 03:55:48 pm by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
MY RADIO STAION (Licensed but not a business)
64k stream ACC format sound meaning

Clearer Sound Quality for Half the internet data Usage
over 28,000 song playlist and 100 automated DJ talk and history lesions "commercial free" "No subscription needed"

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I would love for there to be an online archive that you could download updates from and then simply install them onto the PS3 via USB... I can't believe that would take a lot of effort on Sony to make.

I did try plan for this with a backup PS3 with 500GB HDD... Problem is the Blu-ray Drive broke after barely using it - It was pre-owned though... As of now I don't have any back-up plans which annoys me considerably. With the PS4 I have a 2TB internal HDD & Also a 4TB External HDD which makes me feel a bit more confident storing games on the system.

I don't mean to be a bother, but I'm not being able to find any PS3 game patches. On my PC today to update my PS3 EA Sports golf collection

and I do own a lot of games that need updates but their patch server has closed down years ago. knowing how EA does things

and I just know that almost every single game for the Xbox360 and PlayStation 3 need these patches in order, not to be unplayable or play with a lot of issues.

I am actually pissed about this, these games are all not the same exact game and I never even got a chance to play them since I got them, and worst of all there is no patches floating on any safe site to rescue my PS3 collection from all the updates those games needed.

(edit) I assume since my golf collection was made by EA sports that I don't have a chance at ever getting the games to play right thanks to no more online support. I am actual too afraid to even put those game into my PS3

(Serious Question)
Are the patches in these game just for when they were online or are some of the patches made for single player mode as well

« Last Edit: July 20, 2019, 03:04:50 am by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
MY RADIO STAION (Licensed but not a business)
64k stream ACC format sound meaning

Clearer Sound Quality for Half the internet data Usage
over 28,000 song playlist and 100 automated DJ talk and history lesions "commercial free" "No subscription needed"

(requires Google Chrome or Firefox Edge does not work with this link but other links exist)

Even if Online Mutliplayer servers go down, the Updates for games are still available aren't they?

On the PS3 you can actually update games on the XMB:

Put the Disc in or Highlight the Download on the menu, then press Triangle & on on 'Check for Update'.

Then you can Update the game from the XMB:

Might not be 100% helpful on that particular situation but it can speed up the time it takes for updates + it's a way to update a game without going through a big install.

I did have a 500GB PS3 Slm all backed up and Updated... but then even being kept in storage it somehow tanked! I've been meaning to look into another one really.

There is a legitimate reason to be concerned regarding PS3 Game Updates, I've bought all the DLC Editions I can, even the MGS4 5th Anniverasry so it had further updates on the disc. I hope in time there will be a website database where you can just download the updates from.

I'm actually now jsut putting a few PS3 games on my console now, just running the updates and not applying a mandatory install - Because when you run the game and it does an install, it can merge the update and download file together - So after I beat a game from now on I will delete the whole file, then quickly run the update search again - I know it's very OCD but these Updates are made with intention to maximise the experience.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2019, 06:10:17 am by vivigamer »

I don't mean to be a bother, but I'm not being able to find any PS3 game patches. On my PC today to update my PS3 EA Sports golf collection

and I do own a lot of games that need updates but their patch server has closed down years ago. knowing how EA does things

and I just know that almost every single game for the Xbox360 and PlayStation 3 need these patches in order, not to be unplayable or play with a lot of issues.

I am actually pissed about this, these games are all not the same exact game and I never even got a chance to play them since I got them, and worst of all there is no patches floating on any safe site to rescue my PS3 collection from all the updates those games needed.

(edit) I assume since my golf collection was made by EA sports that I don't have a chance at ever getting the games to play right thanks to no more online support. I am actual too afraid to even put those game into my PS3

(Serious Question)
Are the patches in these game just for when they were online or are some of the patches made for single player mode as well

Dude...I just reinstalled my Tiger Woods games a month or so ago, and the patches are still there. Again, Patches and servers are 2 completely separate things.

To answer your other question, some patches are for online and offline, just depends on the game.
I don't know where you get most games from the PS3/XB360 are broken/unplayable w/o patches...that's just not true. There are a few, but the vast majority work fine without patches (As long as you don't want to play online).

You are getting pissed about nothing. Hook up your PS3 to the internet, put a disc in, and download the patch. Again, all the patches are stull there. They won't be forever....but they are now. Don't be afraid to put Tiger Woods in your PS3....Jeez. Hackers aren't going to infiltrate, the game won't break your PS3, the patch will download just fine, the servers are down so it will tell you it can't connect before letting you play single player mode....etc.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2019, 01:48:09 pm by wolff242 »

thanks again vivigamer and wolff242 :)

next day edit,

All my golf games updated yesterday 7/20/2019
« Last Edit: July 21, 2019, 09:04:53 pm by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
MY RADIO STAION (Licensed but not a business)
64k stream ACC format sound meaning

Clearer Sound Quality for Half the internet data Usage
over 28,000 song playlist and 100 automated DJ talk and history lesions "commercial free" "No subscription needed"

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