Collecting for me is still about the same - I just buy the games I intend to play (PlayStation generation and up) and if I like it after finishing it, I'll keep it. Otherwise, I donate it. In fact, I'm accumulating a pile of games that are getting ready to go to the donation bin now. It's been therapeutic downsizing. I've unsubscribed to places like LRG because I already have enough to play, plus all but one of the games from those places (Nurse Love Addiction) have been let downs.
But, really, I've always been 95% gamer, 5% collector. Collecting just came with not getting rid of my favorites. It's still fun to go to a game store, but with how cut throat and sneaky this hobby has gotten, I'm over the "thrill of the hunt" and the what-not.
Also! I'm really having fun replaying games, which also curtails buying new ones. It could be to go for missing trophies, or just to replay something I know like the back of my hand (MMX4, Valkyrie Profile, etc.) to kill some time.
Outside of gaming, I've been playing Dungeons and Dragons (love it) and re-watching favorite anime.
Oh, and I got married last month. Take that, Pence. <3