Author Topic: Category/Platform Requests 2.0  (Read 58238 times)

Re: Category/Platform Requests 2.0
« Reply #30 on: October 10, 2019, 07:34:00 pm »
Hello, I have a wide MSX collection and I'd need MSX2 [EU] in order to submit some software I have... Is it possible?


Re: Category/Platform Requests 2.0
« Reply #31 on: October 11, 2019, 09:39:06 am »
Hello, I have a wide MSX collection and I'd need MSX2 [EU] in order to submit some software I have... Is it possible?

sub-cat created:

Note: link will return 404 if there are no entries in it.


Re: Category/Platform Requests 2.0
« Reply #32 on: December 13, 2019, 01:41:12 am »
Game announcements are starting to leak out for our fancy next gen consoles, can we get some categories for the Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5?


Re: Category/Platform Requests 2.0
« Reply #33 on: December 13, 2019, 09:34:56 am »
It is still at least a year until either of those consoles get released. Let's wait until we know what categories would need to be added.

We could get a head-start on the console categories if we can confirm existance (with pictures) of a dev-kit including a model number.


Re: Category/Platform Requests 2.0
« Reply #34 on: February 11, 2020, 12:21:26 pm »
My last request was premature, but ZX Spectrum Nexts have started to be sent out to Kickstarter backers:

So would it be possible to create catgories for download games and physical releases on SD cards please?

Re: Category/Platform Requests 2.0
« Reply #35 on: February 11, 2020, 01:02:56 pm »
I have some questions regarding VR.

We have Dedicated VR (Hardware/Accessories/Games) categories (With no entries  ::))  Things like Oculus Go/Quest/Rift, HTC Vive, Valve Index I assume go in the Hardware and their respective accessories in the respective category... but how do games work?  I'm only mildly familiar with Oculus with the Oculus Store, but if I'm not mistaken Vive and Index just use Steam.

With no entries for how long the categories have existed, it seems like it's something that a conversation about can still be had.  I recently got an Oculus Go and own a single game for it, but don't know how or even if I want to log the stuff.


Re: Category/Platform Requests 2.0
« Reply #36 on: February 12, 2020, 10:11:53 am »
ZX Spectrum Next is just an updated Spectrum already, why wouldn't it go into the existing ZX Spectrum hardware category?

gf78 was supposed to fill out those VR categories. :P
Yes the hardware is for VR hardware only, not VR accessories for PC or console. The accessories for that hardware go into the accessory category.
From what I understand, all VR games are download only. So this category should not have any Steam games in it, but basically be like PC Digital Downloads but just for VR titles. The description should still have where the game is available from, just like PC Digital Downloads.

Re: Category/Platform Requests 2.0
« Reply #37 on: February 12, 2020, 10:43:02 am »
ZX Spectrum Next is just an updated Spectrum already, why wouldn't it go into the existing ZX Spectrum hardware category?

gf78 was supposed to fill out those VR categories. :P
Yes the hardware is for VR hardware only, not VR accessories for PC or console. The accessories for that hardware go into the accessory category.
From what I understand, all VR games are download only. So this category should not have any Steam games in it, but basically be like PC Digital Downloads but just for VR titles. The description should still have where the game is available from, just like PC Digital Downloads.
Yes, download only, but majority of Vive/Index titles are purchased through Steam I believe.  Oculus Rift is compatible with Steam I think, but they also have the Oculus Store.  Oculus Go and Quest I think are Oculus Store only.


Re: Category/Platform Requests 2.0
« Reply #38 on: February 12, 2020, 02:27:22 pm »
It's software categories I'm asking for tripredacus - Spectrum games will play on the Next, but Next SD cards and downloads are for the Next only.


Re: Category/Platform Requests 2.0
« Reply #39 on: February 13, 2020, 09:51:51 am »
Let's wait until it actually exists. Looks like less than a month before physical releases will be shipped.


Re: Category/Platform Requests 2.0
« Reply #40 on: February 13, 2020, 03:08:43 pm »
Physical games for the Next already exist and have done for months - when I first requested the Next to be added it was because I had 2 individual games and a pack of 3 to add to the database, that's when you said to wait until the Next is out, hence why I'm back now. I'm not trying to be 'first', it's just that there's games I want to add to my collection.

Edit: To clarify, if you go to , there's 5 Next games listed, each of which was released individually on SD card in PS Vita cases with inlays, SA also released a 3 pack of the first three games then a 5 pack of all of them, these were sold directly on Ebay UK, the listings seem to have timed out since i can't find them with searches any more. I own Bubblegum Bros., Dweebs Drop and the 3-pack (Montana Mike, Dungeonette and Delta Star: Earth Defence).
« Last Edit: February 14, 2020, 10:05:15 am by shfan »


Re: Category/Platform Requests 2.0
« Reply #41 on: February 17, 2020, 10:01:37 am »
I had looked for a picture of one of these games last time I replied to this thread and didnt' find any. But with the titles you posted, I found one on Mercadolivre. So the ZX Spectrum Next is a European console? We can create a ZX Spectrum Next [EU] sub-category in the Sinclair category. Does that sound right?


Re: Category/Platform Requests 2.0
« Reply #42 on: February 17, 2020, 07:47:27 pm »
If I'd realized it was whether or not they existed which was causing the problem, I'd have found a way to offer up a photo - I'm not going to mess you about by making up silly things like non-existent games, how often do you help me out with things here?

I think EU is probably safest, the 'official shop' uses £ currency. In these circumstances do you normally create a download category and a physical one or leave them both in the same cat?

If you don't mind me asking, could you create an entry for Software Amusements in both the developer and publisher boxes on the database please? I'll upload front and back scans of the boxes and details, not sure about the release dates, will try to get an SD card scan too, but my scanner isn't exactly fantastic (Canon printer/scanner).


Re: Category/Platform Requests 2.0
« Reply #43 on: February 18, 2020, 09:57:48 am »
Sorry about the confusion. It was the same reason why we do not create categories for PS5 or whatever the next Xbox is called because the items do not exist yet. When looking at the Spectrum Next site, it indicates that the first system has just shipped recently and that the "first" games will be shipped in a month. It makes no mention that there were games that had already shipped.

Category for physical created: (link will be 404 until it has an item)

As for the digital games, is there a specific platform that they are found on?

Software Amusements has been added to Pub and Dev


Re: Category/Platform Requests 2.0
« Reply #44 on: February 19, 2020, 05:42:54 pm »
Thanks for your help as always tripredacus ;D seems to be the platform of choice for the downloads. I'll get these added!