Author Topic: Thoughts on the DMC1 switch port announcement?  (Read 1215 times)


Thoughts on the DMC1 switch port announcement?
« on: May 19, 2019, 10:39:39 pm »
Personally I'm stoked, I've had a blast with each playthrough of DMC1 (even Dante Must Die!) and the only thing that was holding me back from playing it more was not having it on the Switch. Not only will I have a blast with it I'm sure it will be a gateway to getting other friends in to it. Having that soundtrack on the go too will be amazing!

TL;DR Can't wait to hear Super Ultra Violet and lose to Nelo Angelo 3 DMD many times.

What are your guys' thoughts?

Re: Thoughts on the DMC1 switch port announcement?
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2019, 10:43:59 pm »
Cool that DMC is coming to Switch, but bad that they are seemingly just going to release them one at a time, which is really sleazy of Capcom, but Switch owners getting screwed on pricing is very common now.

Re: Thoughts on the DMC1 switch port announcement?
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2019, 04:34:08 pm »
Nice to see it's coming but a poor attempt on Capcom's part. I think they're planning to release them all but separately and at a premium.