Author Topic: Retro Box Protectors - Who does it best?  (Read 8231 times)

Retro Box Protectors - Who does it best?
« on: May 22, 2019, 05:12:53 pm »
Hello everyone. I tried to search for this and was unable to find any discussion comparing these plastic box protectors that I'm sure many of us use on our boxed retro gaming items.

I've been looking/researching pricing, durability and general satisfaction with the product provided by several of the vendors I know who make these boxes but I don't see a lot of discussion in the community comparing these items. Currently, I'm looking at to be same as Keep Em Minty on eBay),, and I was leaning towards Retro Protection but they appear to be out of stock of many of the items I need in the quantities I need. I'm probably looking to order several hundred box protectors

So I was wondering which box protectors you have bought in the past and what you thought of them. Do you have a preference? Are there other options out there I should check out?

Thanks for the help. Looking for help with data entry and creating content(news/reviews).


Re: Retro Box Protectors - Who does it best?
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2019, 11:59:48 am »
I've only ever bought from retroprotection. They do a great job and are happy to help find a solution to boxes they don't have protectors for.
"I collect vidya games and vidya game accessories, I tell you what."


Re: Retro Box Protectors - Who does it best?
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2019, 01:33:09 pm »
I have a couple SNES boxes I bought a couple years ago. Don't remember where they came from (probably Amazon) but they're alright. They don't stay closed all that well
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Re: Retro Box Protectors - Who does it best?
« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2019, 04:27:11 pm »
I've only ever bought from retroprotection. They do a great job and are happy to help find a solution to boxes they don't have protectors for.

I second this. Never had any issues with them and are always willing to help out in finding the best fit for anything they don't cover


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Re: Retro Box Protectors - Who does it best?
« Reply #4 on: May 23, 2019, 05:48:32 pm »
I’ve bought a lot from It’s good stuff. If you go search around there’s a coupon code.

Edit:  The coupon code is NINTENDOAGE  for 5% off
« Last Edit: May 23, 2019, 05:53:26 pm by turf »

Re: Retro Box Protectors - Who does it best?
« Reply #5 on: May 23, 2019, 10:28:59 pm »
The very best protectors I ever had were from a British merchant named Sentinel64. What set theirs apart was how sturdy and strong the protectors were. They didn't feel flimsy like all the others I've tried (including the ones mentioned above). Also their protectors actually stayed shut when you closed them! Not to mention they had a perfect fit.

Unfortunately, they are no longer in business and I'm still searching for a vendor that matches or surpasses their quality.

If anyone reading this has used Sentinel64 box protectors and knows of any place that has the same quality, then please let us know!

Here's a review from Youtube on Sentinel64 and Keep Them Minty box protectors:

« Last Edit: November 06, 2019, 10:34:32 pm by masamune »


Re: Retro Box Protectors - Who does it best?
« Reply #6 on: May 24, 2019, 04:46:36 am »
The very best protectors I ever had were from a British merchant named Sentinel64. What set theirs apart was how sturdy and strong the protectors were. They didn't feel flimsy like all the others I've tried (including the ones mentioned above). Also their protectors actually stayed shut when you closed them! Not to mention they had a perfect fit.

Unfortunately, they are no longer in business and I'm still searching for a vendor that matches or surpasses their quality.

If anyone reading this has used Sentinel64 box protectors and knows of any place that has the same quality, then please let us know!

Here's a review from Youtube on Sentinel64 and Keep Them Minty box protectors:

I think shark box protectors could do the job for you

They are thick not as flimsy as the normal box protectors more pricy though
Your Stylish Sword Master!

Re: Retro Box Protectors - Who does it best?
« Reply #7 on: May 24, 2019, 10:29:43 am »
I've used both retro protection & video game box protectors... and those two are comparable in quality, you should choose whoever has your size available.

I usually end up focusing on the sizing, as the titles I look to protect tend to be a little more on the obscure side (not a ton of people offering Magnavox Odyssey 2 protectors, y'know.) Sometimes the specific protector isn't available and you have to experiment with close-enough sizing. Atariage has a great thread where Dan from retro protection helped figure out what protectors worked best on what random obscure sizes. It's a lil' old now (no new posts since March), but it's still a great resource for protectors.

Re: Retro Box Protectors - Who does it best?
« Reply #8 on: May 24, 2019, 11:14:13 pm »
The very best protectors I ever had were from a British merchant named Sentinel64. What set theirs apart was how sturdy and strong the protectors were. They didn't feel flimsy like all the others I've tried (including the ones mentioned above). Also their protectors actually stayed shut when you closed them! Not to mention they had a perfect fit.

Unfortunately, they are no longer in business and I'm still searching for a vendor that matches or surpasses their quality.

If anyone reading this has used Sentinel64 box protectors and knows of any place that has the same quality, then please let us know!

Here's a review from Youtube on Sentinel64 and Keep Them Minty box protectors:

I think shark box protectors could do the job for you

They are thick not as flimsy as the normal box protectors more pricy though

Thanks sworddude. I would have loved to try the Shark box protectors. Unfortunately, they don't sell directly and the one store in the U.S. they say sold them, don't have any.

A shame, but the search continues.

Re: Retro Box Protectors - Who does it best?
« Reply #9 on: May 27, 2019, 12:36:56 am »
Thank you for all the responses. I was already leaning towards Retro Protection and it seems like many of you are happy with their product. Think I will continue to lean that way. Thanks again. Looking for help with data entry and creating content(news/reviews).

Re: Retro Box Protectors - Who does it best?
« Reply #10 on: August 18, 2019, 11:38:52 am »
For anyone else that is still looking, I've found one of the most sturdy box protector sellers here:

His name is Kollector_Protector and I've bought his NES and SNES game box protectors. I'll highly recommend them.


Re: Retro Box Protectors - Who does it best?
« Reply #11 on: November 03, 2019, 10:31:07 am »
I’ve been meaning to get some of these from Retro Protection for the longest time, but I always end up putting it off. Dan, the guy behind the whole operation, is a really nice guy; I used to send him email after email regarding custom sizes and such, and he never seemed to be annoyed by my bombardment of questions. In fact, I remember asking him about custom sizes for both Lunar 1 and 2, and a week or so later I find out he has them, same for Nintendo DS Lite. We usually ended up chatting about unrelated stuff. Truly swell guy, honestly.

Anyway, pleasantries aside, I finally bought some of these, and man, I freaking love them. I got protectors for Lunar 1 and 2, and a second Lunar 2 protector for Arc the Lad Collection, as well as one for Pokémon Stadium, and protectors for my PS1 longbox games. I seriously wish I had gotten these sooner because they’re great. I’m definitely getting some more as soon as I possibly can. The drawback is that trying to fit your whole collection with these could get a bit expensive, but I believe it’s worth the investment. I’m readying myself to get my complete Game Boy and N64 games, as well as my loose SNES cartridges fitted with these protectors next.

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Re: Retro Box Protectors - Who does it best?
« Reply #12 on: November 03, 2019, 04:47:20 pm »
I forget the name but I think it's the site turf linked.  They work good and are cheap.   My favorites are the hard shell, UV protecting,  acid free,  VGC grade display cases that they use for games that get graded.  But those are pricey.  Only meant for NIB stuff I think :)