Author Topic: Looking for your opinion PS4 pro vs Apple Watch  (Read 1683 times)

Looking for your opinion PS4 pro vs Apple Watch
« on: June 28, 2019, 01:03:30 am »
First of all, feel free to delete this if this isn’t the place for it.

So my birthday is coming up and my wife asked me what I want. I’m torn between a PS4 pro and an Apple Watch. I currently have an OG PS4 hooked up to a 1080p 120hz tv. I’m wondering if the pro upgrade would be worth it for the improved frame rate/super sampling. I like the idea of an Apple Watch but with a new model possibly being announced in September I could just ask for the new one for Christmas. I know this is kind of a first world problem but I just figured I’d get some other peoples opinions on the matter

Re: Looking for your opinion PS4 pro vs Apple Watch
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2019, 01:37:24 am »
They both seem quite unnecessary. Wait for PS5 next year and Apple Watch seems pretty useless but if you really want it then you should probably wait for the latest model.

Maybe have your wife put the money she would use to buy you a gift towards a vacation?

Re: Looking for your opinion PS4 pro vs Apple Watch
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2019, 02:05:17 am »
They both seem quite unnecessary.

I agree, but that’s kind of the point. Both are unnecessary and something I wouldn’t buy for myself. Also a vacation is already planned.

I guess my question was more along the lines of is there a noticeable different between the PS4 OG and the PS4 Pro. My thought is there will be a new revision of the Apple Watch coming out soonish where the PS4 Pro is it for this generation. Like I said I know this is very much a first world problem, but I was hoping to to see what other people thought.

Re: Looking for your opinion PS4 pro vs Apple Watch
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2019, 04:54:52 am »
Personally as someone who owns an apple watch I would highly recommend it. I have the series 4 and at first I thought I would not use it much but now I rely on it everyday. Its definitely not necessary to own but if you have an iPhone its a great purchase imo.   


PRO Supporter

Re: Looking for your opinion PS4 pro vs Apple Watch
« Reply #4 on: June 29, 2019, 04:51:21 am »
It comes down to if you want to go practical (Apple Watch) or entertaining (PS4 Pro)
I own both a PS4 Pro and an Apple Watch, and I would go with the Apple Watch. While I love my PS4 pro when I use it, I use my Apple Watch daily. The upgrades the pro has over an OG PS4 are awesome and quite noticeable, but if you've made it this far with an OG PS4 and are okay with it I'd go with the watch. Now if you were planning on getting a 4K HDR television soon then it'd be a different story.


Re: Looking for your opinion PS4 pro vs Apple Watch
« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2019, 09:03:27 am »
I'd say PS4 Pro only because I don't have one. I'm not the biggest fan of Apple and kind of clueless as to the usefulness of an Apple Watch. Also, I am not the biggest fan of wearing adornments like watches, rings, house arrest anklets, and other jewelry so my opinion might be a little skewed in that regard.  ;)