Author Topic: Little help about searching games in my collection  (Read 10233 times)


Re: Little help about searching games in my collection
« Reply #15 on: June 23, 2019, 11:12:41 pm »
Hi, amazing work really! Thanks!

I have a big collection and i am transferring it all, but i have encountered the following difficulty:

I can't find a way to "search" in my database for a particular title and all i can do is to "browse" in my collection alphabetically. Considering that there might be 1000+ games in there, its not the most convenient way, so I was just wondering if there is a way to search by inputing a game's title etc.

I am new here so i very possibly have missed this option. Can someone help me?

Thanks again for your time and efforts!

Ok Oldgamerz to the rescue, I'll try my best to help you and others. I didn't see this thread until now

(to see games in your collection)

1: first log into this site
2: click on the collection text up top located next to the large VGCOLLECT sign
3: click on all devices on the menu on the left side of the page
4: click on the PlayStation 2 text as an example
5: NA stands for North America, JP stands for Japanese released video games

(to add games to your collection)

sign into VGCollect first goto HOME then hover over the magnifying glass, type in name of game, hit search, pick a game version, than click on it title text. then when the screen loads click on add to collection button.

if you want to see all games listed then

goto HOME section of this site, then click browse then pick a device, then click on a game in the list, then click the add to collection button

you can only add 1 at a time :)

Hey Staff? If this way is correct? can you somehow save this information for new people and those who forgot
I just copied and pasted the bottom half of this post from another day not too long ago
« Last Edit: June 24, 2019, 12:50:27 am by oldgamerz »
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Re: Little help about searching games in my collection
« Reply #16 on: June 25, 2019, 12:03:38 pm »
Currently there is no way to search and limit the criteria to items in your collection.

Re: Little help about searching games in my collection
« Reply #17 on: June 26, 2019, 08:04:54 pm »
I would like to see this added as a new functionality as well, i just registered this afternoon and since me and my wife got home we started to add our games into our catalog. So far we are 380 Games from steam alone (my wife is adding more as i m writing this post).

While i agree that limiting by platform helps (as some one mentioned) going through 380 steam games to search for single 1 title it's going to be painful to do ..... even if i use the search functionality to search the full site's catalog and click in the game to show the more information about the game there's no information there that i already added the game to the list.

My work around is to export my list to CSV in the settings page, open the csv with Excel and concatenate the "VGC id" column with the following URL in Excel (example for "Batman: Arkham Asylum - Game of the Year Edition" > to obtain the cgcollect page for the specific game i m looking for.

« Last Edit: June 26, 2019, 08:06:54 pm by criostage »