Gonna be tough - Overall it was a pretty decent E3, but only a few titles really stuck out for me.
1. Elden Ring - I have faith in Miyazaki
2. Cyberpunk 2077 - The quality of this game is over the top, glad we finally have a release date
3. Link's Awakening - Childhood favorite and this remake looks fantastic

4. Hollow Knight: Silksong -
Just added5. Ghostwire: Tokyo - Really liked the styling and design choices, Tango Gameworks have great atmospheric games
6. Panzer Dragoon Remake - Anything Panzer Dragoon related in 2019 and beyond is just plain great!
7. Breath of the Wild 2 -

I want to add FF VII Remake, but the whole episodic release schedule for this game is a turn off for me... Never liked staggered releases for a game. So I'm gonna wait till the full version is out before I step in. How many years will that be?