This is how I'd rate each season out of 10, with 10 being absolutely perfect
Season 1: 9
Season 2: 8
Season 3: 6
It's not that I didn't like season 3, but the writing and plot was definitely lacking compared to the previous two seasons. Still found it very entertaining and enjoyable though, and it has probably the funniest part of any Strangers Thing episode so far. All I'll say is, Never Ending Story lol
For me i'd probably go with

Season 1: 10
Season 2: 9
Season 3: 10
I think Max is basically a god tier addition to the show because it gives this contrast to Eleven that was so needed. The outsider type of vibe that the main group has to win over. The skeptic, but trusted friend who is struggling with her backstory herself. It's like the chunk of normality inside this group that has seem some supernatural stuff. I think Max is one of the better characters of the show plot wise.

Season 3 probably had the saddest moment for me. I won't say what moment was sad for obvious spoiler reasons. And it had freaking Alexy lol. Alexy is christ our lord and savior before and after the cross. The second coming of the messiah. The one who spoke the holy prophecy carved into the ancient scribe. He is the creator of all known physical matter and I aspire to be him.
I also think Season 3 did the best in spreading out screen time to almost every character. And building immense character dynamic. Every single character shined this time around. Which I think is something they didn't do quite as good in S2. Especially with Billy who went from being a lame cliche feathered hair, iroc driving bully who was just rude to Max and hated blacks. To an actual huge cog in the plot machine.
Season 1 is the golden grail that sparked it all. I think for Eleven, this season is just bar none some of the finest story telling ever. It's just jaw dropping.
Thank you everyone for sharing