Author Topic: Banner Saga 3 - What's Your Opinion?....  (Read 3203 times)

Banner Saga 3 - What's Your Opinion?....
« on: June 28, 2019, 11:08:37 pm »
Hi all!

First of all, if you haven't played the Banner Saga and stumbled across this through curiosity, I'd encourage trying it! The trilogy is super cheap on disc now. I also want to express that overall, I enjoyed the experience and hope to see more in the future. Lots of good things to say. Need to nab some posters from the official site. :)

Moving on... every once in a while, I like to write up a review for a game. Throughout last year and the early part of 2019, I spent time playing BS1-3, and writing a review on each entry.

One and two were straightforward enough, but after finishing BS3... I'm stuck. It's 90% done, but I've been sitting on it for a while.

So I'm looking for opinions. I sort of know where I sit, opinion wise, on two things, though I'm having more conflict with the second. So I want to hear what you think!



... OK, so I'm curious about two things.

1. Battles for Juno's group. Were these nearly impossible for anyone else... especially the finale? In general, the problem wasn't enemies, but the wave timer. Ivan's group felt (stats/ability wise) weaker and harder to use than Rook/Alette's group, which combined with the time limit, made things really tough... playing too defensively could put you in trouble; if you didn't eliminate the first wave in time, it was practically a guaranteed loss.

The ONLY thing that allowed me to win a lot of these, including the finale, was exploiting Juno. I would keep a friendly part member in the corner of the map, and send her among enemies (hopefully in the center or across the map); her power enabled her to control an enemy (inflicting damage), low health made her a target, enemy killed her, revive her with enough power to control an enemy again. Rinse, repeat until you win.

What's your experience with this? Anyone else use this exploit? Did you find this caravan's battles to be significantly harder? I also lacked trinkets for this group, so I'm wondering if that was a problem too. I had *some*, but Alette's group was much better off. (Buffing Canary to be a glass canon with a -3/+3was great haha)

2. The ending. This is what I'm really conflicted about. How'd you feel about it? I know this always leads to big discussions, I don't expect everyone to agree. This is a tricky topic for many games. But I'd like to hear your opinions.

3. Feel free to add anything else. :)

Thanks in advance. :)

Re: Banner Saga 3 - What's Your Opinion?....
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2019, 10:27:07 am »
I thought it was a solid game but it felt like they didn't know how to handle most of the subplots so they just didn't address them. Egil and Alette confessed their love in my playthrough and then it just never came up again. I don't remember them doing anything with Ludin either. His father died and yet they just shoved him to the background.