Okay, I've seen for a long time that people want over $80-$100 for a Physical copy of Fortnite. (the original copy, like pictured above)
The physical version is rare and today my local used game store got in a copy for PS4. They claimed it still played the Campaign mode.
My friend had points to get a discount so I added it to his sale and I got the game for about $40.
Why would I buy this? Mainly I wanted to see what this game would do if I put it in my console today. Is it worth the $80+ people are asking online for it or are they ripping people off.
I get the game home and test it out, it asks if I want to update and I say no, I wanted to see what it does without any update.
It loaded up with an old loading and title screen then when I pressed start. It told me I had to update the game. (Fine)
So after a long 20GB update, it changes to the season 9 titles and loading screens and loads up fine. I choose Campaign - Save The World
Seeing if it would start up.... and it tells me I need to pay $40 to play the game.
So I paid $40 for a physical disc to pay another $40 to play the game. lol
Multiplayer of course works but its a free to play anyway. Basically this disc turns Fortnite into where you have to put this stupid disc in to system to start playing it. That's all it does. So yes it's a rip off like I thought. The only reason to buy this "dead game" is to complete a PS4 collection. I'm tempted on returning the game because it doesn't work but also kinda like owning it in my collection, as a warning to other collector's.
I knew the game was free to download and play online, But I always heard mixed things about the physical copy of the game.
Some people think it worth something because you can play in the original campaign. Thinking it's on the disc. But from What I tested it's not so. Unless you just want to see the OG loading screens and title screen. lol
If anyone knows a way to use this disc for anything let me know. Otherwise it just looks nice with the rest on my collection on the shelf.