I thought of an idea for something that I think is new to this site. I'd figure since we are all gamers. We could all share some of our gameplay strategies of some of the genres we are heavily into.
for single player campaign in most modern first person shooters or In any Call Of Duty game. it's always a good idea
to reload every time you destroy a bunch of enemies or get a break. and it's also better to fire automatic rifles tapping the controller down instead of always on full blast especially in games where ammo is scarce or not available or in limited supply
in other games When facing a boss in an arena type setting sometimes the best way to defeat a boss is to strife in circles around the enemy while keeping the cross hairs on the boss. and circle the enemy while facing the enemy and fire constantly.
Another useful tip on any video game is to use is to use your brain to calculate time, distance, and speed in all video games, and once your learn the games patterns use your internal second clock in your brain. When I have trouble with any video game it helps me to win and focus more when I use my brain clock on some of the games that require accuracy or sequence.
I am leaving the rest of the discussion to the community I'd love to hear some of your own personal game play tips I got more but I am waiting for others to hopefully join this discussion