Author Topic: Oldgamerz Have I Helped Anyone? Yes Or No  (Read 4808 times)


Oldgamerz Have I Helped Anyone? Yes Or No
« on: June 27, 2019, 04:11:10 pm »
(edit) I made a lot of topics and post so I am just wondering. name was added so somebody else can make a topic like this one in the future

I like to help people not troll them,

I try my best not to make useless topics and replies, even though I'll admit that some were not the greatest,

Do any of you think I'm making too many topics? or trying to control the forum? Everything seems ok I know 2 topics I made in particular were bad.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2019, 04:38:51 pm by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
MY RADIO STAION (Licensed but not a business)
64k stream ACC format sound meaning

Clearer Sound Quality for Half the internet data Usage
over 28,000 song playlist and 100 automated DJ talk and history lesions "commercial free" "No subscription needed"

(requires Google Chrome or Firefox Edge does not work with this link but other links exist)


Re: Oldgamerz Have I Helped Anyone? Yes Or No
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2019, 05:47:28 pm »
There were plenty of users in the past who have created way more questionable topics than you. If it's a competition to troll the forums or to forge a conquest for forum domination, then I'm sorry friend, but you have lost. You can help us by never returning to these holy forum lands!

In all seriousness no, I don't think anyone really cares at this point. You do you.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2019, 05:54:26 pm by Nickkchilla »

Re: Oldgamerz Have I Helped Anyone? Yes Or No
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2019, 07:33:03 pm »
You probably already know the answer if you’re asking.
If I needed to talk sims, you’d most likely be the one to see.

Topics on forums that don’t interest me, simply get ignored. I wouldn’t say I’m annoyed by any post, I just move on. If you’re trying to connect with people and it’s not happening here, there are plenty other sites to talk gaming or just about anything on. I would probably leave religion and politics out of any public forum too. It never ends well.

I know a lot of your posts mention depression. Find someone local you can confide in and let them know what’s going on. Don’t put this off.

Re: Oldgamerz Have I Helped Anyone? Yes Or No
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2019, 11:21:25 pm »
Yes you have. I like this forum and you're on of the only people posting regularly and at least half of your threads interest me. Any excuse I can get to discuss games with other I'll take. Thank you Oldgamerz :)

Re: Oldgamerz Have I Helped Anyone? Yes Or No
« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2019, 06:49:07 am »
Topics on forums that don’t interest me, simply get ignored. I wouldn’t say I’m annoyed by any post, I just move on. If you’re trying to connect with people and it’s not happening here, there are plenty other sites to talk gaming or just about anything on. I would probably leave religion and politics out of any public forum too. It never ends well.

This.  As long as its an on-topic post that's not a copy of two or three other threads you've made (IE seether) post whatever you want, but if it is not a topic I'm interested in I simply won't post in it.

Re: Oldgamerz Have I Helped Anyone? Yes Or No
« Reply #5 on: June 28, 2019, 10:08:37 am »
You're not making too many threads or trying to control the forum (how would someone even 'control the forum?' That's what the mods do!)

If anything, I'd say you're one of the driving forces behind keeping the forums relevant. I know sometimes it feels like a thread I've made is unneeded, but I tell myself it's important to keep a dialog going. That way, when the really good threads do come along, there's people around to have that discussion. You contribute to that greatly, so don't let it get you down if you feel like you're adding too many threads.

Just as the spices must flow, so must the threads- and you're the... the... ok, truth be told I've never seen or read Dune. Who makes the spices flow? You're that guy.


Re: Oldgamerz Have I Helped Anyone? Yes Or No
« Reply #6 on: June 28, 2019, 02:26:00 pm »
thanks for the feedback. I love to talk about video games and music. I often forget how good this community is. The main reason why I asked if I was creating too many topics is because, I created almost 300 topics on my profile status.

I've been to other forums and although I can't remember correctly today I was accursed  as a troll before but not on here. That was years ago. And a few people have said online other places to me that I talk to much. But I am a manic and I overreact sometimes, and I can't help it sometimes :(

« Last Edit: June 28, 2019, 02:29:15 pm by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
MY RADIO STAION (Licensed but not a business)
64k stream ACC format sound meaning

Clearer Sound Quality for Half the internet data Usage
over 28,000 song playlist and 100 automated DJ talk and history lesions "commercial free" "No subscription needed"

(requires Google Chrome or Firefox Edge does not work with this link but other links exist)

Re: Oldgamerz Have I Helped Anyone? Yes Or No
« Reply #7 on: August 08, 2019, 12:43:39 am »
(edit) I made a lot of topics and post so I am just wondering. name was added so somebody else can make a topic like this one in the future

I like to help people not troll them,

I try my best not to make useless topics and replies, even though I'll admit that some were not the greatest,

Do any of you think I'm making too many topics? or trying to control the forum? Everything seems ok I know 2 topics I made in particular were bad.

Oldgamerz, I know this thread is a bit old and im very late. But from the bottom of my heart. You beat yourself up way too much.  Your posts are always entertaining, and you are one of this sites best and most active users. You are a staple of these forums and your efforts are always with the benefit of the page in mind. 

If people think one of your posts suck, or label you a troll. It's because they are deliberately being a dick. Which is common on other forums. Most members are very supportive here. I know of maybe 2 users who are are part of the add nothing but critique all crowd. Best to just ignore them. Nobody is forcing anyone to click.

In all honesty, the forums would be dead without you. It seems you jumpstart things once stuff gets slow.  And hopefully you continue to do so. :)

God bless you Oldgamerz. Hope you keep making posts and have fun here :D


Re: Oldgamerz Have I Helped Anyone? Yes Or No
« Reply #8 on: August 08, 2019, 04:57:08 am »
(edit) I made a lot of topics and post so I am just wondering. name was added so somebody else can make a topic like this one in the future

I like to help people not troll them,

I try my best not to make useless topics and replies, even though I'll admit that some were not the greatest,

Do any of you think I'm making too many topics? or trying to control the forum? Everything seems ok I know 2 topics I made in particular were bad.

Oldgamerz, I know this thread is a bit old and im very late. But from the bottom of my heart. You beat yourself up way too much.  Your posts are always entertaining, and you are one of this sites best and most active users. You are a staple of these forums and your efforts are always with the benefit of the page in mind. 

If people think one of your posts suck, or label you a troll. It's because they are deliberately being a dick. Which is common on other forums. Most members are very supportive here. I know of maybe 2 users who are are part of the add nothing but critique all crowd. Best to just ignore them. Nobody is forcing anyone to click.

In all honesty, the forums would be dead without you. It seems you jumpstart things once stuff gets slow.  And hopefully you continue to do so. :)

God bless you Oldgamerz. Hope you keep making posts and have fun here :D

thanks marvelvscapcom2  and God Bless you too we all are a community here it's not just me, I try to make posts interesting and involve everyone :)
« Last Edit: August 08, 2019, 04:59:19 am by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
MY RADIO STAION (Licensed but not a business)
64k stream ACC format sound meaning

Clearer Sound Quality for Half the internet data Usage
over 28,000 song playlist and 100 automated DJ talk and history lesions "commercial free" "No subscription needed"

(requires Google Chrome or Firefox Edge does not work with this link but other links exist)