Author Topic: Do You Keep Using Outlet Powered Electronics During Bad Outside Weather?  (Read 4471 times)


I do most of the time,  but If I'm playing a console or PC game during a really bad storm usually some kind of wind storm I hesitate to use any outlet gaming equipment, even though I have everything protected with surge protectors, but, we all have to face the fact that if the power goes out when we are gaming we might lose progress.

Does anyone know if when you are saving a game when the power goes out if it can corrupt a save file on like a PlayStation 2 for example?
« Last Edit: July 07, 2019, 06:00:37 am by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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I think there's a good chance of data corruption if you lose power while saving on PS2.  I've had modern saves get corrupted like that, such as recently where I was playing Days Gone and while I saved, the game/system crashed, and then after a recovery, that save had been corrupted.  Luckily I had an autosave before that, so I didn't lose like...10 to 15 hours of game time, but it's absolutely a possibility.  It's why I think a lot of save prompts say to not turn off the system if the save is happening.

It's why it is usually best to turn off your PC and consoles if the storm is around you.  Go read a book, play a portable system, not worth risking things that much.

If it starts thundering or lightning around me i turn off most of my electronics until it stops.


If there is lightning, I'm off everything. Anything else I'm OK with, though I usually go outside and enjoy a good storm (Unless there is lightning lol) We don't get a lot here so I enjoy it when we do.

If it starts thundering or lightning around me i turn off most of my electronics until it stops.

This- just general bad rain is normal in my northwest-y part of the woods, so I don't typically worry there. But if the lightning rolls in, that's different.

If I'm only partially concerned, I'll make sure I'm playing on my switch. That way, if it suddenly starts getting bad, I can swap to handheld mode. I actually did that with the last bad storm- the wind/thunder was so loud I woke up at 3 am and couldn't sleep, so I opted to get up & grab my Switch. I then stayed up playing Wandersong with the dog, who was terrified & clamped on to me as soon as he realized I was awake. We did lose power, too, so it's a good thing I was in handheld mode!

I use a battery back up box/surge protector so I can wait until the power actually goes out and it buys me what's usually enough time to go save my game. Storms are way too common where I live to let them control my life like that.

I have a surge protector. Most of the games these days have auto saves at checkpoints. My area isn’t really prone to storms either. It’s more of an issue to have a temporary blackout due to too many people using the AC at peak hours.

Worst week of my life (hyperbole), bad thunderstorm and tornado took out the power for our whole town (circa 2011). Couldn't play games, couldn't watch tv, couldn't order pizza. The only grocery store in town had generators the size of tractor trailers trucked in just to keep the lights and refrigerators on. My wife (girlfriend at the time) and I spent the first night playing Mario party on a pair of DS's. Then the batteries died... We had to go to the Starbucks one town over to charge the batteries. Did this everyday for almost a week (with like 100 other people doing the same thing).

But more on topic, yeah I power down all plugged in electronics and watch videos on the laptop or play Gameboy/DS/Switch when there's lightning/thunder. I'm mostly worried about surges rather than saves, even with protectors.


I just hope for the best, but usually that's not what I get. Most storms here result in brief power loss, if not a complete outage. Lots of trees on, or near the lines in my area. So a storm is bad news. The other week lightening struck near my home so close that the thunder was instant. It actually fried my cable box, and my sound system unfortunately. Luckily, nothing else was ruined.

I am usually too busy outside in it  ;D.  I love thunderstorms, adore them. Thunder is stunning and the majestic power it holds is incredible. But it's also very rare it ever strikes people. I have my Alexa play thunderstorm sounds at night and when the real thing comes along I go all Ben Franklin and attempt to be one with the storm. I go in my driveway. The harshest of rain is my favorite since I was a kid. Rain just splashing against my face, drenching me and the sky lighting up like a strobe in darkness, and the booms.  car alarms flickering.  everyone crying.  It's all like a art portrait, when visual conditions worstened we can finally see ourselves. It humbles you to the nature of the universe.  Puts our scale in prespective. It purifies you in a way. It's something beautiful about it.  it's like an escape from the overcomplications of modern man.  My street floods when it downpours and it's wonder to wade in it.  I would Kayak down it if the cops didn't get mad.

My area gets thunderstorms a lot, and I always keep the lights on and my AC on, I just go about the norm.  If it kills the power that's another episode of serenity.  an entire neighborhood of darkness.  no electricity.  that's a neat sight as well.  But I'm kinda odd with things like that.  I know to most it's a nightmare but to me it's like a vision into a different way of life.  So long as it comes back within a few hours then I get upset lol.

If I were inside I would still game.  A Major thunderstorm hit my area a few days ago and killed power for 10 seconds.  my xbox was on.  I have never had it hurt the xbox yet.  I have it on a surge protector.  it does suck though when the power dies and you are in a boss battle.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2019, 10:00:35 pm by marvelvscapcom2 »


Of course not cause I love bad weather specially when it rains a lot, if it happens during the day always enjoy to be outside playing like a kid, used to do this when I was younger and still do it at my age, if it happens at night the sound of the water help me to relax a lot and fall asleep inmediately, guess that I do prefer to do this kinda of stuff than be playing because of my age but who cares, at my city is not very common to have these kind of weather so when it happens I do enjoy it a lot even at Animal Crossing New Leaf I feel and enjoy these kind of days.

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy