Author Topic: Free time for games  (Read 7829 times)

Re: Free time for games
« Reply #15 on: August 08, 2019, 06:13:16 pm »
My biggest problem is that I can't really enjoy bite-sized bits of gaming. When I game, I like it to be until "?"; having a set point in time where I must shut the game off or be tired and miserable the next day just dampens the experience. So, I can only really game on nights before my days off or on my day off.
What really sucks though is when my days off roll around, then I have to fill those days with all the stuff I cant do during my workdays like laundry or mowing the lawn.

This is why I’ve moved away from RPGs. I will never play another MMORPG for the same reason. I tend to do all my yard work, other duties etc as soon as I get home. I like to have the weekends wide open.

During the week I have an hour or two each day to game.

Looks to me you 2 could use some older arcade ports or sports games, after all you can adjust how long a game will last on most sports titles. a good note is most sports video games have both an arcade mode and a simulation mode. like if you got only a half hour to play a game, no problem just pop in a sports video game and adjust the game to last 5 minutes per period of the game or half if you're playing something FIFA.

basketball games have 4 quarters and you can usually adjust how long each quarter of the game will last

Ice Hockey takes 3 periods of play and Golf, but remember Golf, can take a little longer to play a full round. Than most any other sports type of video games. Due to load times between holes

and remember even though the game say 20 minutes left (in hockey for example). As long as the options are set to 10 minutes per period before you started the game. Trust me the game section will only last 10 minutes in spite of what the in game clock says unless your game is a tie at the end you have overtime setting

But remember that all sports games will take more time then the game setting, Basketball with set on a 5 minute quarter will probably take within 30 minutes real time for playing the entire game through

And you can skip the cinematic in most sports games and replays as well by pressing one of the buttons continuously
« Last Edit: August 08, 2019, 07:20:44 pm by oldgamerz »
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Re: Free time for games
« Reply #16 on: August 08, 2019, 07:40:44 pm »
you've got to wonder how long adults with kids and few hours of free time a week to finish for example breath of the wild even withouth all korok seeds with plenty of time a day it could take at least 2 weeks. unless your  going barebones than it could be done allot quicker

my guess is that such people either don't attempt it or just play it a couple of hours per week and than moving on to another game since they don't have that much free time.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2019, 07:57:53 pm by sworddude »
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Re: Free time for games
« Reply #17 on: August 11, 2019, 09:14:36 pm »
What’s time?

I don’t have near the time I’d like to have, but having my switch lying around sure helps sneak in some time here and there.


Re: Free time for games
« Reply #18 on: August 12, 2019, 11:55:27 am »
Mrs SHFan is on maternity leave and likes to go to bed a reasonable time, SHFan jr is 5 months now, so I need to start to get more hands-on with looking after him, I still manage to get some time in the evenings or when madame and the little one are visiting someone, but when I'm daddy daycare we'll just have to see how it works out. Got the feeling it'll be handhelds for a few minutes here and there.


Re: Free time for games
« Reply #19 on: August 12, 2019, 11:57:07 am »
Being married with three kids plus a full time job six days a week everybody would say that's nearly impossible to have some free time for games but not for me, that's why I always carry with me all the time to any place my 2DS, I do play at any chance that I have, most of the times at work when have the hours with more strees, at nights after my kids go to sleep my wife and I love to play Animal Crossing New Leaf, we help each other in our respective towns, at weekends I play with my daughter, have been teaching her since she was 4 years old and am proud to say that she is pretty good, my little boys still can't hold the controllers but eventually I'll teach them too, gonna create a powerfull team at Gears of War  8)

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy


Re: Free time for games
« Reply #20 on: August 16, 2019, 09:09:38 pm »
Free time for games is the most difficult thing for me as I get older. Having other hobbies, responsibilities and a career really can't put a halt to things. I try to make time for games when I can, but sometimes other hobbies/responsibilities get in the way.

Re: Free time for games
« Reply #21 on: August 17, 2019, 09:54:35 am »
I usually play on the weekends.

For those that really have a full plate, may I suggest creating a schedule where you fit in a time slot for video game playing.

Re: Free time for games
« Reply #22 on: August 18, 2019, 08:21:44 am »
When I've got a game I'm really trying to play I attempt to get in at least 30 - 60 minutes a day.  If its on Switch that's even better, because then I don't have to hog the TV.

Re: Free time for games
« Reply #23 on: August 18, 2019, 10:11:21 am »
No kids, but two jobs & no car means a lot of time at work or on the bus going to/from work. The commute overall isn't that long, which is a double-edged sword: easier to do, but no time to pull out the switch & get any meaningful time in.

I squeeze chores in before & after work & rely a lot on online shopping for errand-type things (I can do that on the bus rides). That way, when short days & off days come up, I can put in a more serious chunk of gaming time. I've also gravitated away from the RPGs of my youth & play a lot more short indie games. It's like the cappuccino of gaming- small volume, big feels. I also put more time into retro- I don't often finish, mind you, but I get though a lot more game before I get stuck than similar modern titles. Also- at least for retro- I CHEAT. I cheat like crazy! I'm not ashamed- I've proven I can beat the first 6 stages already, I'm not gonna repeat them endlessly to get the ending if I can level-skip past. I got better ways to spend my time! Gimme those unlimited lives, I'll run 'em like water til' the credits roll! WHOO!