Correct me if I'm wrong about this
But can you still download digital versions of PlayStation 1 PlayStation 2 and PlayStation 3 games on any PlayStation 4 if you are a PS Plus Member? or something?
and how much harddrive to they take up a piece? from what I heard PS4 games can be as large as 50 Gigabytes or more and sometimes less than that.
PS1 games originality came out on CD and the average limit to a CD is 650mb-700mb megabytes of data, Mega Byte or slightly more depending on what game it was on PS1
most PS2 games came out on DVDs and the adverage limit of a DVD (Single-layer, 4.7 GB gigabyte) and DVD9 (Dual-layer, 8.5 gigabyte) supported.
so about 5 gigabyte on single layers games and about 9 gigabyte on duel layered game DVDs
I am just curious because the PS4 games are way too large to download on capped internet services especially