Author Topic: Questions about new users using the Marketplace  (Read 4938 times)

Questions about new users using the Marketplace
« on: August 03, 2019, 09:41:50 am »
Good day everyone. I just signed up for VGCollect but I have a question about the forum's marketplace rules which indicate that "if you're only here to sell stuff then you're not welcome here". I am currently in the process of expanding my collection of games, similar to what many of you are doing and I would love to able to reach out to individuals who may have an interest in buying the game that I am holding or trading another title for my game.

However, seeing as a lot of the locked threads are new accounts which are trying to sell, I'm not sure if my post will be locked should I try to create a listing in the marketplace now. I understand from one of the administrators here that only active forum users may sell items on the site, however, I do not know what constitutes as active forum users as this is not specified. I am only curious and want to contribute to this site in a meaningful way.

Any help or assistance regarding this matter would be appreciated. Thank you!

Re: Questions about new users using the Marketplace
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2019, 10:25:14 am »
I am only curious and want to contribute to this site in a meaningful way.

That right there is the key phrase. The reason new accounts aren't allowed to make sales threads is, there's a fair amount of folks who never attempt to make conversation or contribute to the forum- they make an account & immediately set up a sales thread, often skipping the requirements for having one here becuase they're copy/pasting the same sales post into multiple forums. Sometimes it's a scam, sometimes it's just a reseller casting a wide net- either way, it's bad for us becuase these are not people who'll stick around after a sale, so if anything goes wrong? Good luck finding them again.

The fact that you're posting this puts you instantly ahead of the kind of account that tends to get banned, so don't worry too much. My recommendation would be- don't make a sales thread yet, but do browse the forum. Not just the marketplace, but overall. It'll help you get a feel for what kind of folks are around here. This is doubly important if you're intending to make a sales thread, becuase it'll give you an idea of what would be worth attempting to sell here. For example: there's not a huge amount of discourse on the pre-NES era here, so trying to offload a Bally Astrocade would be a terrible idea- you'd save that for a more vintage skewing forum. We're also slower moving than some other places, so it's not necessarily the best choice for a quick sale.

Take your time, learn a bit about us, & when you're feeling ready for that sales thread I doubt anyone will be bothered by it.

Re: Questions about new users using the Marketplace
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2019, 11:17:58 am »
Okay thank you so much. I will take your advice and spend some time browsing around first before engaging in any sort of activity within the marketplace. I look forward to working with everyone in the VGCollect community and I truly appreciate the hospitality here.


Re: Questions about new users using the Marketplace
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2019, 02:07:53 pm »
Also, add a profile picture to your account and forum profile (if you want to of course)
Go to
-> Forum
-> Forum profile
Then under "Modify Profile" click "Forum Profile" again
Then you can upload an avatar.

I can't tell you how many people sign up just to sell without a profile pic, making them seem like a spammer, they pretty much get banned immediately.
"I collect vidya games and vidya game accessories, I tell you what."