Quote by sword dude
The wii u was lackluster console aside from smash bros and mario kart 8. there where some other good titles as chronicles x and them zelda 3d hd's where nice but it had the most lacluster mario 3d game in the entire series even if it was better advertised it would not have done well also not even a unique zelda game. botw does not count imo not to mention that the wii u version lacks stuff.
Lackluster? I think not. Forget third party riffraff, Nintendo's own publishing put out a very strong line-up of games for that console, even if there were a few repackaged titles. Wii U doesn't have quantity, but it has quality. Proving once again, you don't need horsepower to make great games. I would never in a million years, consider re-buying the same content on Switch as what I already have on a perfectly fine console.
let me explain myself with the wii u being a lackluster console
Wii U
- Nintendo land was by far not as iconic as wii sports
- does not have a a single unique main zelda game. BOTW is in my opinion the unique zelda for the switch not the wii u wich was inferior ofcourse since it has less specs not to mention the wii u was dead when the switch came out since botw was the release game for that console.
instead we got 2 remakes of windwaker and twilight princess in wich you cannot even use a gamecube controller

the map on the wii u pad for windwaker was nice but otherwise kinda horrible that we could not even use a gamecube controller.
- Xenoblade chronicles X was good but the music was horrible the story was meh and the characters where forgettable. xenoblade chronicles was way better with memorable characters great music and a good story wich xenoblade X did not have.
- Wii u had the most lackluster 3d mario in mario 3d world. That was quite the quality loss. any mario 3d game is supposed to be excellent but i disagree mario 3d world was just good it was more of a 2d mario. mario 3d world does not deserve to be in the main 3d mario game series. Also what where they thinking with them cat suits it doesnt't look cool did they really think that kids would love them cat suits

. the multiplayers is the only good thing but the sacrifice was to much.
- ruined the fire emblem franchise with the abomination of fire emblem tokyo mirage being a persona esk game. and let's be honest new fire emblem games have that persona school vibe on the switch now aswell
- kirby rainbow curse as the only kirby game being very mediocre
- mario bros U was lackluster. the wii had the excuse with increased grapics from the ds release and actually bringing quite some new stuff to the table but in the wii u version there was almost nothing new and just more of the same.
- starfox zero was mediocre
- very small library mostly filled with trash. there are only a handfull of hidden 3rd party good games such as fast racing neo wich isnt that good.
- Series such as mario tennis ultra and mario party 10 wich followed in mario party 9 shoes being quite bad games.
The positives
yoshi wooly world
mario kart 8 having better grapics but the gameplay is less fun than mario kart wii thanks to making the game more family friendly. most lackluster rainbow road in the series aside from the 2d mario karts.
smash 4 being a different entry a different game experience than smash ultimate in terms of game mechanics.
mario maker
pokken tournament
splatoon not my stuff but it was for many a reason to buy a wii u
pikmin 3
- has a unique zelda game zelda skyward sword wich imo had the best characters in the zelda series. It's not the best zelda game but it's a unique one.
- Not 1 but 2 main mario 3d games in galaxy 1 and 2. considered by many to be the best mario 3d games both being quite different and each having stuff wich the other games did not have. not one being inferior that's quite an accomplishment imo.
- Xenoblade chronicles wich was the rpg to play at the time not to mention 2 other excellent rpg's pandora's tower and the last story
- the final good classic fire emblem game in the series radiant dawn
- 2 excellent main kirby games in kirby's adventure and kirby epic yarn
- mario kart wii the most competitive skillbased mario kart. so many advanced movement options offroad etc that have been removed in mario kart 8 (deluxe).
- wii sports was a revolution for many bringing in even casual people to consoles
- big library with quite some hidden gems
- smash bros brawl is the most realistic looking smash game and it had the best music out of the whole series. also the only smash game with decent single player content subspace and boss rush. no other smash game came close in these regards.
The WIIU was super lackluster compared to wii and obviously since almost everything is ported to switch wich aside from ports has actually many good games also way less impressive than the switch.
there are very few games even when you ignore ports wich made the wii u a very good console. the switch fixed the probems that the wii u has aside from gettin the ports. having atm 2 but getting 3 unique zelda games having an excellent 3d mario game once again, a good mario party a good mario tennis. a main kirby game tons of hidden gems of 3rd parties etc etc. there is a reason why the wii u was a failed console the library was small and the quality for a ton of games was lacking.
There are imo four things every good nintendo console should have if were looking at the bare bones big titles wich hold the system together.
a good mario kart wich the wii u has
a good smash game wich the wii u has
however not a single new zelda game
and a very subpar mario 3d game
The wii u fails in 2 departments wich is pretty bad but than again it was a failed console with a bit less time.