Author Topic: (rant) How Much Is The Highest You Would Pay For A Digital Or Modern Game.  (Read 9968 times)


this is another typical rant coming from what game companies may call a spoiled brat.

To me I would only spend $10 USD maximum unles
s I had no other choice than maybe $20 USD. Since today games are rushed on the market and need to be downloaded to play for $30-$60 USD on a $200-$500 or more
for one console, hookups and controller/s and since most of the game may be worthless in the future

To me I would not buy any PS4 or Xbox One games or consoles even if the console was as cheap as $100USD.

(edit) maybe an xbox One for it's disc reading capacity

Yesterday I now see that games needed to be $60-$80 new to cover production costs, now that is now not a requirement since all a developer needs to do is put up their game on some website and sell it for the say price we used to pay for our own physical copies

(if you are a modern gamer than you already know this)
PS4 and Xbox One games are also not included fully on the disc, and most of them take up 50 Gigabytes or less plus you need to constantly download them off the internet when you first get them. or reinstall them. Sometimes you can only have 10 games on a 500 gigabyte and 20 games on a 1 terabyte console modern console, otherwise you can't fit too many more of the larger games.

if your console runs out of room you either need a compatible external hard drive or you need to re download a game that may or may not be there at the moment
« Last Edit: August 07, 2019, 06:04:22 pm by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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Collectors Edition - 100
Collectors edition with statue that is very limited- 200
Regular Copy- 60

Those are my limits. Usually those are the industry standard for pricing :)   I think its fair.

Remasters- never over 20.  Im sick of Nintendo charging us 60 for 5 year old games.

I don't think I'd ever spend more than $30 for a digital game.

Physical.. I don't know. My opinion changes on this somewhat frequently. Sometimes I feel like pre-ordering a game is the right thing to do other times I feel like I should just wait for it to be $20 or less.

No issue paying full price for a digital game, been doing that on PC for years since they've mostly abandoned physical releases.


In my case, the most I'd pay for a digital release or a DLC would be something between zero and null.
As for a modern game, if it is something I was really looking forward such as Ace Combat 7 or Death Stranding, I don't mind about buying a ¥10,000 (something around US$95.00) or so for a collector's edition. Other than that, I usually wait a couple of months or so in order to buy the game for much cheaper (preferably something under ¥3,000).


60 for physical, I think 20 is the most I ever spent on a digital game.
"I collect vidya games and vidya game accessories, I tell you what."

My top dollar on digital games is $30 and that's if I really, really, really want it. I'd say 90% of all digital games I've purchased I bought for under $10.

With the video game industry rapidly approaching an all, or at least mostly, digital future, I'm wondering how my consumption of video games will change. Maybe my attitude will change if some new game I'm very excited about comes out, but I have to get it digitally or not at all. Maybe then I'd pay full price for it, but the thought of doing so right now seriously sounds painful. I just have a very hard time getting over the fact that I don't own the game and truly never will. I've mediated this feeling by settings a pretty low dollar amount on most digital games and there's a decent chance I'll always feel this way. I imagine I'll just have to wait several months to several years for a decent sale on some platform for certain games to come down in price before I'm willing to buy them.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2019, 04:39:23 am by bikingjahuty »

I have no qualms paying full price for a title, as that would mean that I want to play it day one.

When it comes to pricing I see it like this:

A new release which is a Standard Edition £40 - Anything over £40 just seems to be a con, our GAME store had Kingdom Hearts III at launch for £52.99... I had it Pre-Ordered online for £37.85... That is a colossal difference! I can't ever see myself spending £50+ for a Standard Edition release, unless it is an import at best.

Special Editions can vary, I very rarely buy them these days as most of the time they just come with tat or are overly expensive due to including a toy. I will happily pay £5 extra for a nice Steelbook - I did this recently & switched with my MediEvil Pre-order. Or I will wait for the SE to go down, I snagged Days Gone SE for £35 as opposed to the £64.99 RRP.

One thing I look out for more these days is if the game has a Season Pass. If it does I tend to try hold out until a potential Complete Edition is release - Which is really hard to judge prior to a 1 after the game has hit the market. But I'm fed up of buying incomplete games, especially if retailers are charging more for them.

I don't buy new releases Digital, I will buy games Digitally on SALE if they're not available physically (Or if they've been exploited by a company like Limited Run) - Star Ocean 4K being a prime example, I'd have bought it on disc but it was only available on PS4 via download, so I waited for it to be on sale under £10.

I'm the same with Season Pass/DLC content, I managed to breakdown Watch Dogs 2 DLC when it was on sale and bought the important Story DLC for cheaper than buying a Season Pass with cosmetic tat.


Depends. For DOOM Eternal I'm willing to front the $200 for the collector's edition but for any other game 60 max.

$300 bundle with specialized controllers
$150 collectors edition
$60 standard copy
$25 digital (I would never buy a special/collectors edition digital copy)


I use to buy modern games at full price, but seeing how rapidly games go on sale, I don't anymore unless of course it's a collector's edition with limited quantities that I am interested in. Or Elden Ring  :P.

Physical games go on sale pretty fast these days. For example I recently bought Shadow of the Tomb Raider Limited Steelbook Edition, Darksiders III and Days Gone on PS4 for less than half the price each through promotions and price drops. Just have to look in the right places and combine with rewards programs and what not through online buying.

I probably only pay full price for low quantity produced Switch games, and even those are not that high priced since they are not major releases.

Basically, modern game when it's at least 30% off the starting price. Digital, which is mainly Switch indie games at least 15% off. But they are reasonably cheap to begin with. The Nintendo Switch eShop has a decent amount of sales, and what I like is that they send you a notification via email if any of your wishlisted games go on sale, so you can't miss it. ;D
« Last Edit: August 08, 2019, 12:59:58 pm by mark1982 »
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I'll pay $60 for a modern game if I really really want it.  Otherwise, I need at least $10-$15 bucks off or I wait for a price drop. Just too much to play to be worth it.  I pay more for the occasional collector's edition but I have majorly cut back on buying those. 

For digital- at most $5-$15 bucks max. I once spent $40 on the Witness and forever regret it.  Not that it was a bad game, but eventually it dropped to half and even became a free game.  I don't buy much digitally anymore except for the occasional switch title.  And most of those are on discount. 

For me, it all depends on the game. I prefer physical over digital, but I'd still spend full retail price if it was the only way to play. It's just a game to me at the end of the day. Although I think it's kinda odd OP is complaining about 60/70$ price tag for modern games when games in the 90's/00's were 50$ (including Genesis and Snes) and significantly shorter game play wise.

I only buy games new that I'm anticipating the release, so I'd be willing to spend more on a franchise I really love (looking at you Persona 5R) I think statues and collectors editions are extremely pointless. It's just my opinion, but they've got to pack something more enticing than a 100$+ do nothing statue in the "collector's edition."


Games have actually gotten cheaper over the years

money is worth way less than it was back than not to mention that there where games especially rpg's with save memory wich costed close or over 100$. wich is even more $ by today standard inflation. money had more value back than.

The only exceptions to modern games being more expensive than back in the day are expensive dlc or lootboxes wich would increase the price well over 100 sometimes over 200$. but most games for 60 retail occasionally with the small 25$ or less dlc are cheaper than back in the day no questions asked.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2019, 08:46:39 pm by sworddude »
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