Hello everyone
Today I went out to eat with my family and had such a lovely morning with sunny beautiful weather which would sadly end in a bad surprise when we returned. I went out in my car leaving my house completely unattended as my girlfriend who usually does streaming on the 2nd floor came. We enjoyed such a lovely evening with my 92 year old great grandmother out of town and my parents.
When I returned I was greeted with a pretty negative sight that has haunted me and has been one of my worst nightmares since as far as I can remember deciding to hoard valuable things lol.

My bottom landing door was completely caved in. Split up the middle, door frame pounded through and dead bolt snapped. And the 2nd floor door was completely split around the door knob, shreded with a crow bar, hammer dents all over the door knob but not breached luckily. Somehow they gave up. My door on the 3rd floor was untouched.

I am so lucky that they werent able to steal anything. It's the only silver lining to it all. But I still feel so violated. It's a horrible dirty feeling to know someone has broken into your home and violated your space and privacy. I can't describe it. It's like a feeling of being breached. I feel like I'm being watched now and have been paranoid every since.
My only idea for why they gave up is my 110 pound labrador. I assume he heard the noise and barked spooking them off. He was pretty shooken up when we got back.
This was broad daylight mind you.
Tough one for the books. But this has been a great wakeup call to fortify my home like I always should have with some sort of private security system. And I can take this as a positive which is my only way of moving on and coping. I think this was a warning to show me that I need to be less silly with my collection and protect it with a alarm type thing that alerts the police.
Which brings me into the question part of my post.

How do you guys protect your home from burglars?
For the record, I do have means of protecting the house from an intruder if i'm present.
But that only helps when i'm home. Which in fairness is most of the time.
What i'm really looking for is one of those alarms that work with Alexa that when someone breaks in it sends an Alarm to the police immediately and then you can see who did it and stuff like that and usually the alarm scares them away

But for now I am going to buy 2 water proof motion detecting cameras and a sign that says "Trespassers will be shot" and stuff of the sorts

Sorry for a negative post everyone but I would really like to here opinions. Have any of you ever been robbed? It's so scary