Author Topic: What TV/Netflix show are you currently watching? (Megathread)  (Read 96577 times)

Re: What TV/Netflix show are you currently watching? (Megathread)
« Reply #180 on: January 20, 2021, 08:09:13 am »

This was a very long running watching, starting back around when Disney Plus began back in December 2019, but here it is, I finally watched nearly every season of The Simpsons.  That doesn't include the newest one, which isn't on there yet, and I skipped the first few seasons, because I found the show kinda unwatchable back when they hadn't figured out the visuals and voices for the show, so roughly 27 seasons.  I know people stopped liking the series around Season 10 for very legitimate reasons, but personally not much bothered me with the show a whole lot till around when they went HD with the series in the early 20's of the show. 

Something I heard of, was that the show kinda lost its heart, like Homer was just a deranged idiot, rather than a likeable buffoon, but it gets really bad in kinda the middle of the series and that HD era.  That said, they start to tone that back abit, like Homer was always stupid, but it didn't feel quite as ridiculous as it use to be.  I actually think some of the most recent stuff is pretty entertaining and I've seen a few others say that too, which is crazy to say for a show that's been going on for 32 seasons now.

This wasn't a show I watched with full focus, it was my side show while I had game stuff going, but it was fun to watch as someone that didn't grow up with the series like others did or start the show off from the very beginning.

Re: What TV/Netflix show are you currently watching? (Megathread)
« Reply #181 on: January 23, 2021, 08:34:22 pm »
Disenchantment Part 3.  I like the show, but whenever I finish watching it I just want to rewatch Futurama.

Night Stalker: The Hunt for a Serial Killer.  Decent true crime doc.  Told almost exclusively from the POV from the cops, which allows for some great insights, but also leaves the feeling that it is leaving stuff out as well.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2021, 08:18:48 pm by Cartagia »

Re: What TV/Netflix show are you currently watching? (Megathread)
« Reply #182 on: January 27, 2021, 06:07:48 am »
Really enjoyed Catherine the Great on Sky. Pretty entertaining, good acting, high production values. Happily watched it all. Don't know where and what liberties they took with history but a little wiki seemed like it was a reasonably accurate story, for TV at least.

Re: What TV/Netflix show are you currently watching? (Megathread)
« Reply #183 on: January 27, 2021, 07:55:40 am »
Binged through Blood of Zeus on Netflix and it was pretty solid.  It's action never really gets as good as like Castlevania, at least comparing their best scenes, but it's very similar in tone in terms of the violence going on, and there's a good enough story here, even though, it's very comparable in general outline to Disney's Hercules lol There's way more to the story for sure, involving people turning into demons and the gods are way more involved, but it's closer than you would think based on a few bits of the story structure.  I would recommend it though if you are into these styles of show as it was better than I was expecting.

Re: What TV/Netflix show are you currently watching? (Megathread)
« Reply #184 on: February 07, 2021, 07:14:05 am »

Bit of a random pickup, I was bored, trying to find something to watch and saw Nick Frost doing a tv show about the paranormal called Truth Seekers, and it ended up being a good bit of fun.  It's actually made by Simon Pegg and Nick Frost, Pegg also having a small role in the show, and we even get Malcom McDowell in a role I don't usually see him in.  Usually he's the sinister villain or maybe more sophisticated type, and here he is just Nick Frost's dad, a cantankerous old man, abit senile, but entertaining.  This is very much in that same vein of films they did before with like Hot Fuzz, Shaun of the Dead, and The World's End, with that dry British humor, everything handled with abit of a comedic bent, so it's never too serious even when it gets dark.  First season is good and I'm curious where they take things in a second season if they get it, based on how it ends.

Re: What TV/Netflix show are you currently watching? (Megathread)
« Reply #185 on: February 07, 2021, 09:31:11 am »

I did pretty much an entire rewatch of The Expanse while the new season was on, and barring a complete crash and burn in the final season, I think it may legitimately be the best science fiction series of all time.  At the very least the best space based one.  It's so, so good.  I've basically watched the whole thing once each year since I started watching it.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2021, 09:34:31 am by Cartagia »


Re: What TV/Netflix show are you currently watching? (Megathread)
« Reply #186 on: February 08, 2021, 11:09:46 am »
Got access to a friend's Disney+ account and am five episodes in on the Mandalorian. At some point I'll get to watching WandaVision.

Re: What TV/Netflix show are you currently watching? (Megathread)
« Reply #187 on: February 20, 2021, 05:40:44 am »

Binged the latest 2 parts of Disenchantment as I needed something to watch and while the show was abit iffy in the first part, I think it gets a little better in the next parts.  That being said, I feel like it still struggles with some weird sound design, like it's lacking certain audio cues and songs in parts where it should be, it was an odd issue I noticed in the first part.  Also odd pacing as some jokes drag, which is sorta the point of some of them, but the jokes aren't good enough for it.  The show isn't nearly as good as Futurama or The Simpsons, but it's certainly watchable.

Re: What TV/Netflix show are you currently watching? (Megathread)
« Reply #188 on: February 24, 2021, 04:07:09 am »

Continuing my Netflix binging, I picked up Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts and had a great time with it.  Charming, funny, I didn't know beforehand that it was a post-apocalyptic scenario or I might have watched it sooner, but it was a worthwhile watch.  This show definitely only exists because Steven Universe exists, the show has a very similar story to it, but it's only three seasons, 30 episodes, and there's not much in the way of filler, so it's better handled.  It does enough to stand out on its own though with its fun characters and comedy and the art style is very reminiscent of that kinda angular look from the early 2000's.  Definitely recommend it if you want an enjoyable cartoon to watch.


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Re: What TV/Netflix show are you currently watching? (Megathread)
« Reply #189 on: February 25, 2021, 11:28:06 am »
Superman: Lois & Clark (the new CW show, not the 90s one).

It was alright. Not terrible, not great. I'll still watch it for now as I don't have much to watch.

It seems more focused on Superman's family. He's married in this with twin teenage boys.

Re: What TV/Netflix show are you currently watching? (Megathread)
« Reply #190 on: February 25, 2021, 01:43:43 pm »
I'm currently on season 2 of Warrior.

Re: What TV/Netflix show are you currently watching? (Megathread)
« Reply #191 on: March 02, 2021, 11:46:24 pm »
I'm still sorta in that mood of not being sure what I want to watch, so other than watching some Jujutsu Kaisen on Crunchroll (It's really good so far), I randomly watched through the 6th season of Alone they had on Netflix.  I think I watched an episode or two of this back when it was first airing somewhere, I don't really watch cable anymore, but it was interesting, learning survival techniques, seeing how people adapt, and I appreciate that the show isn't burdened by a host or a camera crew, so it does really sell the "Alone" aspect.  I don't really love getting to the point where people are suffering, starving, trying to hold on, it can be hard to watch that, especially when they realize they can't keep going, but it's an interesting watch to me, probably will go find Season 7 to watch if I can.

Re: What TV/Netflix show are you currently watching? (Megathread)
« Reply #192 on: March 05, 2021, 04:25:52 am »

Just binged through Pacific Rim: The Black and it's really good.  I wasn't sure if it would pan out, the last CG anime kaiju series I watched was the Godzilla Trilogy (It sucked) so I was going in with abit lower expectations, most of my hype just based on my love for Pacific Rim, but this is just genuinely good.  The story and setting is dark and interesting, the kaiju vs jaeger fights are intense, I like the main characters who are teens, but there's good depth to them and there's an interesting mystery going on through the show.  I'd actually say this has that nice feel in between the first two movies, where it kinda feels more grounded, more gritty and dark like the first movie, but it has some of the more crazy ideas that were introduced with Uprising, as this anime is a sequel being that they talk abit about something that happened in the movie.

Great watch, though unfortunately only 7 episodes.  I hope a second season is already happening or confirmed soon as I definitely want to see this finished.

No spoilers of course, but just finished the finale for Wandavision and I really liked it.   There are a few quibbles I have with it, nothing that ruined it, and it didn't have anything to do with unrealistic fan theories, but a few things could've been better.  It's a very solid start to their TV show lineup and definitely hoping Falcon and Winter Soldier is good, followed up by Loki in May I think.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2021, 01:48:16 am by kamikazekeeg »


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Re: What TV/Netflix show are you currently watching? (Megathread)
« Reply #193 on: March 08, 2021, 09:04:06 pm »

No spoilers of course, but just finished the finale for Wandavision and I really liked it.   There are a few quibbles I have with it, nothing that ruined it, and it didn't have anything to do with unrealistic fan theories, but a few things could've been better.  It's a very solid start to their TV show lineup and definitely hoping Falcon and Winter Soldier is good, followed up by Loki in May I think.

I loved it. I have to admit I thought the first 2 episodes dragged. But after that, it really got intriguing.

Re: What TV/Netflix show are you currently watching? (Megathread)
« Reply #194 on: March 08, 2021, 10:02:53 pm »
I loved it. I have to admit I thought the first 2 episodes dragged. But after that, it really got intriguing.

I grew up watching Nick At Nite as a kid, and other re-runs of old shows, watching like Dick Van Dyke, I Love Lucy, Bewitched, I wasn't really much of a sitcom person, but I enjoyed that stuff, so it was kinda fun watching that kind of stuff again, even if a lot of story didn't really happen at the start.