Author Topic: What TV/Netflix show are you currently watching? (Megathread)  (Read 96397 times)


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Re: What TV/Netflix show are you currently watching? (Megathread)
« Reply #225 on: August 02, 2021, 01:47:44 pm »
I'm in the final season of Stargate SG-1, now (season 10). It's not as good as the earlier seasons. In Season 9 they got rid of Richard Dean Anderson (Colonel O'Neill) and replaced him with a new character, and they got rid General Hammond and replaced him as well. They also replaced the Gou'Ald with new villains called the Ori. And a certain character named Valla (played by Claudia Black) shows up far too often, I find her so damn annoying.

That said, it's not terrible. I'm still enjoying it, despite such flaws. It's certainly not as bad as the final season of Sliders was.

Next up will be a full watch through of Stargate: Atlantis. Which I have seen MANY episodes of in reruns, but I've never sat and watched it all in order. I really do love the buddy-cop type relationship John Sheppard and Dr. McKay have in that show, they are pure gold. And the Wraith are some bad-ass looking villains.

« Last Edit: August 02, 2021, 01:50:49 pm by burningdoom »

Re: What TV/Netflix show are you currently watching? (Megathread)
« Reply #226 on: August 06, 2021, 11:27:18 am »
The rest of Bosch was also pretty solid.  Not an incredible show, but good and entertaining all the way through.  Some pacing issues with the final season, likely due to production during COVID, but nothing that drags it down in the end.

Re: What TV/Netflix show are you currently watching? (Megathread)
« Reply #227 on: August 09, 2021, 01:38:42 am »

Randomly put on Centaurworld after seeing some art for it and end up having a real fun time with it.  It's super silly comedic nonsense, it reminds me a lot of how wacky Adventure Time could be, along with the same kinda...dark undercurrent to it all as it's about a horse from a dark, war torn, world, that falls through a portal and ends up in this goofy Centaurworld, looking like a real horse with these very ridiculous cartoon characters, but I found it quite charming and a good watch, gave me a good laugh here and there.  It's also a musical and not like in the way Steven Universe or Adventure Time can be once in awhile, there's multiple songs per episode usually.    I do recommend it if you want something goofy and light hearted to watch.

Re: What TV/Netflix show are you currently watching? (Megathread)
« Reply #228 on: August 09, 2021, 09:45:19 am »
Invincible is pretty great - kind of an animated version of The Boys - but I honestly kind of wish that it was playing everything a little more straight, and that it was just a superhero show without the big "reveals" / mystery about Omni-Man.  You can only see the deconstructions of superheroes so many times before it just becomes another cliche.

Season one of Narcos is really good.  Probably too much English narration to keep people who don't like subtitles involved.  I knew Pablo Escobar was a big name in the cocaine business, but I had no idea just how much chaos he was responsible for.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2021, 12:37:26 pm by Cartagia »


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Re: What TV/Netflix show are you currently watching? (Megathread)
« Reply #229 on: August 15, 2021, 09:36:26 pm »
Took a break from my Stargate marathon after finishing SG-1 (before starting on Atlantis). Watched a few other things I'd been neglecting:

Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness

It is kind of by-the-numbers as far as Resident Evil stories go. Felt a lot like one of the early games in the series, with a final countdown and everything. But you know what? I love old-school RE, so I enjoyed it, despite that.

Masters of the Universe: Revelation

I loved it, and I hated it. I hated that ***SPOILER AHEAD*** they killed off the two coolest characters in the franchise, He-Man and Skeletor, in the first episode. And I hated what they did to poor Orko. But I'll be damned if the animation and writing wasn't awesome. I wish it hadn't ended on a cliffhanger.


And speaking of cliffhangers, man, that Loki ending. And we know how long Marvel projects take, so it'll be a while before we see what happens. Loved this series, BTW. Just the right mixture of humor, intrugue, and time-travel shenanigans for a damn entertaining ride...that unfortunately has no sense of closure.

Marvel: What If?

Only seen the first episode, so far, just like everyone else. Promising start to the series. I enjoyed what I saw. Very reminiscent of the kind of thing you'd see in the comic series. Can't wait to see what's next in store for this.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2021, 09:44:04 pm by burningdoom »

Re: What TV/Netflix show are you currently watching? (Megathread)
« Reply #230 on: August 18, 2021, 10:04:11 am »
Narcos season 2 is a driven a bit more by a singular through line, but it is just as good as the first season.

Re: What TV/Netflix show are you currently watching? (Megathread)
« Reply #231 on: August 24, 2021, 01:56:49 pm »
Re-watch of What We Do in the Shadows leading up to the new season premiere.  Still totally incredible.

Re: What TV/Netflix show are you currently watching? (Megathread)
« Reply #232 on: August 28, 2021, 04:39:19 am »
Got around to watching Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness, and its not good.  I was sorta impressed with the quality of the series, until I realized that it's only 4 episodes, so all they did was unnecessarily chop up one of their CG movies into a couple episodes lol I mean the animation is fantastic, but to say this is a tv series at all is being pretty disingenuous.    It's mostly the same as the other CG movies they've done with their connections to Resident Evil 4, 5, and 6.  I mean it's at least not as ridiculous as I think it was Vendetta with the super hilarious and ridiculous gunplay nonsense, but it's still not particularly good lol

Claire is in it, but she's completely and entirely pointless, like you could remove her and no story beat changes, it's like they felt like they HAD to include her because it's Leon here.  The story in general is sorta half-baked, real generic, I honestly don't know why they are continuing on with the movies like this, because this political thriller stuff is real boring and generic and there's no interesting story here.  Like I'll take this over the previous live action films, but that's not saying much.  The series has moved on with Resident Evil 7 and 8 and I wish they'd do the same for the CG films.  I had a small hope this could be good, but it's just Capcom continuing to let their stuff get butchered when it comes to movies.  The Monster Hunter CG film was bad, the Monster Hunter live action movie was bad, the live action Resident Evil movies were bad, and I got no expectations for the live action adaptation of Resident Evil 1 and 2 that they are doing now.

Re: What TV/Netflix show are you currently watching? (Megathread)
« Reply #233 on: August 30, 2021, 10:16:22 pm »

To anyone who is a fan of subtle satire comedy mixed with relatable characters and funny plot lines I highly reccomend checking out Schitt's creek :)   It is my new show that I have been binging.  I have upped my game to feature the infinity gauntlet of streaming services by adding Hbo Max and Paramount Plus to my apps which has led me to binging fresh prince of bel air too which due to my generational gap I missed and never got the lure of. 

Schitts Creek's camera and way of filiming is pretty immersive. Sometimes I feel in the motel with the Roses.   It's one of them shows where no matter who you are their is someone to relate to.  The eccentric bisexual hipster who can be snarky and runs an artsy shop in town square, the rich but frugal and often times annoyed with his privliged children greyed father of 2, the aristocratic snobby old lady with many wigs and even the Stevie who seems to not care at all lol  But I do suggest everyone give this one a shot on Netflix :D

Re: What TV/Netflix show are you currently watching? (Megathread)
« Reply #234 on: August 31, 2021, 09:23:49 pm »
Narcos Season 3 is not nearly as good as the first two, but has a pretty good 2-3 episode run at the end.

The Queen's Gambit is really good.  Not incredible, but really good.  Totally understand why everyone got into it last year.

Manhunt: Deadly Games is really good until you hit the halfway mark and it hits total fabrication Town at which point there is a huge nosedive in quality.  All the Richard Jewell and ATF stuff is good to great, but the FBI / militia story is hot garbage.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2021, 06:22:56 pm by Cartagia »

Re: What TV/Netflix show are you currently watching? (Megathread)
« Reply #235 on: September 27, 2021, 02:57:32 pm »
After repairing my time machine I have gone back and watched the first season of Ally McBeal.  Pleasantly surprised at how well it holds up.  The pilot suffers from a major case of TV Pilot Syndrome, and there are some dated moments, but I was laughing a lot.

Midnight Mass is another solid as hell horror/drama mini-series from Mike Flanagan. His best finale episode by far, though it might be about one episode too long.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2021, 09:52:54 pm by Cartagia »

Re: What TV/Netflix show are you currently watching? (Megathread)
« Reply #236 on: October 07, 2021, 11:58:54 pm »
Went through all of Marvel's "What If..." as I was waiting for it to finish up and just binge it all at once since it's not an ongoing story like the other series are.  Visually, I love the style, it sorta reminds me in some way to Iron Giant, just in CG and with more detailing and lighting to it.  Odd I know, but something about it feels familiar.  Makes for some great action though.

Generally I thought it was fun, I like alternate reality story stuff.  Writing was a mixed bag at times though.  The only one that I felt was rough, and was one I wanted to like more, was the Zombie one.  It was trying to be a zombie comedy, but tonally it didn't work at all.  It was too jokey, so any serious moments just didn't hit at all.  I know they couldn't do it like the comics, but there was a lot of room for improvement.  The ending was great though, essentially using all these alternate realities we had seen, to create a multiversal crossover, that's a fun way to bring it all together.  It's nothing amazing, but there's definite room for improvement.


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Re: What TV/Netflix show are you currently watching? (Megathread)
« Reply #237 on: October 08, 2021, 11:02:52 am »
Went through all of Marvel's "What If..." as I was waiting for it to finish up and just binge it all at once since it's not an ongoing story like the other series are.  Visually, I love the style, it sorta reminds me in some way to Iron Giant, just in CG and with more detailing and lighting to it.  Odd I know, but something about it feels familiar.  Makes for some great action though.

Generally I thought it was fun, I like alternate reality story stuff.  Writing was a mixed bag at times though.  The only one that I felt was rough, and was one I wanted to like more, was the Zombie one.  It was trying to be a zombie comedy, but tonally it didn't work at all.  It was too jokey, so any serious moments just didn't hit at all.  I know they couldn't do it like the comics, but there was a lot of room for improvement.  The ending was great though, essentially using all these alternate realities we had seen, to create a multiversal crossover, that's a fun way to bring it all together.  It's nothing amazing, but there's definite room for improvement.

I loved it. Felt just like the comic series. One-shot stories of alternate-realities, and I'm a sucker for alternate-reality and time travel type stories.

Though the party Thor episode was pretty stupid. And I felt like Thanos went down far too easily when Ultron faced him.

Re: What TV/Netflix show are you currently watching? (Megathread)
« Reply #238 on: October 08, 2021, 12:09:41 pm »
Apparently they had to shelve an entire episode (about Gamora / Tony) and every episode had to be shortened to some degree due to the pandemic.  Overall, though I agree with kamikazeeg - it was a fun time, with room for improvement.  I would actually like to see more overall standalone stories fro mthe MCU in general, though.

Re: What TV/Netflix show are you currently watching? (Megathread)
« Reply #239 on: October 08, 2021, 02:39:00 pm »
Apparently they had to shelve an entire episode (about Gamora / Tony) and every episode had to be shortened to some degree due to the pandemic.  Overall, though I agree with kamikazeeg - it was a fun time, with room for improvement.  I would actually like to see more overall standalone stories fro mthe MCU in general, though.

That makes sense, being that the ending involves the Gamora from that shelved episode and was the only one that didn't have a story for us to follow.