Since when?
We’re all gonna get banned.

While I’m here tho.
I sorry I’ve been out for a while until just recently folks.
My life became absolutely insane the last two years. Key people in my life passed on. I forgave people that hurt me the deepest. I moved across the country. Changed the entire nature of my work situation. All but stopped streaming for a while. Just a lot of sudden changes.
I am way behind updating my collection on here and have already double purchased at least one game because of it.
I have been lurking in the forums and following along on many of the discussions and adventures.
With all the changes that have happened on my life recently I’m finding it hard to interact with people. I’m afraid they or I will be unable to relate.
I replied to a few threads a week or so ago, for example and they seemed to completely die after that.
Maybe they were already out of steam and I am reading too much into it.
Short version. I’ve been away for a while and missed the chummy playful banter of these forums. So I’ll try to be a bit more present.
Unless I get banned for crap posting in the general section.