Author Topic: Monster Hunter  (Read 3199 times)

Monster Hunter
« on: September 17, 2019, 05:29:36 am »
I believe I did a thread for this back when Monster Hunter World first launched, but since Iceborne's release, I've been hard at it and loving the game once again.  This thread is for just general chatter with Monster Hunter, any version, though with Iceborne, it's still early enough for spoilers, so no talk about anything that wasn't shown off beforehand. No details beyond generic talk of what comes after Namielle at least for a little bit longer as I don't know if anyone else is playing it right now and I'm still not completely spoiled on everything in the endgame either.

Speaking of Namielle, trying to build up my gear to more properly handle it as it might be one of the tankiest fights I've done in the game.  I'm sure there are numbers that say otherwise, but even my faster second run at it, I still was pushing like 35 to 40 minutes (49 minutes on my first try, it was so close) or even more for taking it down.  It's a fun boss though and the gear it has is super cool looking for females (It's basically just Splatoon for the beta option lol).  Mostly focusing on it to get the currently highest defense gear I can (Other than Damascus maybe with the defense boost), which I need for the final story boss, which I've failed 3 or 4 times now.  It gets nuts towards the end.

Re: Monster Hunter
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2019, 09:06:19 am »
I dumped over 400 hours into vanilla Monster Hunter World, so I'm enjoying the new stuff Iceborne's brought in for sure. (I also appreciate the no spoilers, as I'm taking my time with it- just unlocked Barioth.)

This being my first Monster Hunter game, it's been a bit interesting armor-wise to move into Master Rank. Where I still didn't have a full grip on the various abilities moving from low to high rank, so I just slapped on what looks good, this time I've got a set of skills I'm rather used to having, so I'm less inclined to change armor. I'm currently fully in a mishmash of various sets, & not likely to change until I can make the Tigrex set (as it uses several of my preferred skills.) One of my playgroup isn't making any Master Rank armor until he's through the new storyline. I feel like that's a bad call?

After fighting the Coral Pukei Pukei, I strongly feel Capcom needs to make him into a sprinkler toy. It would work, right?!

Why can't I bring Poogie to Seliana? I miss him!

I picked up Generations Ultimate for the Switch, but I couldn't get into it beyond the first mission. I think I'm put off by a) the far more sparse maps, and b) discovering the first few missions are just gatherfests, which take a lot longer than in world. It's MONSTER HUNTER, I want to HUNT a MONSTER, not pick mushrooms! I'm sure I'll try again eventually, but right now I just don't care to.

Re: Monster Hunter
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2019, 03:59:59 pm »
I dumped over 400 hours into vanilla Monster Hunter World, so I'm enjoying the new stuff Iceborne's brought in for sure. (I also appreciate the no spoilers, as I'm taking my time with it- just unlocked Barioth.)

This being my first Monster Hunter game, it's been a bit interesting armor-wise to move into Master Rank. Where I still didn't have a full grip on the various abilities moving from low to high rank, so I just slapped on what looks good, this time I've got a set of skills I'm rather used to having, so I'm less inclined to change armor. I'm currently fully in a mishmash of various sets, & not likely to change until I can make the Tigrex set (as it uses several of my preferred skills.) One of my playgroup isn't making any Master Rank armor until he's through the new storyline. I feel like that's a bad call?

After fighting the Coral Pukei Pukei, I strongly feel Capcom needs to make him into a sprinkler toy. It would work, right?!

Why can't I bring Poogie to Seliana? I miss him!

I picked up Generations Ultimate for the Switch, but I couldn't get into it beyond the first mission. I think I'm put off by a) the far more sparse maps, and b) discovering the first few missions are just gatherfests, which take a lot longer than in world. It's MONSTER HUNTER, I want to HUNT a MONSTER, not pick mushrooms! I'm sure I'll try again eventually, but right now I just don't care to.

A Sprinkler toy Coral Pukei Pukei with his tail butt just flailing around, spraying a hose of water about XD lol

Poogie will be in Seliana, don't worry.  He has some adorable new outfits to find too.

And I would personally say it's a bad thing to not make any new armor till the endgame, because I don't think I really see the point unless he knows something I don't, but the higher end armor so far that I've seen is in like the 140 to 150 base range for defense, per piece, and you earn new 4 slot deco's that can double a skill or be two skills.  Unless he's godlike at the game, he's going to get his ass handed to him by more than a few of the new monsters I feel lol 

I took a look and a Damascus set of armor at High Rank is in like the 300 range, while Master is at least 760, which is just the base for each.  That's an enormous amount of defense difference in that situation.  Gear wise, I think the few that are useful till the later end gear would be like Beotodus, Barioth, and Glavenus as I use those fairly regularly still.

And I was the same for Ultimate on Switch.  I tried to get into it, now that I'm a big fan of Monster Hunter, but that early game is terrible and while MHU has the better gear and transmog, I find the Monster Hunter World drastically improve the series in almost every other area it seems.  It's definitely the right game for Switch tech wise in terms of being playable, but the older MH style is a harder sell in a post-MHW world lol
« Last Edit: September 17, 2019, 04:02:33 pm by kamikazekeeg »

Re: Monster Hunter
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2019, 01:04:20 am »
And beat the story end boss.  Full upgraded Damascus, full defense boost, purple sharpness rank 12 sword, basically the toughest I could get at this level.  It's an overall pretty fun fight, though I feel like Xeno'Jiva might've been technically harder, I don't know, maybe that's just me.  I just remember it being way harder to dodge a lot of Xeno's stuff compared to this one.  It's a hell of a fight though.

Iceborne is just a great time and I can't wait to see what all shows up in the endgame.  From what I've heard, it sounds like it could be more interesting this time compared to the base game.

Re: Monster Hunter
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2019, 09:35:12 am »
I’ve never played a MH game but I’ve come close to picking one up once or twice.  I actually have some eShop credit I may use the next time one of the 3DS games go on sale.  Their usually dirt cheap.  Do you have a recommendation for which one would be best to start with?  I’ve never touched MH, but have been super into the Souls-like genre over the last few years.

Re: Monster Hunter
« Reply #5 on: September 18, 2019, 03:37:55 pm »
I’ve never played a MH game but I’ve come close to picking one up once or twice.  I actually have some eShop credit I may use the next time one of the 3DS games go on sale.  Their usually dirt cheap.  Do you have a recommendation for which one would be best to start with?  I’ve never touched MH, but have been super into the Souls-like genre over the last few years.

I've only played World, because it really cleaned up the series in a way to make it more playable than the games before.  There's a lot of tedium in the older games I've found when I dabbled in them or tried to play Ultimate on Switch that makes me glad World exists.  Not that they are unplayable, people have dumped thousands of hours into those games, but World was the first time I really loved a Monster Hunter game.  But like you said, they are usually dirt cheap, so it couldn't hurt to grab one, though I wouldn't look at them as a "Souls-Like".  MH sorta shares that deliberate action feel, but nothing else about the game is comparable.  This isn't Nioh or Sekiro or The Surge.

I said in another thread that I was gonna take a break from Monster Hunter since I got to the endgame, then I realized that I actually can do the Arch Tempered fights now with my higher level gear without getting my ass thoroughly handed to me and I can get more layered armor, because most of the layered armor isn't really worth wearing lol Got the Origin Armor from AT Zorah, so good start so far.  Only ones available right now are AT Teostra and I think AT Kushala, so I'm gonna try those next, which gets me the DMC layered armor and I forget what Kushala gives.

That said, the new Devil Pickle armor? Glorious, I need to get it as soon as possible even though I hate fighting the pickle so much lol Saying that though, I technically just learned how to properly use Long Sword with Iceborne (Only took me 250 hours!), and I got Rocksteady Mantle, so that should make things less obnoxious.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2019, 06:00:26 pm by kamikazekeeg »

Re: Monster Hunter
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2019, 12:41:43 pm »
I’ve never played a MH game but I’ve come close to picking one up once or twice.  I actually have some eShop credit I may use the next time one of the 3DS games go on sale.  Their usually dirt cheap.  Do you have a recommendation for which one would be best to start with?  I’ve never touched MH, but have been super into the Souls-like genre over the last few years.

Get Generations Ultimate for Switch or World on your platform of choice. Both are the newest of their lines, and if you like them you'll be able to backtrack as you see fit.

I've got a co-worker who's a MH diehard, and he's found most people who start with World have a hard time switching to the more 'traditional' games. World's gameplay is slightly easier, and there's a lot of basic improvements that make for a better experience overall (he cites giving every player a permanent whetstone for sharpening weapons vs. making you collect disposable items.) Being a Souls fan, you might start with Gen Ult- the extra challenge will likely suit you. Regardless of whether or not you like it, give World a try if you can get it cheap- the vanilla release should drop in price now that the Iceborne Master Edition is out. World is a different enough game that your opinion of the other titles doesn't inherently show if you'll like it or not.

Re: Monster Hunter
« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2019, 10:54:29 pm »
I still hate Deviljho with a passion lol I know Tempered is a tough fight, but I'm trying to do the Horizon Zero Dawn mission for the layered armor that I passed on (Two Tempered Pickles, 1 ticket per completion, need 3 tickets, god I hate this) and even with wearing 160 defense a piece armor and a Rarity 11 or 12 dragon sword, endgame gear essentially, it still kicks my ass quite abit even for High Rank.  I'll beat it in less than 20 minutes for sure, but I'll be thrashed about and go through all my mega potions by the time its done.  He's super hard to dodge, even with my parry attack for long sword.  That I now have to go and take out Master Rank Deviljho for the badass armor fills me with immense sadness lol
« Last Edit: September 19, 2019, 11:02:48 pm by kamikazekeeg »

Re: Monster Hunter
« Reply #8 on: September 20, 2019, 10:12:44 am »
Y'know, I couldn't figure out the anti-pickle sentiment going on until you said 'I get thrashed about & go through all my mega potions'. I didn't find him that hard, becuase I always go in expecting to get thrashed about & use all my mega potions! Heck, my high rank armor ended up focusing on the Kulve stuff so I could get a build going with wide range, becuase I knew I'd be downing potions like a madwoman & figured 'might as well keep everyone else topped up too!'

Actually, my whole build was set up less around maximizing attack & more around convenience. Wide range/speed eating/free meal, stun resistance, earplugs- plus jumpmaster/airborne/master mounter given that I use the insect glaive almost exclusively. Basically the idea was, if I'm going to be stopped from doing stuff, I want it to be becuase I stupidly took a big hit, not becuase I ran to the side to heal, got stopped by a roar, then killed by a pouncing attack or something. Also annoying to get midair combos shut down becuase another monster came in and started yelling.

I am VERY pleased to learn Poogie will come to the mountains eventually!

Re: Monster Hunter
« Reply #9 on: September 22, 2019, 05:36:38 am »
This is very random, but I personally don't like that none of the characters in the game are named.  I know story isn't this games strong suit, and that the characters are window dressing to get you to the next monster, but I feel like it sorta keeps me from truly connecting with the world they've created.  Like I can only remember the Handler and Poogie.  That's it.  I got 350 hours in this game, I could maybe pull a couple others out of my head...I think the old lady that joins you at times is "Tracker", but I'll be damned if I'll remember the difference between the Admiral or Commander beyond their hair (Looking at an NPC list) and I completely forget that the badass dude that fights at times in the story is the "Huntsman".

Also I want the Handler to never call me "Pard" ever again.  It's so awkward of a nickname lol

These are just those minor annoyances that bug me in an overall great game lol

Re: Monster Hunter
« Reply #10 on: September 24, 2019, 08:56:16 am »
This is very random, but I personally don't like that none of the characters in the game are named.  I know story isn't this games strong suit, and that the characters are window dressing to get you to the next monster, but I feel like it sorta keeps me from truly connecting with the world they've created.  Like I can only remember the Handler and Poogie.  That's it.  I got 350 hours in this game, I could maybe pull a couple others out of my head...I think the old lady that joins you at times is "Tracker", but I'll be damned if I'll remember the difference between the Admiral or Commander beyond their hair (Looking at an NPC list) and I completely forget that the badass dude that fights at times in the story is the "Huntsman".

Also I want the Handler to never call me "Pard" ever again.  It's so awkward of a nickname lol

These are just those minor annoyances that bug me in an overall great game lol

My group was just talking about the same thing the other day, & how it's the clearest symptom of a game that should be dripping with incidental lore, but isn't. We do occasionally refer to the field commander as Matt, given as he's voiced by Matt Mercer.

And yes, 'Pard' is stupid. There's times I wish 'change Handler' was a option!

Re: Monster Hunter
« Reply #11 on: September 24, 2019, 05:13:48 pm »
This is very random, but I personally don't like that none of the characters in the game are named.  I know story isn't this games strong suit, and that the characters are window dressing to get you to the next monster, but I feel like it sorta keeps me from truly connecting with the world they've created.  Like I can only remember the Handler and Poogie.  That's it.  I got 350 hours in this game, I could maybe pull a couple others out of my head...I think the old lady that joins you at times is "Tracker", but I'll be damned if I'll remember the difference between the Admiral or Commander beyond their hair (Looking at an NPC list) and I completely forget that the badass dude that fights at times in the story is the "Huntsman".

Also I want the Handler to never call me "Pard" ever again.  It's so awkward of a nickname lol

These are just those minor annoyances that bug me in an overall great game lol

My group was just talking about the same thing the other day, & how it's the clearest symptom of a game that should be dripping with incidental lore, but isn't. We do occasionally refer to the field commander as Matt, given as he's voiced by Matt Mercer.

And yes, 'Pard' is stupid. There's times I wish 'change Handler' was a option!

BRING BACK SERIOUS HANDLER OR RIOT! She shows up in the story to cover the regular handler if you haven't gone that far in the story lol

I didn't realize the commander was Matt Mercer, I usually recognize him, but he's playing much lower with that voice than how I usually hear him lol And yes more lore for the world would be great, like I'd love to just have random dialogue discussions with characters about life elsewhere, notable cities, things like that.  I know that if you are a long time fan, you probably have abit more of a general knowledge of everything, but like I'd love if Capcom in the next game just went all out with story additions, like maybe you have the opportunity to travel away from your location and explore a bigger town/city-like place.  I think that would add a lot to the series.

Re: Monster Hunter
« Reply #12 on: September 25, 2019, 12:28:43 pm »
BRING BACK SERIOUS HANDLER OR RIOT! She shows up in the story to cover the regular handler if you haven't gone that far in the story lol

I didn't realize the commander was Matt Mercer, I usually recognize him, but he's playing much lower with that voice than how I usually hear him lol And yes more lore for the world would be great, like I'd love to just have random dialogue discussions with characters about life elsewhere, notable cities, things like that.  I know that if you are a long time fan, you probably have abit more of a general knowledge of everything, but like I'd love if Capcom in the next game just went all out with story additions, like maybe you have the opportunity to travel away from your location and explore a bigger town/city-like place.  I think that would add a lot to the series.

I basically stopped the story missions & did pretty much every optional one I had open at the time, just to keep the Serious Handler around longer!

I'm a fresh-faced newb to the Monster Hunter franchise, World is my first game- but even within world, there's so many things that could be elaborated on. What happened to the Field Commander's parents? How is it, in 40 years, that he's the only kid born in the new world? Did the people from the earlier fleets go home, or die in the New World? Is there a cemetery, or do they ship bodies back? How does building structures happen- we know they chop up their boats, but we see very un-boat-like things too, like the steamworks pipes- did they just haul a bunch of pipes over, or did they make them? How? Does everything they eat have cat hair in it? Why do we only ever see 1-2 of any monster species at once? How can what seems to be a relatively small island support so many huge creatures? I HAVE QUESTIONS!

Re: Monster Hunter
« Reply #13 on: September 28, 2019, 11:29:42 pm »
I so want Godzilla in Monster Hunter, and having seen that a dev would like to have that as a crossover, it's only got me more amped for the possibility.  I was trying to think about how they'd go about it, like they could generally shrink Godzilla down to the larger endgame sizes they did for Xeno'jiva and the Iceborne final boss, just put them in a simple arena.  The other option that I've heard, at least if they bring more than just Godzilla and have Ghidorah, is that there's a boss from some point in Monster Hunter history that's just a super giant...snake or something, i forget exactly, but you end up like just fighting the head, it's so big and that could work for that.

The other idea would have it be like a Zorah Magdaros fight, in that it's about cannons, equipment, maybe attacking parts of him to slow him down, eventually being about just repelling Godzilla.  This would allow them to deal with his size more properly.

I just really want Godzilla in the game and to get some sick ass Godzilla armor lol I mean, who wouldn't want this!