Hello everyone

Sometimes the world works in magical ways, and we are placed in positions where we can meet the people we idolized our whole lives or people with a lot of star power who have been a intricate part of our childhoods. For better or worst depending on how nice they are. It can be a monumental memory you never forget

I really thought it'd be fun to hear all the awesome stories of the events (Conventions, Shows and Meet Ups) you guys have gone to and the type of faces you've seen. I know so many celebrities pour into some of the comic cons and video game expos. I know many people have met James Rolfe. I wish I could meet him soon. I always miss the events he's at. I like him a lot. Does anyone have any stories of James or other celebrities both big and small?

I have never met a celebrity before but I will be really soon, In November I will be going to a meet and greet with some of the cast of Stranger Things. Millie Bobby Brown specifically is A-List so i'm nervous. But also Pretty excited

. It will be a chance to conquer some of my fears of popular people. If I make an ass of myself it'll still be an experience.
As for celebrities i've seen but not met. I've seen Donald Trump once. I've seen Anthony Moran who played Michael Myers in Halloween. He was at Salem, MA during their big halloween festival they do every year. I've chatted with YouTuber Lael Hansen on facetime who is actually pretty friendly. She's extremely nice. One of the nicest people i've talked to. Even with as big as she's grown popularity wise. She's still always open to talk. And I have been sort of friends with her since 2015.
Have you ever met a celebrity or popular person? How was the experience? Were you extremely nervous going in or were you not worried at all?
Thanks for sharing all your stories.
Most want to meet celebrities
Mr. Miyamoto
James Rolfe
Joe Rogan
Lil Wayne
Bill Gates
Jay Leno