Hello everyone
Have you ever been in a room where everyone is discussing something and you hear a mistruth told. And you know it's wrong because you've known your whole life that it happened a different way. Only to find out you remembered it wrong? A logo, an event, a date. Being skewed from what you vividly remember it being?
This is normal. Humans forget things all the time and make up memories as we go to fill the void. But it only get's wierd when you realize that hundreds of thousands if not millions of others remember the event the same way you do but only about half remember it the opposite way. Leading many conspiracy theorists to believe that their are alternate universes that we unknowingly alternate between. And some slight variances occur.
Here are some of the Mandella effect moments I have had.
The Mandela Effect, Mandela Effect lol
The Mandela effect is named after famous civil rights activist, revolutionary Nelson Mandela. Who was imprisoned for conspiring to overthrow the state of his government.
The Mandela effect was noticed when millions of people remember being vividly taught that Nelson Mandela died in prison in the 1980s Some heard 1990s. But the oddness becomes apprent when they all learned that Nelson Mandela died much later, as a free man. Not even that long ago in the year of 2013 at 95 years old.
This one I find to be the most odd to me. Because it is the only one I am 100 percent of my memory on. The others I remember it one way but I could have saw wrong or something. But this one. I vividly, 100 percent remember the exact day I was taught it. It was 7th grade. I was in middle school. The teacher had books that we opened and we were reading about Nelson Mandela. I was specifically told that he died in prison in the 1980s. I remember is so vividly. As do millions of others.
But it turns out it was all a lie.
Some chalk it up to the famous theory of persuasion. Where the majority will suggest something and even if it's wrong, others will follow suit because they don't want to feel out of place with their memory. But I don't believe so. I was never told outside of that classroom anything about Nelson Mandela. And I remember the book. The illustrations. The headlines. It even showed a picture of a news article claiming he died.
It's pretty strange.
The Chic-Fil-A Mandela effect
This one is another convincing one for me because it's so much more recent. Chic-Fil-A came to my area only fairly recent and it was always spelt Chic-Fil-A. I always typed it that way. The sign always said it. The bag, the wrappers. It was always Chic-Fil-A in my mind. Than one day I was going down the rabbit hole of Mandela effect stuff. Turns out it was always CHICK-FIL-A.
How? How could my mind be falsifiable so recent.
And I only want to add just for the record. That I have a thing called photographic memory. I can remember vivid details about things that happens when I was a new born, and I can play them back in my mind and remember colors and details of what was said. I remember my car ride home form the hospital after birth. I remember the song that was playing. So it's odd that the memories could become so skewed. I vividly remember the K being left out.
Tailless Curious George Mandela Effect

This was the one that drove me over the edge. No way. I remember him even hanging off of trees with his tail. He used to hang off the man with the yellow coat's arms with the tail. It was in picture books. I used to color coloring books with his tail. I just know it was part of something bigger. Why wouldn't he have a tail?
He looks naked without the tail. He looks wrong. And now I can never have tailed George back
Some of the others that I didn't get effect by include
Pikachu has a black tip of his tail.

Might be because of how much we all play video games. But I never remember pikachu having black on his tail. Only pichu.
Monopoly man had no Monicle.

I don't remember him having one either. But some people do. It's one of the larger instances of this
The Hitler super weponOne of these instances is only personal to me and I was hoping i could find others that remember seeing this online. Maybe I did and maybe it was removed. Or maybe it was all a odd mismemory. But I really remember it.
It was this documentary about the darkest secrets of WW2. And it was a story about this super weapon made by Hitler that was never found after the end of WW2. Supposidly it killed 80 percent of the scientists that worked on it. It was like this saucer type of thing that could levitate off of the ground and emit pulses of energy that could boil blood. They tested it on deers and rabbits and it would kill them dead. It would boil blood and shut down the entire central nervous system of anything in it's path. It could harnass lightning and change the weather. It was some evil weaponry of hell. But it was never uncovered. Some people think they are hiding it at area 51.
Perhaps it was a creepypasta. But I just can never find it again. Was it a bad memory?
What Mandela effects have you encountered. Do you believe in alternate dimensions or do you think it's just some error of human communication?
Thank you for sharing