Author Topic: Importing from - Can't be done anymore?  (Read 1085 times)

Importing from - Can't be done anymore?
« on: October 03, 2019, 04:16:51 am »

I've imported games from Japans Amazon site before with no issues, but now when I put an item in the basket and go to checkout it states it cannot deliver to my address - I'm from the UK.

I've had no issue with this previously and already ordered a couple of games from them this year but now it seems I cannot. I've made sure I've selected the actual Amazon seller too and not just 3rd party seller.

Has anyone else encountered this issue too?

I'm looking into buying Final Fantasy X/X-2 on the Switch but eBay prices are simply too much!

Re: Importing from - Can't be done anymore?
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2019, 10:22:20 am »
You really freaked me out there for a second.  There have been some changes here within the last week of certain businesses won't import, or charge higher for shipping, or charging local sales tax even though they are elsewhere.

Amazon JP does have items that they won't themselves export.  For instance I'm trying to collect a certain set of Sgt. Frog model kits, I bought 2 before Amazon JP was exporting easily.  2 once they started exporting no problem, but the 5th one I want is the only one Amazon won't export.  No clue why... they just won't.  I've also seen Amazon UK do the same thing.  Usually in those cases I think it's because they have limited stock and won't export when the inventory is so low and they don't foresee receiving more stock.

Anyway, I checked a couple of things and they let me set it to ship to the US, I think you just managed to hit one of the few items they won't ship.

Re: Importing from - Can't be done anymore?
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2019, 11:06:15 am »
I clicked your link, and I think I see the problem- the item's not sold by Amazon, it's coming from a third party seller. Scrolling through the various options, you can find Amazon proper, but it's marked 'currently unavailable'.

Third party sellers usually don't ship internationally, even ones with their orders fulfilled by Amazon. My handful of orders have been looking for retro items that are difficult and/or far more expensive from Ebay. Buying anything always starts with 'dump all possibly affordable copies into cart, see if any stick around at the shipping step'. Usually everything gets kicked out & I try again a few weeks later.

I checked the sellers I've used previously, none of them are selling this game. You're either going to have to wait for Amazon proper to re-stock, or start trying random sellers to see if someone will ship internationally.