Author Topic: Do you believe in ghosts?  (Read 3692 times)

Do you believe in ghosts?
« on: October 10, 2019, 08:34:05 pm »
The things that go bump in the night.  Spirits longing for the answers to their untimely demise, trapped in limbo.  Living their life as they always did amongst us confused mortals. In a never ending cycle of purgatory.  Disembodied connections to a long lost past.  Static.  And sad.  The pained,  the wronged, or the lost.  Talking to you.  For one last chance to visit their world.   One last chance to make their voice heard.   

We are the ghosts, and the ghosts we see are the living.  We torment the living.  We've been dead for centuries and don't even know it.   Everything you do and say.  It's all a lie.

People fall into 2 lanes usually.  Believers and non believers.  And both can be heavily set in their ideas.   It's hard to convince a skeptic that the full bodied voice on the recorded was a ghost just as hard as it is to convince a believer that it was the wind.  So it all depends on your vibes, opinions on life and death and the other side. 

For me,  I believe in ghosts.  But not as much as I did as a kid.  As a kid I was terrified of them.  And used to worry about being attacked or possessed.  But now I try to avoid spooky ghost shows.  They are mostly fake. 

I think the spirits roam earth,  and energies still remain.   Like if you are in a room where dark things happened,  that feeling,  that energy.  It stays.   Even after the spirit moves on.   

I live in a city with a very famous axe murder house.  And I never had the courage to go in it.   But people say it always gives awful dread.  Which is a feeling associated with a lot of haunted places. 

Do you guys have any tales of the spookies?   Any ghosts ever touch you or talk to you?  Where do you stand on their existance?

Do you believe in ghosts?


Re: Do you believe in ghosts?
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2019, 10:14:37 pm »
I'm neither a believer, nor non-believer. I don't actually think that places are haunted as much as people are haunted. It's a mental condition of sorts. They believe in what haunts them, even though it's a creation of their own mind. So on some level it's real, to those people.

I'm undecided on whether I believe residual haunting is a scientifically provable phenomena. Limestone is said to have properties which can effectively "record" in forms of energy and can cause routine noises and other phenomena from the past. EMF is said to give people a feeling of unease and nausea, which is usually given off by exposed electrical, but sometimes there exists EMF with unexplained source and can often have the same effect. Sometimes EVP can be very difficult to debunk.

It's all very interesting to me, and I don't rule out the possibility that there could be something to it. But I believe 99% of reported incidents are either total fabrication and BS people make up for the attention, or the person is delusional as I explained above.

Re: Do you believe in ghosts?
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2019, 10:37:59 pm »
Much like the other thread that involved the mandela effect, it all comes down to our easy to fool brains.  I'm not gonna say with 100% confidence that ghosts do no exist, but I don't believe them and find that much of it comes down to people being primed for this kind of stuff thanks to books and videos and that people in general are easy to spook especially in unfamiliar places or when we are alone.  We are a very superstitious lot. 

It's also something that's not been shown to be more proven as time has gone on, as despite humans having millions of more high quality recording devices than ever, there has not been an increase in provable documentations.  Same with that of aliens.  Possessions, hauntings, there's usually far more realistic answers to explain things than that of ghosts or spirits.

Re: Do you believe in ghosts?
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2019, 11:45:46 pm »

Re: Do you believe in ghosts?
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2019, 05:08:02 am »
I've recently stopped believing. It would be really cool if they did exist.

Re: Do you believe in ghosts?
« Reply #5 on: October 11, 2019, 05:27:47 am »
Much like the other thread that involved the mandela effect, it all comes down to our easy to fool brains.  I'm not gonna say with 100% confidence that ghosts do no exist, but I don't believe them and find that much of it comes down to people being primed for this kind of stuff thanks to books and videos and that people in general are easy to spook especially in unfamiliar places or when we are alone.  We are a very superstitious lot. 

It's also something that's not been shown to be more proven as time has gone on, as despite humans having millions of more high quality recording devices than ever, there has not been an increase in provable documentations.  Same with that of aliens.  Possessions, hauntings, there's usually far more realistic answers to explain things than that of ghosts or spirits.

When I was a kid, I used to watch the show ghost adventures.  Which I believe now is heavily faked.   I now watch the show called Buzzfeed Unsolved with Shane and Ryan who both conduct much more unbiased, objectional and critical based research.  And since they have a full blown, opposite end skeptic of all skeptics on board.  Not much "evidence" gets by him without being debunked.   Unlike Ghost Adventures.  They are actually in it for the art of it.   And aren't doing it to blow smoke.

As a kid I really believe them,  to the point where me and my friend would hunt for them in my basement.  And hear things that werent there.   All because shows like ghost adventures teach you that they can scratch, shove,  swear,  and do all this crazy stuff.  Most of which was scripted. 

But after watching Shane.  Enter some of the most haunted places on planet earth and even taunt the spirits and not come out with a single shred of evidence or an encounter.   I stopped believing. 

I stopped believe even before that though.  About 4 year ago.  Only for sanity :)

I do think you are right.  We convince ourselves something is the case so we imagine it because our brain doesn't want to be wrong.   We do it with colors and other hallucinations too.

Re: Do you believe in ghosts?
« Reply #6 on: October 11, 2019, 05:32:15 am »
No because I'm not crazy af.


Re: Do you believe in ghosts?
« Reply #7 on: October 11, 2019, 07:59:43 am »


Re: Do you believe in ghosts?
« Reply #8 on: October 11, 2019, 09:35:35 am »
Ghosts are not a religion.

But "ghosts" is a broad term that many people will use to describe many different phenomena. Most of which I would wager do not fit the definition of what a ghost is. I've spent time in "haunted" buildings and even lived in one for awhile. Some of the experiences could be classified as being ghosts, some not.

Re: Do you believe in ghosts?
« Reply #9 on: October 11, 2019, 11:41:45 am »
I believe in ghosts. I don't believe in ghost shows, really- my mom watches them all the time and rarely do I see anything that seems truly credible. Thing is, I don't think we really understand as much about how the world around us works as we think, so I don't think it's a huge stretch to believe that there is such a thing as a spirit- whether or not it's a conscious entity that once inhabited flesh, residual energy, or something we can't fathom I have no idea. But I do think there's something to it.


Re: Do you believe in ghosts?
« Reply #10 on: October 11, 2019, 02:34:46 pm »
I did when I was a kid, but not so much now. I feel like there is so much we don't understand or know about the world that it's easier to write it off as something supernatural. I had a thought when I was in high school when we were covering the human body. They said there was something like 7 billion billion billion atoms, which is a 7 followed by 27 zeros, in the body of someone weighing about 155lbs. That's a ton of energy in a relatively small frame.

What if ghosts are just tertiary energy we leave behind? That after we die, that energy is released into the cosmos and returns to familiar places?
« Last Edit: October 11, 2019, 03:27:58 pm by thewelshman »


Re: Do you believe in ghosts?
« Reply #11 on: October 11, 2019, 02:48:41 pm »


Re: Do you believe in ghosts?
« Reply #12 on: October 11, 2019, 10:30:57 pm »
I believe in spirits and the afterlife, I've witnessed the paranormal in my life. Like shadow people,
unexplained knocks. flashing lights, Jesus, Just because you can not see something with the naked eye does not mean that it don't exist

you don't see air do you? You don't see your cellphone giving off it's signal for you to reach the internet do you?

but ghosts are not beings in white sheets and black eyes.
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Re: Do you believe in ghosts?
« Reply #13 on: October 12, 2019, 11:55:04 pm »


Re: Do you believe in ghosts?
« Reply #14 on: October 13, 2019, 11:59:36 pm »
Hard to say, it's neither here or there. Have I witnessed or heard things that were unexplainable? Sure, especially in South East Asia, I get the heebie jeebies just thinking about it.

But I can't prove if it was super natural or not, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I really can't say...
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