The things that go bump in the night. Spirits longing for the answers to their untimely demise, trapped in limbo. Living their life as they always did amongst us confused mortals. In a never ending cycle of purgatory. Disembodied connections to a long lost past. Static. And sad. The pained, the wronged, or the lost. Talking to you. For one last chance to visit their world. One last chance to make their voice heard.
We are the ghosts, and the ghosts we see are the living. We torment the living. We've been dead for centuries and don't even know it. Everything you do and say. It's all a lie.
People fall into 2 lanes usually. Believers and non believers. And both can be heavily set in their ideas. It's hard to convince a skeptic that the full bodied voice on the recorded was a ghost just as hard as it is to convince a believer that it was the wind. So it all depends on your vibes, opinions on life and death and the other side.
For me, I believe in ghosts. But not as much as I did as a kid. As a kid I was terrified of them. And used to worry about being attacked or possessed. But now I try to avoid spooky ghost shows. They are mostly fake.
I think the spirits roam earth, and energies still remain. Like if you are in a room where dark things happened, that feeling, that energy. It stays. Even after the spirit moves on.
I live in a city with a very famous axe murder house. And I never had the courage to go in it. But people say it always gives awful dread. Which is a feeling associated with a lot of haunted places.
Do you guys have any tales of the spookies? Any ghosts ever touch you or talk to you? Where do you stand on their existance?

Do you believe in ghosts?