Author Topic: Can You Recommend Something To Connect An HDMI Console On Only AV/RCA Television  (Read 5332 times)


I need something to successfully transfer a HDMI output signal to an AV input

I have an HDMI to AV converter, but when I plug it in and turn the PS1 classic   on no matter what AV cord I use all I get it a garbled screen (static and colors) with sound,.

What do I need besides a newer television to play this device or any modern HDMI device? Because I do not have room for another television setup. and all my other consoles and gaming devices including my Xbox 360 and SONY PlayStation 3 use the AV connection

The converter is detected on my television just fine but when I turn on the console the screen goes to colored static. I can hear the PlayStation classic's sound even when I press a button I hear sound. But the screen is unreadable

If you know something please tell us, because other people may have the same issues I have,

not the PlayStation original
« Last Edit: October 14, 2019, 12:00:11 am by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
MY RADIO STAION (Licensed but not a business)
64k stream ACC format sound meaning

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Really, a new TV is the best way to go. Even if you could get an adapter to work, it'll be blurry as hell.

Also, even original 360s and PS3s and even older systems can still hook up to newer TVs as while HDMI is the main input, most still have a composite video input which also doubles as a regular AV one. Yes, when you get to the really old stuff like the original NES, a CRT will look and perform better, but making the jump from SD to HD with the consoles designed for HD is like putting on glasses for the first time; you'll never want to play those systems on a SD set again.


Really, a new TV is the best way to go. Even if you could get an adapter to work, it'll be blurry as hell.

Also, even original 360s and PS3s and even older systems can still hook up to newer TVs as while HDMI is the main input, most still have a composite video input which also doubles as a regular AV one. Yes, when you get to the really old stuff like the original NES, a CRT will look and perform better, but making the jump from SD to HD with the consoles designed for HD is like putting on glasses for the first time; you'll never want to play those systems on a SD set again.

Thanks for the input @emporerdragon :)
As I think about it. I probably could get a newer television from a family member after all that is not using one of theirs

I am used to blurry graphics though, but my current cheap costing HDMI to AV converter box does not even give any graphics.

The reason why I asked was because mainly of the inconvenience of having a whole another television in my game room only to be used with one console.

My one current game room television is a North American NTSC region, RCA brand digital flat screen CRT television, in case anyone wants to know.
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
MY RADIO STAION (Licensed but not a business)
64k stream ACC format sound meaning

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Unfortunately, not only are many converters not built to the same standard, not all devices like them. It was a bit of a struggle to convince my new TV to run my old RF connected units.

If your family members can't help, I'd hit up some local thrift stores- finding a small TV new to be a second unit is very difficult these days. 40-42 inches has become the standard low end. A thrift store is going to be more likely to have an older, smaller set around. Alternatively, they tend to have a lot of LCD monitors, which could be a good option to get a smaller HDMI capable set as well.

If you do decide to buy a new set, visit to do some research. They have a really robust testing setup that goes over a huge amount of data. I found them looking for a place that could tell me a TV's input lag (very important if you're hooking up retro to a modern set.) Plus, they do not accept review TVs from companies- everything they test, they go to a store & buy themselves. That way, the companies can't send carefully chosen, better preforming TVs, & they aren't biased by who's giving up free stuff.


Unfortunately, not only are many converters not built to the same standard, not all devices like them. It was a bit of a struggle to convince my new TV to run my old RF connected units.

If your family members can't help, I'd hit up some local thrift stores- finding a small TV new to be a second unit is very difficult these days. 40-42 inches has become the standard low end. A thrift store is going to be more likely to have an older, smaller set around. Alternatively, they tend to have a lot of LCD monitors, which could be a good option to get a smaller HDMI capable set as well.

If you do decide to buy a new set, visit to do some research. They have a really robust testing setup that goes over a huge amount of data. I found them looking for a place that could tell me a TV's input lag (very important if you're hooking up retro to a modern set.) Plus, they do not accept review TVs from companies- everything they test, they go to a store & buy themselves. That way, the companies can't send carefully chosen, better preforming TVs, & they aren't biased by who's giving up free stuff.

Thanks @hoshichiri :)
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
MY RADIO STAION (Licensed but not a business)
64k stream ACC format sound meaning

Clearer Sound Quality for Half the internet data Usage
over 28,000 song playlist and 100 automated DJ talk and history lesions "commercial free" "No subscription needed"

(requires Google Chrome or Firefox Edge does not work with this link but other links exist)

does the PSX work normally on an older tv? have you tested the HDMI cable with another unit (dvd bluray etc)  it could just be the av wires/hdmi going bad and not a problem with the converter.   have you any other consoles to test the converter?

EDIT just re-read OP ignore me.......please..........
« Last Edit: November 17, 2019, 04:24:47 am by emccann86 »


I had one of those converters too when I was connecting my Xbox One to my CRT.  I didn't have any problems with it as long as the region switch was set to NA and had it's external power supply plugged in.

Time to upgrade that TV though.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2019, 11:23:52 pm by ffxik »