I do. I mean sure, back in the day when it was realistic hunting and chasing after things was fun. Though by now, I've had my fill of those moments. I've had those scores, I've found those gems, and I've seen it all over the years. Now that it's 10x harder to do that stuff, and I'm getting a little older... it's become whatever now. I'd rather get what I really want, and exactly what I really want, whenever I want it. So yeah, eBay is satisfying to me. It is possible, and I do find good deals with eBay, occasionally. When I compare prices to other stores, eBay is usually cheaper and I get to have my pick of the condition too.
Waiting for it to arrive kinda sucks, but in a way it's like Xmas every day. Always opening up a package to see what you got. I always know myself so well.