Author Topic: Do You Play Other Table Top or Card Games?  (Read 3121 times)


Re: Do You Play Other Table Top or Card Games?
« Reply #15 on: November 15, 2019, 09:37:43 am »
One of the things that really helped my collection was finding as my friends still call it, "The God Box".

That is called a "Hot Box" which is like a chase variant for sealed boxes. Usually only exists in Hobby assortments. I'm not certain if I've ever gotten a hot box myself, but I have bought packs from one. That was 1998-99 Be A Player hockey, where every card in the pack was either a parallel or an autograph (normal packs you get all base with 1 parallel or 1 auto).

Re: Do You Play Other Table Top or Card Games?
« Reply #16 on: November 15, 2019, 11:53:07 pm »
Used to play tons of MtG, play some board games, but I'm a huge TRPG player. Like 2-3 games a week easy. I know about 25 systems and I' always learning more. My favorites are easily Cyberpunk 2020 (my first and very solid), Vampire: the Masquerade 20 along with many other oldWoD games, and Nobilis 2nd. For fantasy games I like Ryuutama, Savage Worlds Explorer's ed, and Spellbound Kingdoms.

Also, best TRPG licensed game is hands down VtM:B.


Re: Do You Play Other Table Top or Card Games?
« Reply #17 on: November 17, 2019, 11:03:52 pm »
Oh yeah.  I was a huge into MtG played for around 22 years.  I dabbled in Pokemon, YuGiOh, Force of Will, Card Fight Vanguard, Buddy Fight, UFS, and L5R.

Table top RPG's Still play the 3.5 edition of D&D also played L5R, and Deadlands back in the day

Now mostly I stick to self contained card games i.e. deck builders, Dominion, Thunderstone, etc.  Also have a fair number of board games.

Re: Do You Play Other Table Top or Card Games?
« Reply #18 on: November 20, 2019, 06:55:48 am »
I have almost the complete First Edition commercial release.  I'm only missing a few foils from Blaze of Glory, a couple of AIs from The Motion Picture and the entire final All Good Things... boutique set. 

Besides All Good Things and the Enterprise Collection, Blaze of Glory is the one I'm missing the most in (only ever got one box), as even back then it was way more expensive and rarer than the other sets, which is a pity as I feel that the Tactics cards were one of the best additions to the game. Otherwise, I've got a complete set of Q-Continuum and First Contact as well as several sets of Premiere. Everything else (besides BoG) is missing around 1-10 cards, usually the URs as back in the day we wound up selling them to get more boxes.

One of the things that really helped my collection was finding as my friends still call it, "The God Box". I had a box of Reflections where the packs were truly blessed. In that, the rares actually outnumbered the commons and uncommons by a 3:1 ratio and every premiere card in the box was the black-bordered limited instead of the white bordered unlimited. Nothing's even come close to that since. Conversely, I have had a cursed Trouble With Tribbles box where every pack had no rare but an extra uncommon instead.

TwT had garbage rarity distribution.  After 2 boxes back in the day I was still missing Uncommons.

It sounds like your God Box was what they loaded some assorted longboxes I bought from DragonCon with.  I paid $40 for 4 assorted longboxes.  Each one had a single card on the end - Future Enterprise, Locutus's Cube, etc.  Essentially I was buying the hard to find card on the outside, but when it was all sorted I had like 4 Future Enterprises, 3-4 BB of each member of the bridge crew.  I completed all of my PAQ collections and gained a *boatload* of trade fodder that let me pad out everything else that I was missing.This was about 6 years ago.


Re: Do You Play Other Table Top or Card Games?
« Reply #19 on: November 21, 2019, 06:58:50 am »
I love the fantasy aspect of D&D, but tabletop RPGs have never really been my thing.

LARP? No thanks.

As far as card games, yes – at school I was introduced to Magic the Gathering, so I played that a lot, and spent a lot on it, too. I had someone who I considered a mentor who helped me improve both my game and deck-building skills, so I felt accomplished the day I finally beat him. I stopped playing after Urza's Saga. I also played Ani-Mayhem (mostly Dragon Ball Z) and Pokémon TCG, but I lost interest after a while; school was the only place where I could play with other people. I was also interested in the OverPower CCG, but nobody I knew played it. During college there were groups that played Magic, Yu-Gi-Oh!, and Pokémon, but I preferred being a spectator.

I ended up selling all my Magic cards and gifted most of my Pokémon cards to my niece, but I still have some stored in binders. I'm actually a few cards away of completing the Ani-Mayhem Dragon Ball Z set.

I know your every move behind this face; I have control over expendable slaves.
When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
You're never gonna get me!