Author Topic: Do You Play Other Table Top or Card Games?  (Read 3119 times)

Do You Play Other Table Top or Card Games?
« on: November 12, 2019, 10:38:11 pm »
Magic: The Gathering?
Cards Against Humanity?

I used to run a D&D campaign, but my group kind of drifted and moved away.

I was also deep into a Commander League for Magic, but the ship closed down.

I’ve ordered the corebook for the newest Star Trek RPG and hope to get a playgroup started up with that for the beginning of next year.

Feel free discuss whatever you want here.  I am curious how many people host or join other games, how often, what kind of tools you use.

Re: Do You Play Other Table Top or Card Games?
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2019, 11:42:52 pm »
I started playing D&D with 2nd Edition, but stopped when 4E released. I've played a handful of other tabletop games over the years too. Call of Cthulhu, Star Wars (The West End Games version) and pretty much anything published by White Wolf. I played a Werewolf: The Apocalypse campaign that lasted almost 13 years. Sadly, I haven't been able to play much in the last 3 or 4 years or so, but I do try and get a board game night going once in a while.


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Re: Do You Play Other Table Top or Card Games?
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2019, 11:59:35 pm »
Magic the Gathering
Formats i play are
Modern (Spirits Tribal)
Commander (Shu-Yun and Lord Windgrace)
And I've been building decks for pioneer and oathbreaker

I Also play Keyforge on occasion

Re: Do You Play Other Table Top or Card Games?
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2019, 12:22:39 am »
I have been into various card games over the years, most when I was a kid. I was heavily into Magic during the 5th Edition days, and had a sizable about of cards. Mostly liked the collecting aspect of it, but played a little too. I lost interest about a year into it, sold all my cards and have never looked back at it since.

I got heavily into Pokemon about a year after that, and collected and played a lot. I had a very nice collection that I sold back in 2006 and regret doing so a lot now. I've rebuilt some of that collection, but at this point I only collect them, and casually at that.

I was a big Yugioh player too twice in my life. I first got into Yugioh in 2003 when I was in high school. My little brother and I would participate in tournaments at a local card shop every Sunday for about a year. Neither of us did super good, but we were obsessed with building out decks and winning. I definitely was more into the playing side of Yugioh. I briefly got back into Yugioh again in 2009 when my friend at the time, and now fiancee, got really into it and used to play each other at coffee shops at 1am while we were both in school still. It was super fun just playing Yugioh with her until the early hours of the morning. We both lost interest after a few months, but for the time we did it, it was ultra fun. We both still have our decks from that time period.

I was also casually into D&D for a while with a high school friend. Fun fact: my first paycheck from my first job was spent on the three core books for D&D (Player's Handbook, Dungeon Masters Guide, and Monster Manual, all version 3.0).
« Last Edit: November 13, 2019, 12:26:37 am by bikingjahuty »


Re: Do You Play Other Table Top or Card Games?
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2019, 02:45:44 am »
Mainly just Magic the Gathering before when I was in Middle School. I believe the last series I got was the beginning of Exodus, I'm not sure about any of the newer card series after that.

I still kept my cards too, I have several shoe boxes full from Ice Age, Fallen Empires, Legends, etc. Plus the different white border editions and what not.

Use to play a Graveyard deck or White Angel deck, ah the good simpler times ;D.
  l    l 


Re: Do You Play Other Table Top or Card Games?
« Reply #5 on: November 13, 2019, 08:31:28 am »
Just D&D. We wrapped up a home brew Monday, actually.


Re: Do You Play Other Table Top or Card Games?
« Reply #6 on: November 13, 2019, 09:34:41 am »
Not any more. I used to play Magic in DCI League during Urza's block Type II. Was also in the Arena? league I think and was part of the Guru program.

Re: Do You Play Other Table Top or Card Games?
« Reply #7 on: November 13, 2019, 09:57:24 am »
Dice Throne.

I've only played D&D a handful of times.  We've sort of got a campaign going right now, we were playing when we were all together, but now that everyone went back home we are trying to do a video conference type of deal to keep playing because half the group is in one state and the other half is in another state.  Our team is functionally mute.  My character is mute, another character isn't mute but awkward af, two are lizardfolk that are borderline feral, a dragonborn who consistently says shit that makes everybody mad and we kill him every session but he keeps coming back to life, and an animated necromancer skeleton... we also had/have a tiefling paladin who only talks about converting people to his religion.  It's fucking great.  My character is literally the only character with the mental faculties to get shit done, but I literally cannot speak, which also means no spells with a vocal element.

Re: Do You Play Other Table Top or Card Games?
« Reply #8 on: November 13, 2019, 11:25:15 am »
Nothing I play regularly these days, but I've dabbled in a lot of things. I tried Pokémon TCG back at release, but none of my friends got into it, and as it got bigger it became awkward being the only person older than 10 without kids in the booster line (we had some notable lines).

I was very into Yugioh at release, and this time I did have friends play & there were local tourneys with older folks there. I actually got myself set up as an Upperdeck Demo Team member and Yugioh Tournament Judge, and tried to act a bit as a brand ambassador. You know, meet up with the new players, try to make them feel welcome, help kids who learned the game from TV learn the real rules & re-build their decks to be useable, that kind of thing. I got word around that my favorite card was Neo the Magic Swordsman, & I would trade many better cards to get more of him- since it was a starter deck common, it was easier for kids to get ahold of & I could pass better cards on to them without being too overt that way. Eventually all 3 shops I played/judged at closed down, & I fell out of it... but I did meet my fiancé at one of those tourneys, so it was a good time!

D&D we try to play regularly, but a chunk of our play group doesn't have consistent work schedules, so it's tricky to get people together. Sometimes instead of D&D, we just do board game night- Ticket to Ride, Betrayal at House on the Hill, & Hokkaido are common choices. We used to do Cards Against Humanity, & I still maintain a nearly complete collection of it- but we learned without a rotating play group, it can get stale.


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Re: Do You Play Other Table Top or Card Games?
« Reply #9 on: November 13, 2019, 05:34:06 pm »
I've been playing and collecting magic the gathering since homelands first came out way back in 1995. I used to collect alot more and have about 20 complete sets but since Time Spiral came out in 2006 I stopped keeping track of whether or not I've completed a set. It was just way to much work and lots of the cards never even get worked into decks anyway. So I just try to keep the cards separated by set so it's easier to build decks cause I've never gotten rid of any cards since I started playing and it can be difficult to find cards if it's not organized.I used to hold a small tournament at my house every week for friends and family anywhere from 10 to 16 people depending on the week but now it's only every once in awhile. Some of the people I play with are crazy good and alot of fun to play against.

Re: Do You Play Other Table Top or Card Games?
« Reply #10 on: November 14, 2019, 01:04:36 am »
When I was a kid, I played a lot of Pokemon, Star Trek CCG, and Star Wars CCG. I still have all my cards (The Star Trek collection's around 20,000 cards even thanks to a resurgence of interest in college coupled with being able to buy boxes of boosters dirt cheap). Never got into Magic, namely because I had an absolutely horrible teacher (basically, he helped me make a beginner's starter deck, then played a complete competitive hate deck against it, and was surprised when I didn't want to play more). I never got into YuGiOh as I really didn't like the overall quality of the cards and how specific-use a bunch of them were.

In High School/College, I was big into the Star Wars Miniatures game, to the point where I have a near complete collection of the entire line (missing about 10 figures overall). I've still kept myself somewhat involved in the game's diminishing community as being one of the main Rules guys out there.

Nowadays, while my game group wants to get some tabletop RPGs going, the lack of reliable scheduling prevents that (Trying to get a Retail manager, a factory worker, a casino cashier, and 2 police officers to have the same days off is a challenge in and of itself, let alone doing it consistently).  So instead, we get into standard board games. And as the host, my collection's exploded. I've got around 200 board games at this point, with little sign of slowing down.

Right now, the main games of interest in the group are Space Base, Paladins of the Western Kingdom, Scythe, Tiny Towns, Red Dragon Inn, Joking Hazard, Risk: Legacy, Dice Forge, and Azul. We do also like going back at times to the trusty standbys of Catan, Dominion, Ticket to Ride, and Smash Up. But I do buy enough that there's always at least 1 new game to try out by the time of the next game night. Next time, I'm gonna have a bunch of grown men playing Monopoly: Unicorns vs. Llamas; It'll be magical.

Re: Do You Play Other Table Top or Card Games?
« Reply #11 on: November 14, 2019, 10:44:41 am »
When I was a kid, I played a lot of Pokemon, Star Trek CCG, and Star Wars CCG. I still have all my cards (The Star Trek collection's around 20,000 cards even thanks to a resurgence of interest in college coupled with being able to buy boxes of boosters dirt cheap).

I played a ton of the Star Wars game in High School, and collected the Star Trek game obsessively.  Even without the license the communities for both are still going surprisingly strong.  I actually got rid of my Star Wars collection twice, once right after college when I needed money, and then I bought back in about 5 years after, but decided it was too much of a money sink for not getting to play that often.

However, because the Star Trek game was comparatively cheap I spent a lot of time continuing to put together my collection.  I have almost the complete First Edition commercial release.  I'm only missing a few foils from Blaze of Glory, a couple of AIs from The Motion Picture and the entire final All Good Things... boutique set.  I did unload all of the extras unfortunately.  Managed to trade back and forth between and Magic for a while, trading off some of the extras I'd get from buying a whole case for $30.

We used to do Cards Against Humanity, & I still maintain a nearly complete collection of it- but we learned without a rotating play group, it can get stale.
I found this to be this biggest problem with CAH as well.  Everyone gets to know the cards and expect certain types of replies and isn't quite as fun or shocking anymore.  A good alternative is Billionaire Banshee - people put down a pro and con of a potential "bachelor" and then the rest of the group determines if that person would "Date" or "Deny" that suitor.

I did actually buy a Warhammer starter kit about 6 years ago.  I just never found the time to sit down and paint it.  I think I might have enjoyed it, but I felt like it could have ended up being a huge time and money sink that I didn't have at the time.

Re: Do You Play Other Table Top or Card Games?
« Reply #12 on: November 14, 2019, 02:05:32 pm »
I have almost the complete First Edition commercial release.  I'm only missing a few foils from Blaze of Glory, a couple of AIs from The Motion Picture and the entire final All Good Things... boutique set. 

Besides All Good Things and the Enterprise Collection, Blaze of Glory is the one I'm missing the most in (only ever got one box), as even back then it was way more expensive and rarer than the other sets, which is a pity as I feel that the Tactics cards were one of the best additions to the game. Otherwise, I've got a complete set of Q-Continuum and First Contact as well as several sets of Premiere. Everything else (besides BoG) is missing around 1-10 cards, usually the URs as back in the day we wound up selling them to get more boxes.

One of the things that really helped my collection was finding as my friends still call it, "The God Box". I had a box of Reflections where the packs were truly blessed. In that, the rares actually outnumbered the commons and uncommons by a 3:1 ratio and every premiere card in the box was the black-bordered limited instead of the white bordered unlimited. Nothing's even come close to that since. Conversely, I have had a cursed Trouble With Tribbles box where every pack had no rare but an extra uncommon instead.


Re: Do You Play Other Table Top or Card Games?
« Reply #13 on: November 14, 2019, 03:02:12 pm »
The table top game that I was into the most as a kid was the Pirates CSG
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Re: Do You Play Other Table Top or Card Games?
« Reply #14 on: November 15, 2019, 12:07:02 am »
We used to do Cards Against Humanity, & I still maintain a nearly complete collection of it- but we learned without a rotating play group, it can get stale.
I found this to be this biggest problem with CAH as well.  Everyone gets to know the cards and expect certain types of replies and isn't quite as fun or shocking anymore.  A good alternative is Billionaire Banshee - people put down a pro and con of a potential "bachelor" and then the rest of the group determines if that person would "Date" or "Deny" that suitor.

We've had great success switching to Million Dollars, But...- it's a similar setup to the other two. You create a scenario from your cards where you get a million dollars, but there's a horrible catch, & you decide if you'd take the money. Adding in that logic factor improves the replay value immensely.