It's the last pick up post for me in 2019 and boy did I go nuts on Gamestops B2G2 free sale.
I drove to seven different Gamestops and picked up 40 games total from their sale.
Plus other goodies I picked up in the last week.
SWITCH- Duck Game
- Freedom Planet
- Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid
- Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark Force
- Sine Mora EX (from GS B2G2 sale)
PS4- Planet of the Apes: Last Frontier
- Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid
- Freedom Planet
- Duck Game
- The Golf Club 2019(on clearance for $8)
The rest of these are from Gamestops B2G2 sale...
- Digimon World: Next Order
- Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth
- Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory
- Gundam Versus
- Road Rage
- Man of Medan
- The Long Dark
- Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour
- Surviving Mars
- Shadows Awakening
- Superbeat Xonic (with soundtrack)
- The Raven Remastered
- Syberia 3
- Genesis Alpha One
- Operation Warcade
- Tempest 4000
- Rogue Trooper Redux
- Zero Time Dilemma
- The Talos Principle
- All- Star Fruit Racing
- Axiom Verge
- Fate Extella: The Umbral Star
- Sword Art Online: Lost Song
- Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet
- Nights of Azure 2: Bride of the New Moon
- Atelier Firis: The Alchemist and the Mysterious Journey
- The Elder Scolls V: Skyrim VR
- Concrete Genie
XBoneAll of these where part of Gamestops B2G2 sale...
- Sine Mora EX
- Tempest 4000
- Locks Quest
- Fade to Silence
- The Occupation
- Past Cure
- Titan Quest
VITA- Knytt Underground
- Pantsu Hunter
And the only Vita game I could find from the B2G2 sale...
- Child of Light
3DSThese where both from the B2G2 sale...
- Rune Factory 4
- Ghost of the Dusk
NDSGot as part of the B2G2 sale...
- Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia
PS2- Winnie the Pooh's Rumbly Tumbly Adventure
- Mushihimesama [JP]
DCThis is a game I mainly wanted due to a bit of history about it. It was released with a Virus on it that could destroy your computer if you tried to read a file off it and it was recalled. It is safe to play on a Dreamcast and I'm not a 100% sure if my copy has the Virus on it or not (i'm not putting it into my computer to find out) lol
- Atelier Marie & Elie
PS1This game just looked weird and made me laugh, it was dirt cheap too.
- The Afro Dog
NES This game is becoming harder and harder to find, its one of the Euro exclusive games for NES.
- International Cricket
Well hope everyone had a good 2019 and added a ton of good stuff to their collections, I'm thinking of making a top 25/30 list of the best items I added to my collection in 2019. Here's to a great 2020.