Author Topic: Were You Considered Cool Or Were You Bullied Growing Up (your stories)  (Read 5910 times)

Re: Were You Considered Cool Or Were You Bullied Growing Up (your stories)
« Reply #30 on: February 01, 2020, 12:51:54 pm »
I was so lucky at school.

Although I was a nerdy bookworm type, I had two things in my favour.

1) I was tall and pretty strong as a kid and good at football.
2) I had two big brothers at the school who were as hard as nails!

There was a resident bully in my year. He never came near me.  And if I told him to leave someone alone, he did for a short while at least.

I found out recently he spent time in prison for armed robbery.


Re: Were You Considered Cool Or Were You Bullied Growing Up (your stories)
« Reply #31 on: February 01, 2020, 03:10:33 pm »
Hey how about we don’t just list hate speech and insults on the forum?

lol, brilliant idea!  :-X


Re: Were You Considered Cool Or Were You Bullied Growing Up (your stories)
« Reply #32 on: February 01, 2020, 04:20:48 pm »
Hey how about we don’t just list hate speech and insults on the forum?

I removed the list
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Re: Were You Considered Cool Or Were You Bullied Growing Up (your stories)
« Reply #33 on: February 03, 2020, 03:02:07 am »
Neither really, I had a small group of friends who pretty much liked the same things in school. Video games, Magic the Gathering, Collecting figures, etc.

We kept to ourselves and nobody picked on us because we had some hard asses in our group. We weren't the bookworm nerdy type of kids either, decent at sports, I was good in swimming and was on the swim team. Just in our own world really, couldn't care less what the other kids were into, we'd hang out at arcades and play games and talk about them in school. If there was anything to label us it would definitely be Outsiders because we just stuck to our own group.

Was really fun to be honest, nobody bothered us and we didn't bother people. Only one time I remember some kids from another school tried to bother and pick a fight with us, but they backed away fast because as I mentioned, our group had some hard asses.
  l    l 

Re: Were You Considered Cool Or Were You Bullied Growing Up (your stories)
« Reply #34 on: February 03, 2020, 02:09:20 pm »
Bullied yeah, and always physically. But I turned it around. I grew up with a mom that tried to do right but was only human. Because of a cascade of mistakes including psyhopath stepdads we ended up moving everytime the eviction notice hit the door. Every new school in every new town was a new beatdown. No one really likes the new kid. I usually would make a few few friends in the same bullied category. Then move on after the next eviction notice. Nothing was worse though than having to go back to the one school i was in at least a few months every school year. When we would inevitably have to move in with my grandmother a while. That place was a nightmare of kids I'd known for years that knew what my home life was like. They fed on it like tiny little vampires. They were the most brutal. Small farming town kinda thing,friends with most of them now. I had to walk to and from school so I knew if the asshats had basketball practice I would only have to take my recess beating. Then my 8th grade year I started fighting back. That attitude got me to highschool no worse for wear until we finally moved to the "city" I think there were something like 72,000 people. I went to a tattoo shop one day and went back everyday hanging out with some of my stepdads old friends. Back then you could get tattooed as long as your parent signed a waiver..I started apprenticing and by the time I was 15 I was able to move in to the apartment above the shop and work off my rent. Cool mom right?? hmmm..Anyway when you work at  a tattoo shop of questionable moral value and have your own apartment at 15. Things drastically change. I became popular among many circles for just being heavily tattooed at 16 and having my own party spot. Of course after several years I grew up got a good career and got married and no longer live that way. But man what an experience. What I learned from those days I wouldn't change it if I could.It's hard to live through bullying at the time but if you hang in there things do change. You become tougher,smarter and know how you should treat others. If you are suffering through bullying right now. Please hang in there keep your head up high and it will change. Never be ashamed to ask for help either. We all need it.