Batman follows an intense workout regimen, and that's enough said.
This is taken from "The Batman Files":

*Click to expand.
Men's Health wrote an article years ago on
"How to be Batman", which you could check out whenever you can. There's also a book on the science of becoming Batman if you're interested. I know you're self-aware by acknowledging that you "have fads on a whim", but personally I would advise against this. Although fictional, take someone like Frank Castle, aka The Punisher, for instance; taking what made him become what he is away, he's ex-military, meaning he has training, plus he also acquired other skills and experience in many other areas that further help him in what he does. For Bruce, he first studied martial arts and would end up picking up new disciplines one after the other, and he would train constantly to condition his body to pain among a bunch of other things. Not to mention Bruce has the money and a big freaking brain. Essentially what I'm trying to say is that this would require a LOT from any individual. This isn't just working out, getting ripped, putting on a superhero suit and let's go down the street and fight crime. Being a vigilante is more than looking buffed and knowing how to roundhouse and sweep the leg. Karate chops aren't that effective in the grand scheme of things. It takes more than that. Heck, even Kickass realized this when he thought that not being able to feel pain would be enough to become a vigilante/superhero.
The world can be scary, but stuff like this should stay in comics/books, movies/TV series, and video games. Although, if you're dumb enough to do this, then hey, nice way of thinning out the herd. And for the sake of clarity, I'm obviously not referring to you,
marvelvscapcom2, just those that decide to do this without having ever done a push-up or been in a fight before.