Author Topic: Your collection since 2010, and what you want your collection to be in 2029  (Read 4391 times)


Just to respond to some of the feelings elicited by these posts, collecting and gaming should go hand-in-hand, collecting just to have things simply takes the joy out of it, or leaves you feeling empty or wasteful. For me, every game has a story, or a feeling, or historical significance. I am attached to much of it for sentimental reasons, however, I won't let it rule my life, or take away from other things I enjoy, or that are a part of who I am.


My goals for the next decade are to scale back on buying games (while steadily moving toward full sets), get back into competitive sports and competitive gaming, to eat well, and to exercise (run, workout, stretch) regularly.

I concur with you: gaming and collecting should go hand-in-hand. Those two should remain just as they did when we were kids and would come back from a tedious day at school just to sit down and play an hour or two of our favorite video game. I remember when I was addicted to Final Fantasy VII, that's exactly what I would do: get back from school, do all my homework and play the game for as long as I could. For Pete's sake, I skipped food, sleep, even shower at least once for this game! While not as exaggerated, the same could be said for many of my other games; I would lose sleep playing them, or even "forget" to eat. This would be a constant for me for many years, especially with games that I adore like Pokémon, or with games that I was trying to 100% – you just couldn't peel me off the screen.

All of that is swell and all, but things obviously change. Fortunately for me, I'm not time constrained, but I feel I've lost that spark and lately don't seem to care as much for certain things, plus I've become quite lazy and neglectful of my hobbies, too, especially when it comes to my video games. I stopped collecting comicbooks because I simply couldn't afford to keep up with the hobby anymore, same with Magic and the Pokémon TCG; I sold most of my figure collection just for the sake of "having the cash", and while it liberated some space, I often regret having parted ways with at least a couple of the things I sold. As a whole, other than video games, my hobbies have dwindled to pretty much just that and my action figure collection. Even though I often have the time to play a game or two, I tend to get easily distracted by anything else, and end up squandering said time; I used to play sporadically, and still do on occasion, but still not as much as I would like to even if just a day a week. I keep getting games that I want to play, and know damn well I will play, even testing them when I get them to see if they work, but for the life of me I just lack the motivation to sit down and outright play the ever loving snot out of them.

So, with that said, that's essentially my goal for at least this year: I will take the time to sit down and play a game or two and enjoy myself doing so. I am a well-disciplined person when it comes to other things, so I'm definitely going to try my hardest to re-discipline myself to stop neglecting this hobby and try to channel a bit of myself when I was kid in that regard.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2020, 04:30:42 am by pzeke »

I know your every move behind this face; I have control over expendable slaves.
When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
You're never gonna get me!


Just to respond to some of the feelings elicited by these posts, collecting and gaming should go hand-in-hand, collecting just to have things simply takes the joy out of it, or leaves you feeling empty or wasteful. For me, every game has a story, or a feeling, or historical significance. I am attached to much of it for sentimental reasons, however, I won't let it rule my life, or take away from other things I enjoy, or that are a part of who I am.

one of my biggest mistakes was collecting without playing i think. i mean, i do like buying things, i like having the collection, it is super neat, but what isn't is staring down 100 games like... what to play...? i think for me that was the moment i realised that i should wrap up the collecting side for a bit, on top of being like 'what to play next?' but honestly not ready to move on from the game i just beat, as well. partially too it is that i like huge sprawling JRPGs and i enjoy the grind in them, but i also work a job, and i draw for about 20 hours a week and have since aug 2017, except last june, where i also spent the month on the platinum trophy in atelier sophie, vs 2 months for firis's platinum after that. my days off work, though, i split between drawing and gaming, it's p hard to juggle tbh.

Because of the time and energy this hobby can take, I find myself making time for gaming or collecting often at the expense of sleep, so it doesn't take time away from other things. This gets difficult as you get older, or work crazy hours, crazy jobs, on-call, etc. It can be quite hard to regulate your routines, but I realize collecting has become as habitual of a routine, as anything. I'm like a robot sometimes. Anyhow, it might not be for everyone. In my field of work people are very prone to burnout and injury. Sometimes I just want to relax, and gaming should provide that, but collecting can take away from it.

collecting is also habitual for me, sometimes this is fine, like finding cheap games at a secondhand store that maybe i don't have a lot of interest in except rarely... but it's less than a pack of cigs for gran turismo 3 or formula one 2001 and they're cib and in good condition, so like... why not? it's blowout sales where i end up like, is this hobby good for me? spending $150 for a pile of games i won't play for a long time, which all boast dozens or hundreds of hours of gameplay, like, y'know, is this relaxing, or am i just an addict of some kind? but that's a pretty recent 'bad feeling' vibe for me, which is why my post in particular comes off rather gloomy in tone.

my post was gloomy as hell in tone but i am actually very glad to be hitting this point of feeling like i have plenty and considering slowing down and maybe stopping with this generation, i'm glad to be learning how i like to interact with games as an adult because i didn't have that for years, i'm glad to be wondering about the affects of collecting on me so i can do something about it if i feel it has become a problem, and how to manage it in a way that feels more like 'fuck yea, i got phantom dust cib for $5, and it seems like a neat game' and less like 'did i really just blow $150 on b2g1 games i wouldn't have much interest in normally?'. honestly, just typing this out (and erasing and retyping a lot...) has made me realise a few things already, so thanks for this post. :) i know it was not aimed at me in particular, but thanks.

My games room reno. has been going on for 3-4 years, juggling it with many other demands. It seems like a pipedream or some sort of midlife quest to complete my mancave on a timeline, while I am still young and energetic enough to enjoy it. Is it vanity, or manifest destiny? Having these goals does push me, but sometimes I truly wonder if the time and effort is worth it. Hopefully after the time I put it, the effort is realized by sharing my passion with friends and family, on the site I'm putting together and eventually, through youtube or social media.

i don't think people ever get too old not to enjoy a comfy space dedicated to enjoying the things they like, i wouldn't worry about the age thing. lemme tell you, i talk to a lot of old truckers, cause i work at a warehouse that deals with live loading docks and flatbeds, a lot of these old truckers will be shoulder to shoulder throwing freight with you cause they're paid by distance, not time. but they only go home like once or twice a month, so they're chatty, they haven't talked to someone for an hour in days. it's easy to get them talking, and a lot of them do have dedicated space for their interests at home for their days off. you drive for a living, so most of these folks admit that their at-home days, they don't leave. but they're long-haul, so they have to have hobbies, part of the job is learning to enjoy spending time by yourself. so they set up the cinema experience in their living room, or they set up a music room to make a recording studio a touch envious. i'm sure in the next 10-15 years, a fair number of them will have mancaves and a killer set up for retro games as the 50+ truckers retire and the current 25-35 crowd has taken the reigns on the career.

i don't think gaming is a hobby that is limited by age, either, tbh. it's not like stock car racing or a highly physical pursuit where eventually your body just can't keep up. oh, for sure as we get really old, our reaction speed and shit decrease, so competitive gaming becomes harder*, but there's a ton of games and what you find fun can shift to be less reliant on those skills anyway, and your collection seems very accommodating to any shifts along the way so... i mean, i guess my point is, the only 'waste' of time and effort is if you hate the process, because if listening to truckers about their hobbies has taught me anything, it's that the process never really ends... every cinema set up over 10 years is great except for... every music room is great if it wasn't for that one... y'know, we're our worst critics when it comes to these things we care about.

*tbf too experience can make up for a lot of reaction speed and whatever, otherwise teen kids would dominate competitive gaming leagues but in reality, currently, it's closer to 30 yr olds dominating the field... slower reaction times, maybe, but experience allows for outwitting or outsmarting the young'uns. and i am pretty sure reaction speed is something you can prevent significant loss of by exercising it frequently... brain is like a muscle, you use it or lose it, so 'becoming harder' isn't 'impossible' and as the age of gamers goes up, i am sure leagues will have age categories to accommodate if it does seem to be a significant hindrance. i wouldn't worry about losing your preferred way to play, if competitive is it, tbh.

if i'm an NPC, i want to be the secret boss in a low tier niche JRPG.


I would lose sleep playing them, or even "forget" to eat. This would be a constant for me for many years, especially with games that I adore like Pokémon, or with games that I was trying to 100% – you just couldn't peel me off the screen.

All of that is swell and all, but things obviously change. Fortunately for me, I'm not time constrained, but I feel I've lost that spark and lately don't seem to care as much for certain things, plus I've become quite lazy and neglectful of my hobbies, too, especially when it comes to my video games. [...] Even though I often have the time to play a game or two, I tend to get easily distracted by anything else, and end up squandering said time; I used to play sporadically, and still do on occasion, but still not as much as I would like to even if just a day a week. I keep getting games that I want to play, and know damn well I will play, even testing them when I get them to see if they work, but for the life of me I just lack the motivation to sit down and outright play the ever loving snot out of them.

So, with that said, that's essentially my goal for at least this year: I will take the time to sit down and play a game or two and enjoy myself doing so. I am a well-disciplined person when it comes to other things, so I'm definitely going to try my hardest to re-discipline myself to stop neglecting this hobby and try to channel a bit of myself when I was kid in that regard.

your current mood was me for most of the past decade if i am being honest, i only got back into it recently. before 2016, i just could not get into shit. yesterday i got woke up by cat, and normally i would just roll back over, but my head was like.
no, we beat FFX tonight. let's get to the grind.
i haven't really felt that way since i played tales of the abyss in 2009 or 2010, and what got me back into games at all, oddly, was sword art online: hollow realisation back in 2016. FF15 was the same distracted shit. but o boy o man, i played SAO for 14 hrs in two days... work days no less.

though having no time restraints and losing interest in all hobbies sounds like depression, fam. you should talk to someone or start looking into that and how to manage it online if so, because it will drain your motivation and desire until you can rope it in. it's a little concerning to hear the state you're in, is all.
that said, tbh, self-discipline can be one of the best methodical cures for breaking it if that is the case, ime, so long as it doesn't manifest in putting yourself down frequently. sorry if i'm being intrusive here... take care of yourself, ok?

anyway, i found that getting trophies on playstation has been extremely good for me with game motivation, whether it is the trophy for completing the game or the platinum trophy. so now i keep an actual list of games i beat per year, and it's been very cool to see it grow. but i am a number grinder in games... so seeing 20 games beat in 2019 was pretty cool, esp since they were mostly all 40+ hr titles. idk if it would help you but yeah, i figured i'd offer the rec.

if i'm an NPC, i want to be the secret boss in a low tier niche JRPG.

Sorry for my grim responce above, I've been really sick for a long long time. I don't have a job but I still don't have the energy to play what I want to play. My playing endurance is vary bad now, I can only handle maybe 1 or 2 hours of difficult grind before I need to quit playing and sleep instead.

but gentle simulation games I can handle for longer periods of time.

It's can be a hard for me to find a different game to play as well, playing most games for the first time ever is harder then playing a game your're familiar with

updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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@ necrosexual: Yeah, when I was proofreading my post I was like, "damn, this sounds depressing as fuck", but that's how I genuinely felt while writing that post, and still currently do in regards to video games. I understand you can be blue without even realizing it, but I'm fine; I assure you that. Thanks for your candor.

But yeah, I'm actually planning to do a full play-through of Terminator 3: The Redemption for PS2 because I recently got it in a lot and the face of the disc, where the label is, has a big chunk missing. Everything seems to look fine since whatever did this doesn't appear to have affected what's under the label, but I want to make sure. I initially bought this lot for reselling purposes, and this in particular wasn't mentioned by the seller. Probably won't sell the game even if it works fully since the defect is quite noticeable, and a good percentage of eBay buyers can be scoundrels if you know what I mean.

I'm certain play-testing this game will jump-start my gaming heart. In actuality I was quite eager to play some PS4, but due to some unexpected circumstances that in all honesty I don't want to get into, it may take a while for me to do so. I was definitely looking forward to The Last Guardian and Spider-Man...and God of War, too, even though I should finish II and III first. My backlog is quite big, really, so I can manage without a PS4 for sure.

Your accomplishment of beating 20 games in 2019 is something I would like to do, and it's really something I've always thought of doing but never go through with it, so I'm definitely going to so this year, because there is no try. Probably won't be 20, or who knows, but I'll sit my ass down and beat some games this year for sure.

I know your every move behind this face; I have control over expendable slaves.
When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
You're never gonna get me!


Sorry for my grim responce above, I've been really sick for a long long time. I don't have a job but I still don't have the energy to play what I want to play. My playing endurance is vary bad now, I can only handle maybe 1 or 2 hours of difficult grind before I need to quit playing and sleep instead.

but gentle simulation games I can handle for longer periods of time.

It's can be a hard for me to find a different game to play as well, playing most games for the first time ever is harder then playing a game your're familiar with

My bad, I didn't notice your post when I replied above.

I would say 1 or 2 hours of playtime are sufficient – perhaps playing a puzzler to unwind your mind could be an option, although I reckon video game fatigue is real. I would recommend taking up another hobby if possible, or perhaps trying to be more active around your house instead of falling asleep. I would recommend reading or watching a movie, although I reckon you really have to be in the mood for the first one, since not everyone likes reading, but it has its benefits. You're very open about your love of music, so I think that's also a great way of relieving stress.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2020, 06:49:13 am by pzeke »

I know your every move behind this face; I have control over expendable slaves.
When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
You're never gonna get me!


Sorry about the double post; I didn't even realized it happened until coming back to check something out.

First time for me, as I've never had this happen before.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2020, 06:27:15 am by pzeke »

I know your every move behind this face; I have control over expendable slaves.
When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
You're never gonna get me!


My collection has increased substantially since the start of the decade. I went from having 60 or so games to my current number. I'd only purchase games that I wanted to play or have replayed in the past, but they were sold/lost/whatever.

I don't see buying games making a significant increase this decade. Heck, I'm probably going to be buying less. For the most part, I have everything I want to play or have everything that has some sort of sentimental value. And, I foresee myself trimming the fat in the future as my interests change.

Sorry for my grim responce above, I've been really sick for a long long time. I don't have a job but I still don't have the energy to play what I want to play. My playing endurance is vary bad now, I can only handle maybe 1 or 2 hours of difficult grind before I need to quit playing and sleep instead.

but gentle simulation games I can handle for longer periods of time.

It's can be a hard for me to find a different game to play as well, playing most games for the first time ever is harder then playing a game your're familiar with

My bad, I didn't notice your post when I replied above.

I would say 1 or 2 hours of playtime are sufficient – perhaps playing a puzzler to unwind your mind could be an option, although I reckon video game fatigue is real. I would recommend taking up another hobby if possible, or perhaps trying to be more active around your house instead of falling asleep. I would recommend reading or watching a movie, although I reckon you really have to be in the mood for the first one, since not everyone likes reading, but it has its benefits. You're very open about your love of music, so I think that's also a great way of relieving stress.

I do listen to music more than video games also have more music to listen to than video games as well :)
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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64k stream ACC format sound meaning

Clearer Sound Quality for Half the internet data Usage
over 28,000 song playlist and 100 automated DJ talk and history lesions "commercial free" "No subscription needed"

(requires Google Chrome or Firefox Edge does not work with this link but other links exist)


My collection has increased substantially since the start of the decade. I went from having 60 or so games to my current number. I'd only purchase games that I wanted to play or have replayed in the past, but they were sold/lost/whatever.

I don't see buying games making a significant increase this decade. Heck, I'm probably going to be buying less. For the most part, I have everything I want to play or have everything that has some sort of sentimental value. And, I foresee myself trimming the fat in the future as my interests change.

If your collection was at 60ish and went to 500+ in the last decade, then yes, that's quite the accomplishment. It's quite a nicely curated collection you have, too, so congrats.

I know your every move behind this face; I have control over expendable slaves.
When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
You're never gonna get me!

When 2010 started, it was starting to grow. 2009 was my first full year in the workforce after high school so I was obtaining things for my PS3 which I bought in 2009 as well as the Wii in 2008. But it was around the early 2010s when my collection started to boom when I started to frequently visit this huge flea market that was present almost every Saturday provided they didnt have an event going on that day. It took place in the parking lot of a football stadium here in Jersey. Still goes on to this day. It was there that I obtained the majority of my retro consoles and games before the retro market started to boom so as you can imagine this increased my collection by alot given what I had at the time.

Since then, I do still retain those consoles and added more modern stuff but there were ebbs and flows where I felt like I was done with collecting nor wanted nothing to do gaming but I came out of it in time. But it wasnt until this past summer when the realization started to kick in that I should severely limit how much I buy and instead actually play the games I have because at the end of the day, thats what I want. I want to play the games I have bought because either I have wanted them or there was interest. I want to keep what I want and get rid of what I dont as oppose to just sitting there. Even though I went a bit nuts over the holidays, I intend to downsize this year and beyond. Not just lay off the impulse purchases but most importantly play the games I have now to see whether x y or z are worth the keep or sell it, trade it in or whatever so like that maybe someone else could get enjoyment out of something I once had.


Hopefully I don't still have a collection in 2029. Well, I mean at least I hope that I own more than like 200 games after I've played and realized that I don't need all of this. I just kind of honestly hope that I don't spend my entire life doing this, lol. For whatever reason, I just don't want that to happen, and I don't think it is. To be 100% with you, I think I've taken this all way, way too far, but having gone as far as I have, I don't want to throw in the towel just yet. I know I've mentioned how I "see the horizon" to end my game collecting, then it was just a bush or something, but I swear the horizon is still coming! Then I'll start rage buying again, because lord there was so many games released over the past 30 years it can make your head spin.

I kind of regret taking the approach to collecting for nearly every mainstream console, and thinking I need definitive collections for each. It's total overkill. I'm really not the video game connoisseur that my collection might suggest. I just kind of got sucked into this and started amassing a huge-ass collection that I've put ton of effort into, and now it just kind of defines me in a way that I never intended for it to. Much like Biking, I'd really like to focus my time and energy on something other than video games or collecting once again. I feel I've been at this far too long. So I keep telling myself - well you're close to having everything you'd want, why stop short? So I don't.

From 2010 to 2019, I went from about 90 games to where-ever I am now, what is it 2,200? I've stopped adding them in at this point. It's too much. I literally don't have any more room. Collecting was more fun back then, not so much now as it feels more like an obligation. Realistically I'm looking at maybe a few hundred more titles to pick up from legacy platforms. I'd love to draw the whole thing to close within another year or so, but it never seems to happen. My outlook on modern gaming has never been so bleak. I don't see myself becoming a big collector of anything current or future outside of Nintendo Switch. I think that's where I bow out, in terms of video games. Because truthfully, I don't find modern games to be very appealing or fun outside of the retro indie game scene. I'm getting old, I'm set in my ways, and so much of this stuff is just not for me anymore if I'm being honest. I don't see much in the future of video games for myself.

So in another 10 years I hope to see myself done collecting, having played or tried a massive chunk of my collection, and consolidated it down to just my all-time favorite and most impactful games. Having a modest collection that maybe fits on one or two shelves as a fond reminder of childhood and adolescence. That would be the dream. I never wanted to have a fully decked out game room anyway, nor was it my intent to have a massive collection. So by 2029 hopefully I'll at least have stopped, and if I'm smart, sold while people were still paying stupid amounts and downsized to a reasonable, manageable, sane level.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2020, 02:59:03 am by Warmsignal »

Hopefully I don't still have a collection in 2029. Well, I mean at least I hope that I own more than like 200 games after I've played and realized that I don't need all of this. I just kind of honestly hope that I don't spend my entire life doing this, lol. For whatever reason, I just don't want that to happen, and I don't think it is. To be 100% with you, I think I've taken this all way, way too far, but having gone as far as I have, I don't want to throw in the towel just yet. I know I've mentioned how I "see the horizon" to end my game collecting, then it was just a bush or something, but I swear the horizon is still coming! Then I'll start rage buying again, because lord there was so many games released over the past 30 years it can make your head spin.

I kind of regret taking the approach to collecting for nearly every mainstream console, and thinking I need definitive collections for each. It's total overkill. I'm really not the video game connoisseur that my collection might suggest. I just kind of got sucked into this and started amassing a huge-ass collection that I've put ton of effort into, and now it just kind of defines me in a way that I never intended for it to. Much like Biking, I'd really like to focus my time and energy on something other than video games or collecting once again. I feel I've been at this far too long. So I keep telling myself - well you're close to having everything you'd want, why stop short? So I don't.

From 2010 to 2019, I went from about 90 games to where-ever I am now, what is it 2,200? I've stopped adding them in at this point. It's too much. I literally don't have any more room. Collecting was more fun back then, not so much now as it feels more like an obligation. Realistically I'm looking at maybe a few hundred more titles to pick up from legacy platforms. I'd love to draw the whole thing to close within another year or so, but it never seems to happen. My outlook on modern gaming has never been so bleak. I don't see myself becoming a big collector of anything current or future outside of Nintendo Switch. I think that's where I bow out, in terms of video games. Because truthfully, I don't find modern games to be very appealing or fun outside of the retro indie game scene. I'm getting old, I'm set in my ways, and so much of this stuff is just not for me anymore if I'm being honest. I don't see much in the future of video games for myself.

So in another 10 years I hope to see myself done collecting, having played or tried a massive chunk of my collection, and consolidated it down to just my all-time favorite and most impactful games. Having a modest collection that maybe fits on one or two shelves as a fond reminder of childhood and adolescence. That would be the dream. I never wanted to have a fully decked out game room anyway, nor was it my intent to have a massive collection. So by 2029 hopefully I'll at least have stopped, and if I'm smart, sold while people were still paying stupid amounts and downsized to a reasonable, manageable, sane level.

I personally myself find it hard sometimes to find a game to play and I have less of a collection, it's kinda funny to think the following but sometimes I feel I'm like a dog, with a whole bunch of toys to play with. And can't figure out what I'm in the mood for. But it's that on top of life long illness. life is short and it can be depressing thinking of what we might have missed outside of our 4 walls and screens.

Sometimes all of us need to get out more, maybe go to a movie theater, or amusement park, heck some of you guys and girls could go golfing on a real golf course. Or a real Put Put golf course outside of your home. their is a small amusement park close to where I live, it has real Go-kart racing and real put put golf for $5 or $10 USD for playing the full course. lets not forget about laser tag. why play Call Of Duty day in and day out? if you have a laser tag arena near you?

then there is a lot of library's with books to read and parks to visit it's fun sometimes to go trail walking out in the state or local park woods in the summer time

« Last Edit: January 07, 2020, 04:46:48 am by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
MY RADIO STAION (Licensed but not a business)
64k stream ACC format sound meaning

Clearer Sound Quality for Half the internet data Usage
over 28,000 song playlist and 100 automated DJ talk and history lesions "commercial free" "No subscription needed"

(requires Google Chrome or Firefox Edge does not work with this link but other links exist)


My collection has increased substantially since the start of the decade. I went from having 60 or so games to my current number. I'd only purchase games that I wanted to play or have replayed in the past, but they were sold/lost/whatever.

I don't see buying games making a significant increase this decade. Heck, I'm probably going to be buying less. For the most part, I have everything I want to play or have everything that has some sort of sentimental value. And, I foresee myself trimming the fat in the future as my interests change.

If your collection was at 60ish and went to 500+ in the last decade, then yes, that's quite the accomplishment. It's quite a nicely curated collection you have, too, so congrats.

For a minute, I kicked around the idea of going for a full Saturn collection since I already had the more expensive titles and since I wanted to show appreciation to the console. But, then I realized that my game library wouldn't feel as personal. I'm glad I decided not to do that.


Hopefully I don't still have a collection in 2029. [...]

I kind of regret taking the approach to collecting for nearly every mainstream console, and thinking I need definitive collections for each. It's total overkill. I'm really not the video game connoisseur that my collection might suggest. I just kind of got sucked into this and started amassing a huge-ass collection that I've put ton of effort into, and now it just kind of defines me in a way that I never intended for it to. Much like Biking, I'd really like to focus my time and energy on something other than video games or collecting once again. I feel I've been at this far too long. So I keep telling myself - well you're close to having everything you'd want, why stop short? So I don't.


The problem is you lack self-control. Perhaps if you discipline yourself you'll come to enjoy the hobby. Hobbies are meant to be a way to relax and entertain yourself, not cause you stress; if a hobby isn't working, then it was never for you. Either that, or you're suffering from collector's fatigue, which could be a possibility given your compulsive behavior.


For a minute, I kicked around the idea of going for a full Saturn collection since I already had the more expensive titles and since I wanted to show appreciation to the console. But, then I realized that my game library wouldn't feel as personal. I'm glad I decided not to do that.

I couldn't agree with you more.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2020, 10:18:57 am by pzeke »

I know your every move behind this face; I have control over expendable slaves.
When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
You're never gonna get me!