Author Topic: Have bad reviews ever put you off a game?  (Read 2054 times)

Have bad reviews ever put you off a game?
« on: January 01, 2020, 04:07:55 pm »
I typically either have enthusiasm for a game or don't and reviews won't sway me either way because I just have a gut feeling about whether something is relevant to my interests and trust that.

However I recently had a passing interest in Ghost Recon: Breakpoint but haven't bothered exploring it partly due to middling/bad reviews:

but also because I have a bias against always online games to begin with so didn't need much convincing to not want to pick it up.

Re: Have bad reviews ever put you off a game?
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2020, 04:18:59 pm »
Probably? Nothing really comes to mind about something that I was excited for and then reviewed poorly. To me it's pretty clear whether a game will be good or not before release.


Re: Have bad reviews ever put you off a game?
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2020, 04:35:22 pm »
yes I could have purchased Duke Nukem Forever. But passed because of how so many people on  "YouTube"  said hard core fans hated it.

I never played it. but I'm still curious of what all the fuss was about. Other then a game that was in production for over 13 years in which is pretty much a repeated sentence to every YouTube's who reviewed "Duke Nukem Forever"

I've played part of "Duke Nukem Time To Kill" for the PlayStation 1 and "Duke Nukem Zero Hour" for the Nintendo 64 I will say both those games are extremely difficult games.

And frustrating to me because, they are both 3rd person shooters. But they don't get the same flack as "Duke Nukem Forever" in which I think is a 1st person shooter
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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Re: Have bad reviews ever put you off a game?
« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2020, 05:25:18 pm »
Usually only for games I'm on the fence for.  I tend to have a good idea if I'll like something or not, but I take a look at some reviews for games I'm not 100% sure on, maybe it seemed fun, but I wasn't super sure on the mechanics or the games longevity.

Re: Have bad reviews ever put you off a game?
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2020, 12:34:54 am »
I don't believe you should discredit a game because someone gave it a bad review, especially when the review comes from a "professional" reviewer. You could miss out on a game you could be having a good time with. The only example I can think of is this retro review site (I forget what it was) gave this game, Ranger X for the Genesis an "F" rating. That blew my mind, because I loved that game when I was a kid, so I fired it up again as an adult and I still enjoyed it.

But Duke Nukem Forever? That's a bad, bad game. The internet was right about that one.


Re: Have bad reviews ever put you off a game?
« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2020, 03:08:05 pm »
Last year during Anthem's release you asked a similar question, so I'll rephrase what I said in that topic: I've never been one to follow reviews, so reviews and their scores truly mean nothing to me. If a game piques my interest I'll simply look up some gameplay footage and go from there.

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Re: Have bad reviews ever put you off a game?
« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2020, 01:18:07 am »
Yes.  Unless it's a game I already wanted.  then i'll give it the benefit of the doubt.  But if i'm on the fence and the general consensus gives it a 6.  i'll stay away from it.


Re: Have bad reviews ever put you off a game?
« Reply #7 on: January 07, 2020, 01:36:46 am »
No. Reviews are opinions, and I don't care about any opinions on a game but my own to be honest. I'm quite charitable when it comes to games.


Re: Have bad reviews ever put you off a game?
« Reply #8 on: January 07, 2020, 11:08:57 am »
Hell no. Reviews, whether they're from someone random or a "professional" (haha I made a funny) are opinions with a lot of text. If I have any interest in a game, I'll play it.


Re: Have bad reviews ever put you off a game?
« Reply #9 on: January 08, 2020, 03:25:18 am »
Hell no. Reviews, whether they're from someone random or a "professional" (haha I made a funny) are opinions with a lot of text. If I have any interest in a game, I'll play it.
No. Reviews are opinions, and I don't care about any opinions on a game but my own to be honest. I'm quite charitable when it comes to games.

N64 Glenn Plant on Youtube didn't sound vary impressed about "Micky Speedway 64" But because of this I that is probally why I got it cheap, and I played this kart style racing game and loved it, but I not using an official Nintendo 64 controller, so maybe that is the reason why I liked it so much. defiantly easier than "Lego Racers" on the Nintendo 64.

Everyone tells people how bad the PlayStation Classic/mini is it seems. But that is actually my favorite mini console so far
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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Re: Have bad reviews ever put you off a game?
« Reply #10 on: January 09, 2020, 10:54:44 am »
Everyone tells people how bad the PlayStation Classic/mini is it seems. But that is actually my favorite mini console so far

It's cool that you like it, more power to you, but there definitely are strong reasons why so many disliked, and still dislike the PS Classic. Quite frankly, the best that console has to offer is the fact it can be hacked/modded, and that's not saying much.

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