Author Topic: Have You Ever Lost A Good Deal On Something You Wanted By Someone Else?  (Read 2364 times)


I have been lucky so far, but I know I would be vary frustrated if this ever happened to me. Have you ever not gotten something because the person in front of you or before you got it first?

This could happen to anyone, and probably happen to a lot of people, like if it was a rare item and one or two in stock and you saw one person was buying the last one or worse the last two or three of something

Or lost on an Ebay lot by a few currency numbers.

If I did encounter this since I have other games to play it would not sting as much but if I had not gotten my classic consoles. 1 of each this would have hurt me extremely bad, especially if. Since I only wanted one of each and the person in front of me was buying the whole stock

I want people to know that I've not been greedy and I have given online links to a lot of my online finds on games and accessories all the time, I like to share some of my posts and finds with others online, I care about this community. and I don't expect anything in return just respect, and I have that so far on here.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2020, 07:32:50 pm by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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Re: Have You Ever Lost A Good Deal On Something You Wanted By Someone Else?
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2020, 08:50:08 pm »
I've been on both sides.

I've snagged stuff right before someone else many times at a variety of places. For whatever reason, one example that pops up in my mind is how I went to a Goodwill back in 2011 and there were a bunch of SNES games in the case. Nothing ultra rare or valuable, but pretty much all your essential titles like Super Mario World, Super Metroid, Killer Instinct, and about 10 other titles worth having. This was before Goodwill got greedy so they were all priced at like $3 or so. I remember looking at them and some guy looked very, very interested in them as I was going through them; I knew whatever I didn't want he was going to swoop in and grab the scraps. I pretty much bought everything with the exception of some sports games, and the guy looked pissed to say the least. Had I got to those SNES games a minute later he would have had them all.

Likewise, I've barely missed various deals as well. The most memorable was how I missed a Vectrex at an ARC Thrift by a few minutes. I arrived at the store and immediately went onto the electronics area to see what I can find and there was some guy in his 40s who looked like he had just won the lottery. He was talking to one of the employees gleefully, and when I saw what he had in his arms I knew why. He hd a CIB Vectrex and about 4 games for it, I didn't happen to see which ones. I'm not a huge fan of pre-NES retro consoles, but the Vectrex is a definite exception. At the time I was super bummed how I just missed it, but looking back I'm happy that guy got it; he definitely was happier than I would have been to find it, although I would have been very happy about it.


Re: Have You Ever Lost A Good Deal On Something You Wanted By Someone Else?
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2020, 08:51:01 pm »
I was acquaintances with another local collector for a while in the late 90's.  Our closest dedicated retro game store was in a town 30 miles away at that time so we would chat about our finds.  I'd tell him how I went up there expecting to shop for a Jaguar and a Jaguar CD and the only one they had in stock had just been traded in minutes ago! Lucky me!  Another time, I told him about how I went up there to snag the CIB TurboDuo they'd had for a while, but the first moment I could afford it (around $100), it was gone. 

"Oh, yeah", he said, "I bought that last week!"

I still don't have a TurboDuo and I still think about that.



Re: Have You Ever Lost A Good Deal On Something You Wanted By Someone Else?
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2020, 04:30:10 am »
Oh, my dude, who hasn't have this happen to them? I used to get mental whenever I lost an auction on eBay, or second guessed myself on an item for so long someone else bought it. I remember one time an item I wanted was snagged by someone else while I was clicking the "buy it now" button; and it also happened one time where I clicked "buy it now" and the item sold during checkout. I've had auctions for lots sell for a dollar or a few cents more than the amount I bid, or lost to someone who made a better offer than mine, simply got out-sniped, or I just literally fell asleep and missed an auction I was really invested in.

Nowadays if any of those examples I gave happen I no longer care. Sure, I get upset and shout a profanity or two, but by the end of those two, maybe three minutes of "rage", I just don't care. I've had a philosophy ever since I was a little kid that I try follow whenever possible, more so now that I'm older: one day I went to a KB Toys with my mother and I wanted a toy, but my mother was a bit strapped for cash, so she couldn't get me that toy, but she said she would next time, and while visibly upset given it was the only one left, I vividly remember looking at my mother and saying, "deal; if it's for me, it's going to be here next time we come". I remember hiding the toy and a week or so we went back, and there it was where I hid it, waiting for me because it was for me. Sure, you can argue the store had lousy employees who didn't attend to the store and what have you (although such wasn't the case), but you get my point. I honestly try my hardest not to get angry or have a fit whenever I don't get what I want. One door closes, and another opens, as they say.

I know your every move behind this face; I have control over expendable slaves.
When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
You're never gonna get me!


Re: Have You Ever Lost A Good Deal On Something You Wanted By Someone Else?
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2020, 07:15:36 am »
For sure however i never encountered any actually jalous people in person it's allot more sportsmanlike people are pretty friendly over here just some healthy competition over here from what I've experiences over the years. i've heard nasty stories in my country aswell but havent encountered those luckily. stay friendly and move on maybe you''l have a chance some other day. or the game might be released on a switch ps4 compilation. not to mention that emulation is a mans best friend there are other options aswell after all.

I've seen store employees buying all the good stuff or dealers snagging the stuff and vice versa when I'm the one doing the snagging however most of those people i know off and they are pretty friendly we have some chats from time to time i'm happy for them and they seem pretty sportmanlike aswell and even for the people that i do not know off It's all part of the game sometimes you lose some some sometimes you win some. I havent had anything that i was actually jalous about if I really think about it.

As a little kid of like 10 years old for sure pretty much everyone at some point at such ages. but when I started collecting i was not a little kid anymore just appreciate the stuff that you have I'd guess. the journey of collecting is fun stuff. the strange places the connection the oddball stories I'm not complaining.


i wouldnt be so dissapointed about losing an ebay auction for a couple of $

the winner could have had a final bid of a hell lot more not to mention snipers at the last second. if you made an higher offer they threw in a final bid. or worse au auto bid service wich a ton of sites offer a tonf of them do it for free aswell. you would have most likely not gotten that anyway.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2020, 07:38:33 am by sworddude »
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Re: Have You Ever Lost A Good Deal On Something You Wanted By Someone Else?
« Reply #5 on: January 05, 2020, 12:09:38 pm »
The Ebay thing is basically a non-problem these days, with the whole 'set your price & Ebay bids for you' thing going on. Someone may have beat you by a dollar, but that's not necessarily what their high point was- they could've been willing to go another $50, so if you'd already bid your max it wouldn't have mattered.

I typically don't sweat it when I miss a deal- they'll be more deals later. Example: Local Gamestop got in a copy of Suikoden 2, marked at $60. I didn't get paid until the next day, & of course it was gone. Fast-forward a couple months, and the Game Crazy chain is having a 'classic plastic' sale- everything that wasn't current or last gen was $5. Had a plan to go to one farther out with my sister. She arrived late, had to run errands first, hit a bottle & got a flat, so it was late afternoon before we made it in... but they had a Suikoden 2. It was disc-only instead of CIB like the Gamestop one, but a notably better deal- plus, I managed to get a manual & a case later on, & ended up about $40 in total.

The only missed deal I can think of, that I still regret, is an Ebay auction for a Chikorita green Pokémon Mini with an official yellow case. I was very sick the day it sold & ended up sleeping through the auction without making a bid. They've gone up in price since then, and the cases are all but impossible to come by. I have 2 Wobafett blue ones now, and 1 blue case, but man- Id've preferred that green one!


Re: Have You Ever Lost A Good Deal On Something You Wanted By Someone Else?
« Reply #6 on: January 06, 2020, 03:14:46 am »
I just found out now from an online review at a local game store. That there is another collector that also visits my main source for video games as well, but it looks like he's been there for more then 2 years and, it was amazing that I found the 2 classic mini consoles. when I did because I'm sure he would have gotten them if I didn't first. Another buyer recently had given this game source a bad review, she complained that everyone ignored her and that she could have spent $100 at their store,

I am starting to get nervous since I found games that I wanted from them for $2USD a peace. and with people spending $100USD on games means that my source might dry up as well from scalpers, and other collectors.

« Last Edit: January 06, 2020, 03:17:06 am by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
MY RADIO STAION (Licensed but not a business)
64k stream ACC format sound meaning

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Re: Have You Ever Lost A Good Deal On Something You Wanted By Someone Else?
« Reply #7 on: January 06, 2020, 08:28:48 am »
I am starting to get nervous since I found games that I wanted from them for $2USD a peace. and with people spending $100USD on games means that my source might dry up as well from scalpers, and other collectors.

Ignore that- I've worked retail for damn near 17 years, and 'but I spend lots of money!' is the cry of every disgruntled customer out there. People are convinced their patronage alone makes a notable difference. I've only run into one group of people where that actually held true. We used to have a painting teacher with a crazy loyal customer base. When corporate changed the rules for teaching classes, our manager let her rent out the room for 'parties' & waived the fee just so they wouldn't leave- and if our DM had any sense, he would've listened to us instead of kicking them out. So much lost paint sales...

I'd actually half think you're talking about me here, since I went through something similar once. I know you're not though, becuase 1) I don't leave reviews, just anecdotes on forums like this, 2) this was years ago, and 3) I DID spend the $100. Which is how I know the lady's full of it- when you're at a point where you're dropping that kind of money, you're not buying common fare anymore. Which means if you find the game, you BUY the game, becuase the odds of you seeing it in the wild again are pretty frickin' low.

If this shop is, in fact, an actual game store, the other local collectors know about it already. Google exists, so anyone tracking down games locally has probably come across it. It seems you're lucky in that the other collectors in your area aren't interested in the same titles you are, since they're still there for you to buy.


Re: Have You Ever Lost A Good Deal On Something You Wanted By Someone Else?
« Reply #8 on: January 06, 2020, 11:42:06 am »
I am starting to get nervous since I found games that I wanted from them for $2USD a peace. and with people spending $100USD on games means that my source might dry up as well from scalpers, and other collectors.

Ignore that- I've worked retail for damn near 17 years, and 'but I spend lots of money!' is the cry of every disgruntled customer out there. People are convinced their patronage alone makes a notable difference. I've only run into one group of people where that actually held true. We used to have a painting teacher with a crazy loyal customer base. When corporate changed the rules for teaching classes, our manager let her rent out the room for 'parties' & waived the fee just so they wouldn't leave- and if our DM had any sense, he would've listened to us instead of kicking them out. So much lost paint sales...

I'd actually half think you're talking about me here, since I went through something similar once. I know you're not though, becuase 1) I don't leave reviews, just anecdotes on forums like this, 2) this was years ago, and 3) I DID spend the $100. Which is how I know the lady's full of it- when you're at a point where you're dropping that kind of money, you're not buying common fare anymore. Which means if you find the game, you BUY the game, becuase the odds of you seeing it in the wild again are pretty frickin' low.

If this shop is, in fact, an actual game store, the other local collectors know about it already. Google exists, so anyone tracking down games locally has probably come across it. It seems you're lucky in that the other collectors in your area aren't interested in the same titles you are, since they're still there for you to buy.

I'm sorry if I sounded whiny, you are correct, and the shop I was talking about is called Disc Replay, I mentioned them before on here, mostly everyone seems to buy the stuff I don't like. or the stuff I have already or no interest in owning or playing
« Last Edit: January 06, 2020, 11:46:26 am by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
MY RADIO STAION (Licensed but not a business)
64k stream ACC format sound meaning

Clearer Sound Quality for Half the internet data Usage
over 28,000 song playlist and 100 automated DJ talk and history lesions "commercial free" "No subscription needed"

(requires Google Chrome or Firefox Edge does not work with this link but other links exist)


Re: Have You Ever Lost A Good Deal On Something You Wanted By Someone Else?
« Reply #9 on: January 07, 2020, 01:19:34 am »
Back in my game chasing days, I would sometimes get beat at the flea market by a reseller just seconds before I got there. One day a reseller was literally riding down the highway in a vehicle right next to me. When we both got there, he got to a big load of games first and bought the whole table in front of me. One day when I went with my brother, he found a box full of SNES games including Earth Bound for like $20. I always kind of wanted a copy of that game, and it didn't really intrigue him all that much, but finder's keepers so he got it. On the flip side, there were occasions where I beat resellers by seconds, and was smugly satisfied about it.

I remember when Mario Allstars 25th Anniversary came out, there was a big rush on buying it as some kind of trophy collectible. Everyone in town was sold out of the first print, and there was one left at a store that my brother got his from. I ended up going for it and got the very last copy they had. Turns out it was not in short supply later, and it was kind of crap.

Back in the days before bid snipers, I occasionally got into eBay bidding wars and let the other person drive the price up well above BIN. Thankfully, they won it and not me. Since then, I just snipe with a set maximum in mind, no bid wars for me.

I'm definitely the remorseful type when it comes to blatant greed. I never bought multiples of things, and I never bought entire lots of things which I already own, just because they were there and I found them. If I didn't need one for my collection, I didn't buy it. I always wanted to give some other collector the chance to find something good that they might not have, but I knew that most likely some jackass reseller probably found whatever I left.

I recently found a local Walmart had clearanced out a good bit of Switch games for really low prices. I just bought the titles I actually wanted, and there was tons of stuff still left. Went back a week later, and looked at the same shelf out of curiosity because I had a feeling they wouldn't still be there. I was right. All of those Switch games were gone... every single one, and there were multiple copies of each game before. Would bet anything it was a single reseller with dollar signs in his eyes who probably bought everything they had all at once. That stuff happens all the time. People will do anything to make an extra dollar.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2020, 01:29:47 am by Warmsignal »