Hello everyone!
I was thinking yesterday of all the odd ball things we may own outside of games, figures, comics and all the general stuff people collect. I know people collect anything, but I was wondering what everyone has that some especially on here would deem odd, funny, weird, obscure or just off the wall fun
We can also use this as a general tread if we purchase any random cool stuff we want to share but don't want to make a whole off topic post about it. Like a deck of cards, a laundry detergent you like or anything that you would deem interesting to show. Kinda like a giant art museum for the odd and insane lol.
Here are so of my more peculiar amenities
A piece of Coprolite (Prehistoric Fossilized Dinosaur Poop)
It was about 3 years ago i'd like to say. Maybe 4. I had just gotten a new 60 inch tv. And as i've mentioned before. I really get into fads and fall in full steam ahead. This was one of those moments. I was binge watching prehistoric dinosaur documentaries. Beautifully rendered in 4k visuals. Where it showed beautiful color renderings of what Borrochiosaurus and other dinosaurs looked like both roaming the open planes of early earth, to battling other dinosaurs in epic beastly battles. It made me love dinosaurs. I was addicted to watching them. And began watching arechologists archive fossils and stuff.
So I decided I wanted to buy a dinosaur fossil. but of course they are extremely pricey. with small claws being hundreds of dollars. Skulls being untouchable. So I looked up dinosaur fossil. and the only articles I could afford were coprolite specimens. Including this coprolite. Corpolite is the scientifc name for dinosaur plop. I am refraining from using the 4 letter S word as I don't find it appropriate for these forums. but for comedic effect. Dinosaur shit. lol.
The dinosaur poop was being sold by an expert in coprolite specimens. He claims it is from a vegetative dinosaur. Most likely a bird dinosaur. He had pictures of him uncovering it, examining it. he had skulls and a nice lab. tons of great reviews. so I trusted him. I had it looked at on dinosaur pages, with most confirming it wasn't a scam and was in fact a fossilized poop.
It is one of my funnier off the wall buys of my days. I don't really recall why I decided to buy one and not more as I have collector compulsion. I'm just happy I didn't end up with a wall of them. If you cup it in your hands and smell. I can smell faintly the smell of poop although they say you can't as it's basically just a rock at this point. But might just be my imagination.
It just feels cool having something that I know is from a dinosaur. that roamed earth all those millions of years ago. It's special to realize that they were like us.
WW2 1940s typewriter owned by the US Navy
This one, while less odd. Is probably more cool to most of you lol. The story behind this is that I am a very big WW2 history fanatic. and after watching so many WW2 documentaries and seeing the secrateries on naval vessels typing away. it made me want an authentic WW2 type writer. this one actually came with a plaque that says "property of the USN". and is an underwood 6 dated to be around 1938. early stages of WW2. It's the model they would have used on board ships or at ship yards or at barracks in general. and is one of my favorite things
What are some of the more odd stuff you guys have? I cant wait to see what creepy, weird, funny or random things everyone has from all over the world. I also have a odd doll that appears to be a voodoo doll, a giant lightning mcqueen toy, and a picture of a creepy guy in a easter bunny costume from the 80s.
Thanks for sharing.