I've been thinking a lot about some old games I remember playing at this one friend's house when we were kids. I only know the names of a few of them, and my memories of a lot of them are vague.
I thought I'd try to see if any of you have a clue to what I'm talking about.
Some of these might be homebrew, I would have no way of knowing. I was a wide eyed kid who just found out computers can play games.

1. Your like an archer killing enemies in a forest before they touched you. it was an early 3rd person style. (I feel like with what I recall of the graphics it would have to have been an 80's game, or at least a very early 90s.) and the final boss would be when it's night and everything is darker. He/It was big and invisible, , you would have to search around and you could only see him in the lightning flash? It didn't take long to play through.
2. I honestly only remember the first part of this one. Or maybe it was just one level? It was co-op, you had to escape a house by going into a secret passage in the floor. One player had to get to the too of the screen and keep activating an object that made money fall down to the ground to distract the guard while the other escaped through the passage? I don't think we ever got past it because my friend always stopped using the money maker object and let the guard come kill me before I made it through.

3. I'm pretty sure this was a G.I. Joe game, but I can't find which one. It was top-down view. Each level was a single screen.
Sorry, that's all I can remember.