Author Topic: What are your thoughts on collecting physical re-releases of games you own?  (Read 2862 times)


Such as series collections, remasters, and remakes?

I'm very torn about this in most cases. I have a hang-up about having the same game in multiple forms within my collection. I have a hard time justifying it. For example, I wouldn't buy the Shenmue 1 & 2 collection, because I feel like that would invalidate the necessity of my owning the originals on Dreamcast and Xbox. Although it is enticing to own an upscaled version, or play it on a modern console, I feel like if I were to buy it then I should just sell off my original copies. Because then, am I ever going to play my originals again? It's not enough for me to say that I need to own copies of a game purely for nostalgia.

I figure a lot of collectors feel pretty much the opposite. If a new release of an old game they like comes out, that's an obvious must have... I'll only consider it if I don't already own the original.
Maybe there's some kind of flaw in my logic here, but that's usually how I feel about buying re-released games.

It really depends on the game(s) in question. If its included in some sort of compilation I'm inclined to buy these, especially if I don't have the games in any other shape or form. If I do happen to own the game already, it really boils down to how much I like that game and how much of a desire I have to own the game again. For example, I own so many versions of many of the Street Fighter games, but given how much i love that franchise it's not a difficult choice for me to rebuy them whenever a new and improved compilation of them comes out.

That's some really good points you're making.

I bought the remaster for Shenmue and I have the originals.  Maybe I'll sell the originals.

For me it depends.  If the remaster exists and I don't already own the original, I generally stick with the remaster.  If I own the original and the remaster doesn't do/add much, then I try to stick with the original unless the remaster is cheap enough. 

I do generally side with remasters just because of ease of use.  I have modern systems hooked up, original systems I probably don't.

It really depends on the game(s) in question. If its included in some sort of compilation I'm inclined to buy these, especially if I don't have the games in any other shape or form. If I do happen to own the game already, it really boils down to how much I like that game and how much of a desire I have to own the game again. For example, I own so many versions of many of the Street Fighter games, but given how much i love that franchise it's not a difficult choice for me to rebuy them whenever a new and improved compilation of them comes out.

This.  Especially if they are on more convenient systems like the Switch.  I’ll keep buying Mega Man comps til I die!

For me it one or the other, I don't mind if a game is "Greatest Hits" or regular, If it's a game I want to have one or the other for me. I don't mind the reprints, and as long as a game works fully I don't mind reproduction cartridges
but if it's a completely new game series I love. I'll bite and get the new version if it has changes in graphics

Good example of the this is Duke Nukem High Resolution pack for PC, you download and install that back in those Windows XP and Windows 7 days.

(it may be hard to get it off the internet these days though)
And it was free and had altered enemies, from 2D sprites into modern 3D graphic sprites that you could walk all around when the bad guys died, unlike the 1996-1997 doom style graphics.

 Having the HRP was an amazing texture and sprite 3D greatness
« Last Edit: January 22, 2020, 08:34:06 pm by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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If it's a rerelease on a newer system I have no problem buying it. If it's a sidegrade (e.g. getting a PS4 version when I already have the One or a physical version when I already have the digital), then it's gotta be a really solid deal.

I love getting Remasters for older games I 've got, it's a very compulsive habit I must admit! But I do like  the idea of having the best available version of a game I can get. The bad collectors habit is not getting rid of the previous versions, I still like to get the originals... - On that note, if a game gets a Re-release with DLC I have no hesitation to get rid of the original version.


It depends on the game/franchise. Compilations are great because it makes it easy to one-stop-shop on one disc or cartridge. Remastered version of some games are great because they get a fresh coat of paint and the unreleased DLC stuff.

Usually I'll only buy a re-release if it's a re-make... as in, there's been enough time since the original release(s) that there's a significant graphical upgrade and/or new content. Sypro on PS4, for example, I bought. I don't own any version of the Last of Us, but if I had the PS3 one I wouldn't bother with the PS4 remaster- it's a one generation difference, in generations that aren't that dissimilar. Not enough of an upgrade to warrant it.

I do buy a lot of content upgrades, since you can usually get the better version cheap. FF15 Royal Edition for $20? Horizon Zero Dawn Complete for $10? Yes, please! I'm not a big buyer of DLC, so it's often cheaper for me to just get the disc upgrade. I also usually know someone who doesn't have the game I can give the older copy to as well.

I'm often tempted by compliations for space reasons… the Devil May Cry HD collection, for example, has often tempted me becuase I could get rid of 3 discs from my PS2 collection & save some shelf space. Haven't done it yet though- the first DMC was a big deal for me, even got the guidebook, so I've got a nostalgic connection to that specific copy.

More than anything else, I double dip when digital titles get a physical release. I love my hard copies, so I practically feel obligated to get the physicals... plus, they're usually a cheaper release, so the combined total of the digital & physical is often only around $40. A number Id've paid day one if it was an option for a lot of these games.

I only buy re-releases if the developers improved the original version significantly or the original is very close to my heart.

I have a strong emotional attachment to Turok as I played the sh*t out of it in late 1997. Consequently I bought the re-release for Switch knowing that the view distance and resolution have been updated which makes it playable in the first place with my rising demands concerning controls and visuals over the past 20 years.


It really depends on the game(s) in question. If its included in some sort of compilation I'm inclined to buy these, especially if I don't have the games in any other shape or form. If I do happen to own the game already, it really boils down to how much I like that game and how much of a desire I have to own the game again. For example, I own so many versions of many of the Street Fighter games, but given how much i love that franchise it's not a difficult choice for me to rebuy them whenever a new and improved compilation of them comes out.

This.  Especially if they are on more convenient systems like the Switch.  I’ll keep buying Mega Man comps til I die!

I see you are a "Mega"-man of culture as well.


i will say though newer aint always better in say shadow of the collosus while the grapics are impressive.

On the original ps2 version The lighting and increased mist gave it a way better atmosphere. so ironicly the system limitations gave it a better experience for me. In some odd cases less is more depending on personal taste.

It's not the only case obviously like say the n64 zelda games losing that great dark atmosphere compared to the original thanks to the brigness problems. It's more forgivable there considering that where talking n64 grapics but still. why not have improved grapics and the dark atmosphere like the originals.

« Last Edit: January 24, 2020, 05:32:52 am by sworddude »
Your Stylish Sword Master!


I really like owning re-releases of games I enjoy. For me, it works like this: If I already own the game in an older console, I will buy the re-release and keep both editions, if I don't own it yet, I'll usually purchase the new version and stop searching actively for the original release (but I'll still get it if I happen to find it for cheap). The same goes for games re-released in compilation discs or mini consoles.

I’ll usually pick em up. Recently bought Onimusha for Xbox One.
I made the mistake of getting Baldurs Gate I and II though. I was expecting the Dark Alliance PS2 version and not the PC game.

I’ll usually pick em up. Recently bought Onimusha for Xbox One.
I made the mistake of getting Baldurs Gate I and II though. I was expecting the Dark Alliance PS2 version and not the PC game.

You still got two of the best RPGs ever made, though!