Nowadays, I can't stand that place. I don't know what it is, but almost every sub-reddit community I've tried to engage with is super toxic. To me it seems like the people are on there just looking to troll, or flame any post. On Reddit it's absolute herd mentality required, or you become a target rampant abuse and down-voting (which effects the karma score they give your account). This is even the case in a lot of the gaming sub-reddits there. It's like you can't post anything without someone doing some kind of mental gymnastic so that they can flame you, and it's usually some snob who's time is much too valuable to "explain" to you why you're wrong about something, and apparently a moron to boot.
I just freakin' hate the place. Which is sad, because I use to love it. Then it got super mainstream and it changed. It's a far cry from this tight-knit community here at VG Collect, where even though we may have differing opinions, we're still decent to everybody and keep the drama to a minimum. Reddit would never be able to replace small communities like this.
Do you have any experience with Reddit? Do you like it, or dislike it?