Neither really, I had a small group of friends who pretty much liked the same things in school. Video games, Magic the Gathering, Collecting figures, etc.
We kept to ourselves and nobody picked on us because we had some hard asses in our group. We weren't the bookworm nerdy type of kids either, decent at sports, I was good in swimming and was on the swim team. Just in our own world really, couldn't care less what the other kids were into, we'd hang out at arcades and play games and talk about them in school. If there was anything to label us it would definitely be Outsiders because we just stuck to our own group.
Was really fun to be honest, nobody bothered us and we didn't bother people. Only one time I remember some kids from another school tried to bother and pick a fight with us, but they backed away fast because as I mentioned, our group had some hard asses.