Author Topic: Do You Have A Hard Time Picking A Game To Play?  (Read 4960 times)

Do You Have A Hard Time Picking A Game To Play?
« on: February 06, 2020, 01:37:02 am »
Yes, it's hard for me to dive into a video game I never played before, normally figuring out how to play a game I know nothing about is cumbersome for me. A relative of mine suggested closing my eyes and picking out a game. I always seem to encounter a game that has some difficult to seeming impossible to beat level. that just puts me in a bad mood and makes me sick.

I almost hate video games that require a walk through, or a hidden puzzle that has 10's to 100's of combinations to go through and or platforming section that forces you to guess.

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Re: Do You Have A Hard Time Picking A Game To Play?
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2020, 01:45:23 am »
Sometimes yes.

I get in the mood sometimes to play specific games or genres and that's when it becomes easy. Other times I know I want to play a video game, but have no idea which one. When that happens I usually wander around my game room looking at the shelves until something pops out at me. Sometimes this process can take around an hour, and of me looking that the same shelf 3 or 4 times before I realize what I want to play.

Re: Do You Have A Hard Time Picking A Game To Play?
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2020, 01:47:52 am »
Mostly when I have other games I'm way more excited for coming up.  Like I feel like everything is on hold for Resident Evil 3 and Final Fantasy 7 coming up, though there is at least Ori and Doom Eternal next month.  Usually just takes a bit to then find something to keep myself occupied as I do have abit of a backlog, but not a particularly huge one and of games that I'm dying to play.

Re: Do You Have A Hard Time Picking A Game To Play?
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2020, 03:15:43 am »
I often have this problem.

I get the rush of finishing something and then a strange reluctance to start something new.

I am one of those people who can't play more than one game at a time, and I think it takes me a moment to let go of the last game.

As soon as I have started the next game, I get a slight sense of relief that I am back into the groove and move on.

Weird! :-\
« Last Edit: February 06, 2020, 05:11:30 am by zenrhino »


Re: Do You Have A Hard Time Picking A Game To Play?
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2020, 08:01:29 am »
Often times, yes.

After I finish a long RPG, a part of me wants to start another one. But, then I think I need a break from the genre. So, I'm trying to figure out which genre to play. Then I need to figure out what game in said genre.


Re: Do You Have A Hard Time Picking A Game To Play?
« Reply #5 on: February 06, 2020, 08:15:49 am »
No, not really. It's usually the other way around; sometimes I have a hard time moving to another game because I want to 100% the one I'm currently playing. Granted, it often times doesn't take me long to do so, but there are moments I wish I didn't have a "completionist" mindset so that I could move on to a newer game once I'm done.

I am one of those people who can't play more than one game at a time, and I think it takes me a moment to let go of the last game.

Yeah, I'm the same. Not that I can't handle multiple games at a time, but I'd rather focus on one, not only to appreciate it more, but because it also helps to finish it quicker in the event I'm trying to go for 100% completion.

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Re: Do You Have A Hard Time Picking A Game To Play?
« Reply #6 on: February 06, 2020, 08:41:10 am »
Almost exclusively.

Re: Do You Have A Hard Time Picking A Game To Play?
« Reply #7 on: February 06, 2020, 10:34:46 am »
Often yes- usually when coming off of playing a longer game. It's like the specific title works its way into my routine, and playing something else feels odd. To the point that I may bounce around a couple titles until something catches my imagination & I settle in.

Many years ago, when my collection was much smaller, I wrote down the name of all the games I hadn't beaten on lil' paper slips, which I kept in an old drawstring bag. I'd finish a game & a draw a new title from the bag. I had to give that up after a few months becuase it was taking away the enthusiasm tied to playing a game & making it more like a chore.

I learned something very important back then- it's perfectly OK to not play anything for a lil' while. No need to burn yourself out trying to complete titles you don't even feel like messing around it at that moment.


Re: Do You Have A Hard Time Picking A Game To Play?
« Reply #8 on: February 06, 2020, 03:01:30 pm »
I always did, and still do now. It's difficult because most of my games are unbeaten and a significant are unplayed, so instead of thinking "I fancy playing.." it's "OK, let's find another one to try..".

It helps clear the backlog bit by bit, but with my gaming time so restricted ATM I begrudge trogging through games with irritating foibles or giving sub-standard ones any leeway.


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Re: Do You Have A Hard Time Picking A Game To Play?
« Reply #9 on: February 06, 2020, 06:15:39 pm »
Yep all the time then ill end up looking for somthing to play for hours until it's to late to start playing.


Re: Do You Have A Hard Time Picking A Game To Play?
« Reply #10 on: February 06, 2020, 08:03:56 pm »
I don't. I'm up for about anything, but the problem is sticking with it and seeing it through. All the games I start to play are fine, but I just stop playing them for no apparent reason. Life just happens, and my attention diverges.

Re: Do You Have A Hard Time Picking A Game To Play?
« Reply #11 on: February 06, 2020, 08:21:28 pm »
  Good topic. I do have a hard time picking a game. In fact sometimes it gets ridiculous to the point I've spent near an hour trying to decide what to play. I remember when I first moved to where I am now. I didn't have access to any internet service for the first two years. That made it much easier to decide what to play. There didn't used to be too many options and that allowed me to really get immersed in a game.   

Actually I kind of miss that. Now though between having started to collect different consoles and games. As well as digital downloads. There are so many options I get overwhelmed and kind of freeze up. So farewell to the days of renting a game on Friday night and just being stuck with it until Sunday. Welcome to pretty much throwing a dart at a library of games at home and hoping for the best.


Re: Do You Have A Hard Time Picking A Game To Play?
« Reply #12 on: February 07, 2020, 12:57:46 am »
I have to admit that I literally spend more time looking at my collection and thinking about what should I play than actually playing the games I own (and even when I do, I usually end up choosing something I've already played for decades... haha).


Re: Do You Have A Hard Time Picking A Game To Play?
« Reply #13 on: February 07, 2020, 07:51:47 am »
I used to have a hard time at this when I wasn't participating in the 52 game challenge.  I have a "roadmap" now so I know exactly what to play which helps me because I am usually indecisive.
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Re: Do You Have A Hard Time Picking A Game To Play?
« Reply #14 on: February 07, 2020, 03:09:53 pm »
Yes, and it becomes debilitating. My game time is so limited due to work, family, and other commitments that I know I have to choose wisely because I only have so many more gaming hours in my lifetime. So there are online games I missed out on because I never got around to them, there are games that have been spoiled because I waited to long to play them (plot points revealed to me), and I have wasted my time on so many crappy games that I stopped playing halfway through.

I just sit in my room looking at the systems as they taunt me.
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